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Firm Profitability:
Mean-Reverting or Random-Walk Behavior?
Giorgio Canarella
California State University, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90032
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 89154-6005
Stephen M. Miller*
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 89154-6005
Mahmoud M. Nourayi
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Abstract: We analyze the stochastic properties of three measures of profitability, return on
assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and return on investment (ROI), using a balanced panel of
US firms during the period 2001-2010. We employ a panel unit-root approach, which assists in
identifying competitive outcomes versus situations that require regulatory intervention to achieve
more competitive outcomes. Based upon conventional panel unit-root tests, we find substantial
evidence supporting mean-reversion, which, in turn, lends support to the long-standing
“competitive environment” hypothesis originally set forward by Mueller (1976). These results,
however, prove contaminated by the assumption of cross-sectional independence. After
controlling for cross-sectional dependence, we find that profitability persists indefinitely across
some sectors in the US economy. These sectors experience extremely slow, or non-existent,
Key words: Cross-sectional dependence, unit roots, panel data, hysteresis, firm profitability
JEL codes: C23, D22, L25
* Corresponding author.
1. Introduction
Theoretical microeconomic models use a representative firm to describe an industry, assuming
firm homogeneity. Empirical evidence, however, facilitated by the more-recent availability of
firm-level data, shows that firms exhibit heterogeneity, even for a narrowly defined industry.
That is, industries display substantial and persistent differences in productivity (Nelson and
Winter, 1982), innovation (Griliches, 1986), skill compositions and wages (Haltiwanger et al.,
12007), profitability (Mueller, 1977, 1986), and so on.
The extent of profit persistence, in particular, remains an open question in empirical
micro-econometrics. That is, important issues relate to the stochastic behavior of firm profits. Do
firm profits exhibit mean-reverting or random-walk behavior? If firm profits are mean-reverting
(i.e., stationary process), then shocks that affect the series prove transitory, implying that profits
2eventually return to their equilibrium level. Researchers call the mean-reversion (stationarity) of
3profit as the “competitive environment” hypothesis (Mueller, 1986). The “competitive
The coexistence of persistent differences in these variables may not be coincidental. The persistence of differences
in productivity, skills, wages, and profits may reflect a common source. That is, productive firms employ skilled
workers and pay high wages (e.g., Haltiwanger et al., 1999). In addition, worker skills positively correlate with the
market value of the firm (Abowd et al., 2005). As suggested by Haltiwanger et al. (2007), the assignment model
provides a potential explanation for the coexistence of persistent differences in several variables. If a quasi-fixed
firm-specific resource and workers skills complement each other, a firm endowed with large resources may
willingly pay high wages to attract skilled workers. Such a firm achieves high productivity and earns large profits.
2 Marshall thought that this assumption did not hold in actual market processes. Using the shock to the supply of
cotton during the American Civil War as an example, he argued that “. . . if the normal production of a commodity
increases and afterwards diminishes to its old amount, the demand price and the supply price are not likely to return,
as the pure theory assumes that they will, to their old positions for that amount” (Marshall, 1890, 426).
Essentially two distinct views exist at the core of the “competitive environment” hypothesis, static and dynamic
views of competition (Gschwandtner, forthcoming). The static view’s long history in empirical economics begins
with the seminal analysis of Bain (1951, 1956) and extends through the work of Schwartzman (1959), Levinson
(1960), Fuchs (1961), Weiss (1963), Comanor and Wilson (1967), Collins and Preston (1969), and Kamerschen
(1969), among others. In the static view, persistent differences across firms reflect the characteristics of the industry,
such as industry concentration and industry elasticity of demand. Profits persist because significant barriers to entry
exist. Conversely, the dynamic view, which links to the work of Schumpeter (1934, 1950), focuses on the
characteristics of the firms, in particular their innovative capacities. Innovations create monopoly power. Firms
benefit from their “first mover” advantages (e.g., Spence, 1981; Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988) and increase
their market power over time. In theory, entry and the threat of entry eliminates such abnormally high profits, while
firms that make abnormally low profits restructure or exit the industry. Although the process of “creative
environment” hypothesis characterizes the dynamics of firm profits as a stationary, mean-
reverting, stochastic process. The existing literature on profit persistence generally follows the
mean-reverting view of firm profits. Conversely, if firm profits exhibit random-walk or
hysteretic behavior (i.e., profits evolve as a unit-root, non-stationary, integrated process), shocks
affecting the series exhibit permanent effects, shifting equilibrium profit from one level to
A unit-root process imposes no bounds on firm profits. If firm profits really conform to
random-walk processes, then firm profits are also non-predictable. This, in turn, suggests, from an
antitrust and regulatory perspective, that policy recommendations based on profitability may
prove advisable, as current profitability no longer is a transitory phenomenon and competition
fails to control the adjustment or mean-reversion of firm profits toward some long-run
equilibrium value. Thus, evidence on the stochastic properties of profitability can assist in
differentiating between instances of a competitive environment, and instances which may require
regulatory intervention to achieve a competitive environment.
Evidence on the stochastic properties of profitability also possesses well-defined
implications for econometric modeling and forecasting. Failure to reject the unit-root hypothesis
potentially implies that profitability exhibits a long-run cointegrating relationship with other
firm-level data, while rejecting the unit-root hypothesis implies that profitability exhibits only a
short-term relationship with other corporate series. Rejecting or not rejecting the unit-root
hypothesis, in turn, profoundly affects the forecasting process, since forecasting based on a
mean-reverting process proves quite different from forecasting based on a random walk process.
Tippett (1990) models financial ratios in terms of stochastic processes, and Tippett and
destruction” should drive all firms' economic profits toward zero, the “first-mover” advantages and other entry and
exit barriers may impede firms reaching this point. Therefore, the dynamic view is consistent with non-zero
economic profits at different points in time.
Whittington (1995) and Whittington and Tippett (1999) report empirical evidence that the
majority of financial ratios exhibit random-walk behavior. Siddique and Sweeney (2000) present
panel evidence that the return on equity (ROE) and return on investment (ROI) are integrated,
I(1), processes. The ROE provides a crucial component to the Edwards-Bell-Ohlson (Ohlson,
1995) accounting valuation model; the ROI proves a crucial variable in the Free-Cash-Flow
(FCF) finance valuation model. These models typically assume that ROE and ROI are mean-
reverting, stationary, stochastic processes (Dechow, et al. 1999) because if competition
eliminates economic profits over time, these financial ratios must revert to their required rates of
Profit hysteresis should not be confused with profit persistence. Profit persistence entails
a slow process of adjustment to the equilibrium level, while profit hysteresis implies that firm
profits may deviate from their normal level and never return to it. Thus, hysteresis implies that
firm profits exhibit a unit root, while persistence suggests that firm profits exhibit a near unit
The methodology typically applied to analyze persistence of firm profits uses a firm-level
5first-order autoregressive model. Since the seminal contributions of Mueller (1977, 1986), many
others, such as Geroski and Jacquemin (1988), Schwalbach, et al. (1989), Cubbin and Geroski
(1990), Mueller (1990), Jenny and Weber (1990), Odagiri and Yamawaki (1986, 1990), Schohl
(1990), Khemani and Shapiro (1990), Waring (1996), and Glen, et al. (2001), find evidence of
persistence of firm profits. Lipczinsky and Wi