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Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Volume 5 Number 1 2010


© István SZALAY
(University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary)

The pure approach of mathematical studies for example a theorem in
itself, is not especially interesting for pupils. The holistic approach of
mathematics in more studies seems to be interesting. Considering the
mathematical methods used in other areas, we can find different
possibilities for mathematical applications already in the primary (or
secondary) school.

Keywords: Mathematical methods used in language, history,
geography, astronomy and mathematics in itself

The aims of holistic approach in the teaching of Mathematics are:
- To show the usefulness of Mathematics. (Mathematics in itself is not
interesting for everybody.)
- Understandable mathematical applications,
- Mathematical methods used in other areas:

Language: Let us consider the proverb „Early bird catches the worm.”
The first task is to elaborate the exact meaning of this sentence,” The bird is
early and it catches the the worm.” or „If the bird is early then it catches the
worm.” The genuelly exiting problem is the negation of the proverb. Pupils
give a wide range of answers. Which is the correct one?
History: Comparing the hierographical number system with the signs of
numbers used in Mesopotamia in Ancient Times, the question is: Which is
the better system? Why?
Fine arts: What does the notion „gold section” mean?
Music: How the sound scale „c,d,e,f,g,a,h, (upper)c” constructed in about
the century 6th B.C.?
Geography: Measurement of the earth’s circumference in the century 3th
Astronomy: Measurement of the moon’s diameter in the century 3th B.C.
Mathematics in itself: Our calculator with 10 characters, says that
= 3,141592265 , but we know, that this is an approximate result, only.
Using the same calculator let us give the 11th character, too!
Problems and questions mentioned above are in connecting with
mathematical logic, numerical basic – operations (addition, multiplication,
power), geometry, fractions and simple computations, respectively.

Mathematics in Language

Both Language and Mathematics are special expressions of human thinking.
Language is wider and richer, Mathematics is narrow but more precise. We
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SZALAY, I.: Holistic Approach to the Teaching of Mathematics, p. 49-64.

demonstrate it by the following example. Considering the proverb „Early
bird catches the worm.” we set up the problem of its precise negation. In
general we get three variants of answers:
I. variant: Late bird catches no worm.
II. variant: Late bird catches the worm.
III. variant: Early bird catches no worm.

Mathematics accepts only one answer from among the above. Which one
is it?

Let us begin the precise meaning of the proverb „Early bird catches the
worm.” ! We can choose between two versions:
- First version: The bird is early and it catches the worm.
- Second version: If the bird is early then it catches the worm.
We assume that the second version is chosen (by the majority of pupils).

In the next we give a mathematical forms of sentences and connectives.
- Judgement „The bird is early.” is denoted by „p”.
- Judgement „It catches the worm.” is denoted by „q”.
- Connective „and” is denoted by .
- Connectives „If….then” is denoted by ⇒ .

Connectives are mathematical operations between judgemens. So,
- First version: p q (Conjunction.)
- Second version: p⇒ q (Implication.)
Both judgemens p and q have two possibilities: either true (denoted by
„t”) or false (denoted by „f”). So, for the conjunction and implication we
have, respectively:

p q p q
t t t
t f f
f t f
f f f

p q p⇒ q
t t t
t f f .
f t t
f f t
The negation is denoted by „ ”, that is
p p
t f .
f t
Using our assumption the (mathematically precise) negation of „Early
bird catches the worm.” is
(p⇒ q).
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Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Volume 5 Number 1 2010

Considerings the variants and versions mentioned above, we may have
six cases:
Case 1. p q (The bird is late and it does not catch any worm . See
I. variant.)
Case 2. p q (The bird is late and it catches the worm. See II.
Case 3. p q (The bird is early and it does not catch any worm. See
III. variant.)
Case 4. p⇒ q (If the bird is late then it does not catch any worm .)
Case 5. p⇒ q (If the bird is late then it catches the worm.)
Case 6. p⇒ q (If the bird is early then it does not catch any worm.)

Among 1-6. are there any cases having the same meaning? This question
seems to be complicated. We already need the mathematical methods. First
af all we devise the description of the precise negation (p⇒ q).
p q (p⇒ q)
t t f
t f t
f t f
f f f
The correct cases have this description, exactly. Let us see the
descriptions of Cases 1-6!
Ad Case 1.
p q p q p q
t t f f f
t f f t f (Error!)
f t
f f
Ad Case 2.

p q p p q
t t f f
t f f f (Error!)
f t
f f
Ad Case 3.
p q q p q
t t f f
t f t t

f t f f
f f t f

51 Ø
SZALAY, I.: Holistic Approach to the Teaching of Mathematics, p. 49-64.

Ad Case 4.
p q p q p⇒ q
t t f f t (Error!)
t f
f t
f f
Ad Case 5.

p q p p⇒ q
t t f t (Error!)
t f
f t
f f
Ad Case 6.
p q q p⇒ q
t t f f
t f t t

f t f t(Error!)
f f
Hence, we can see that the Case 3. (III. variant) is correct, alone.

Mathematics in History

Historia est magistra vitae. (History is the master of life.) To follow the way
of history is very fruitful at school, too. For example to show the
development of concept of number is very useful through ancient egyptian

Ancient Egypitian Hieroglyphs for Natural Numbers:
stroke, hobble for cattle, coil of rope, lotus plant, finger, frog, man

52 Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Volume 5 Number 1 2010

The Maya’s numners

The Babylonian numbers

53 SZALAY, I.: Holistic Approach to the Teaching of Mathematics, p. 49-64.

The Egyptyans had a decimal system using seven different symbols. The
conventions for reading and writing numbers is simple: the higher numbers
is always written in front of the lower number and where there is more than
one row of numbers the reader should start at the top.


Among the Maya’s numbers we can find a shell. Its meaning is the zero.
The meaning of point • is one. The meaning of lying stroke --- is five. The
point means more if it stands in higher position:

Expressing 115639 by Maya Numbers
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Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Volume 5 Number 1 2010

In the system of babylonian numbers two symbols are used, merely. The
meaning of the symbol is one, but depending on the text-neighbourhood it
may be sixty, too, as the babylonian system is a sexagesimal sytem with
positional value. The meaning of the symbol is ten and the zero was
denoted by an empty place. For example we express 115639 by the
babylonian sytem

Expressing 115639 by Babylonian Numbers

Mathematics in Fine Arts

A common base of the classical architecture, sculpture and Renaissance
painting is the golden section, where a passage is divided into two parts as

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SZALAY, I.: Holistic Approach to the Teaching of Mathematics, p. 49-64.

Golden section

An application of golden section is demonstrated by the well known
painting of Leonardo Da Vinci, „Mona Lisa”.

Leonardo Da Vinci: Mona Lisa

1+ 5
The ratio 1,618 of golden section is aesthetically pleasing.
(See the position of eyes on the face of Mona Lisa.) For this reason it plays
an important role in the modern photography, too. With respect to
Mathematics, the number 5 is especially interesting, because it is an
irrational number. Now, we prove this fact. Using the indirect way we
56 ×
Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, Volume 5 Number 1 2010

assume, that 5 is a rational number, that is t

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