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CTDJ FAM 204E (2011-10-21)
par Isabelle Chénard
eGroupe guardianship (2 partie)
amicus curiae
custodial guardian
custodial guardianship
de facto guardian
de facto guardianship
de jure guardian e guardianship
friend of the court
guardian ad litem an by statute
guardianship ad litem anship by statute
lawful guardian guardianship
legal guardian
litigation guardian
litigation guardianship
next friend
non-custodial guardian
statutory guardian
statutory guardianship
reLe présent document fait suite au dossier CTDJ FAM 203 groupe guardianship (1 partie). Dans
ce dernier dossier, le Comité a recommandé les équivalents « tuteur, tutrice » et « tutelle » pour
rendre les termes guardian et guardianship, respectivement.
Les termes custodial guardian, custodial guardianship, non-custodial guardian et non-
custodial guardianship seront traités dans le dossier portant sur le groupe custody.
lawful guardian, lawful guardianship, legal guardian, legal guardianship, guardian by statute,
statutory guardian, guardianship by statute, statutory guardianship
Sauf pour statutory guardian, et legal guardian ci-dessous, les termes susmentionnés ne sont pas
définis dans les dictionnaires consultés. Par contre, certaines lois et décisions judiciaires nous
fournissent suffisamment d’éléments d’information et de contextes définitoires pour nous
permettre de cerner ces notions.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, à http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_guardian, offre la
définition suivante de legal guardian :
A legal guardian is a person who has the legal authority (and the corresponding duty) to care for
the personal and property interests of another person, called a ward. Usually, a person has the
status of guardian because the ward is incapable of caring for his or her own interests due to
infancy, incapacity, or disability. Most countries and states have laws that provide that the parents
of a minor child are the legal guardians of that child, and that the parents can designate who shall
become the child's legal guardian in the event of death.
La décision B. (B) v. D. (L.), 2002 ABQB 429 indique clairement que le parent est le legal
guardian de son enfant :
A parent, unless a Court revokes it, is a legal guardian to the child.
Le passage suivant, parlant du legal guardianship, confirme ces propos :
Legal guardianship of the child rests with the parents by nature and nurture.
Et plus loin :
In deciding whether to transfer legal guardianship to the Children's Aid Society or the Crown, the
Court must be guided by "the best interests of the child" as statutorily defined. (document sans
titre, www.uottawa.ca/constitutional-law/...files/Chp%202%20text.DOC)
Dans la décision Re A.A.E.D., 2006 ABPC 180, la cour confirme la legal guardianship des
parents biologiques :
2 [11] It is important to reiterate that even in situations where children have never lived with
either of their biological parents because of the intervention of the state, these parents still
maintain their legal guardianship status although this type of guardianship is, in a sense, an
inchoate bundle of rights that may not fully vest until the child comes into the actual care of one
or both of them. [Je souligne.]
La décision J.S. v. R.W., 2008 ABQB 358 utilise les termes legal guardian et lawful guardian
comme des synonymes :
The Alberta Court of Appeal held in W.D. v. G.P. reflex, (1984), 54 A.R. 161 at para. 14 (C.A.)
[W.D.], and reaffirmed in Bowes v. Gauvin, 2001 ABCA 206 (CanLII), 2001 ABCA 206, 286
A.R. 395 at para. 9 [Bowes], that in the case of competition between a legal guardian and a legal
stranger, the Court cannot “wrest custody from the lawful guardian of the child without first
demonstrating that the lawful guardian has either abandoned or neglected the child, or without
offering other commanding reasons.” The appropriate test to apply in such a situation is the
“fitness test” (W.D. at para. 14; Bowes at para. 9). In contrast, the “best interests of the child” rule
applies in a contest between two recognized guardians. [Je souligne.]
Voir également le jugement M.J.C. v. H.G., 1998 ABQB 67 citant la décision R. B. F. v. K. G.
