Carrefour stimulates innovation through close collaboration with its partners Asco: RFID for asset management within a complex industrial environment 2011 NR9 NoRTHERN EURoPE
and NetworkSecurityMarketsandwillofferitsentiregamutofproductsand
servicesthroughthis JVorBusinessassociation.
Substantial investments in personal and technical services already madeSuccessful track record in its area of FocusWell knit, homogeneous team of
Professionals with an enviable Track record.Well committed and passionate about their workNotdependent on a single revenue Stream.(Cisco /Solaris /MCSE /Firewalls training) andNetwork security solutions & consultancyWell reputed Brand name
Limited reach in unrepresented areas
OPPORTUNITIESTHREATSCapitalize on the rapidly growing If operations are not started, there is a Networking/Network Security /WAN threat of losing the inherent edge in solutions and High end training boom by terms of being futuristic in Technologyproviding optimum training and solutions in unrepresented areas.Can seek strategic local /global Tieup Adelay inentering unrepresented areas with equity if required with a larger player aggressively will make the task of with similar vision.creating a brand and increasing market presence more difficult in futureTime to start operations is immediate
1. CiscoCertifiedNetworkAssociate(CCNA)
2.Cisco Certified Network Professional(CCNP)
3.Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE)
4.Sun Solaris Administration (SA 1, SA2 & NA)
5.RHCE Linux Administration
6.Network and Internet Security (check point/ Cisco Pix)