(1993), 147 A.R. 376 (Alta. Prov. Ct.), qui utilise lawful guardian dans le même sens que legal
guardian (page 381) :
(A)bsent a declaration of parentage under Part 8 of the Domestic Relations Act, or an order
appointing him to be a lawful guardian, the biological father is not, per se, any longer a parent.
[Je souligne.]
Dans la décision Alberta (Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, Director) v. T.A.D., 2010
ABPC 304, la mère est le lawful guardian :
Accordingly, in light of the consent of the only remaining lawful guardian of J.D., namely his
mother, T.A.D. [Je souligne.]
Le terme lawful guardianship se trouve en contexte dans la décision Alexander v. Maxime, 1995
CanLII 3439 (BC C.A.) :
The Spallumcheen Band are the lawful guardians of this child. They have determined that it is in the
best interests of the child that he be returned to his mother. If Mrs. Maxime, the grandmother, who
has de facto custody at the present time, decides or with the father, Louis Maxime, decide that they
wish to seek lawful custody of the child, they are at liberty to apply and seek custody. In the
meantime, however, the Band, who have lawful guardianship, have determined that it is in his best
interests the child be returned and therefore I am prepared to order that the child be returned to his
mother at Enderby so he can attend school in Enderby with his brother and sister. [Je souligne.]
Le terme lawful a le sens de « permis par la loi, conforme à la loi ». Voir les définitions qui
suivent :
« Not contrary to law; permitted by law <the police officer conducted a lawful search of the
epremises>. See LEGAL. » (Black’s Law Dictionary, 8 éd., 2004)
3 « 1. Authorized by law […] 2. Not in contravention of any law. 3. Legal. (Pocket Dictionary of
eCanadian Law, 3 éd., 2002)
Les dictionnaires juridiques attribuent au qualificatif legal un sens très proche de celui de
lawful :
1. Of or relating to law; falling within the province of law <pro bono legal services>. 2.
Established, required or permitted by law; LAWFUL <it is legal to carry a concealed handgun in
esome states>. 3. Of or relating to law as opposed to equity. (Black’s Law Dictionary, 8 éd., 2004)
1. According to law, lawful. 2. Not in contravention of any law. 3. Relating to the law or lawyers.
e(Pocket Dictionary of Canadian Law, 3 éd., 2002)
Les définitions et contextes susmentionnés m’amènent à traiter legal guardian/guardianship et
lawful guardian/guardianship comme des synonymes.
Le terme legal guardian peut aussi désigner le guardian qui est expressément nommé ou
reconnu par la loi. La Public Schools Act, C.C.S.M. c. P250, par. 1(1) donne la définition
suivante :
"legal guardian" means a person appointed or recognized as the guardian of a child under The
Child and Family Services Act or The Court of Queen's Bench Surrogate Practice Act;
Selon ladite Child and Family Services Act, C.C.S.M. c. C80, le guardian est la personne autre
que le parent qui est nommée tutrice à la personne de l’enfant par le tribunal ou en faveur de qui
il y a eu renonciation à la tutelle. Voir le par. 1(1) :
"guardian" means a person other than a parent of a child who has been appointed guardian of the
person of the child by a court of competent jurisdiction or to whom guardianship has been
surrendered under section 16;
Cet autre sens de legal se trouve dans les dictionnaires de langue anglaise consultés.
eAinsi l’Oxford Canadian Dictionary (2 éd., Oxford University Press, 2006) donne les
définitions suivantes :
1 of or based on law; concerned with law; failing within the province of law. 2 appointed or
required by law. 3 permitted by law, lawful.
Et le Merriam-Webster en ligne (http://www.merriam-webster.com/), les définitions suivantes :
1 : of or relating to law
2 a : deriving authority from or founded on law : de jure
b : having a formal status derived from law often without a basis in actual fact : titular <a
corporation is a legal but not a real person>
4 c : established by law; especially : statutory
3: conforming to or permitted by law or established rules
4 : recognized or made effective by a court of law as distinguished from a court of equity
5 : of, relating to, or having the