li!lli!i!,--'''^-^^il!!?'i!!l}l;i!iili'^i .)I^s^ndf .hBus TransportationIIINDEX TO VOLIMKl^f2^to December,JntiunrvIncMcGraw-Hill ('.ompany,^trm1 -ivtii.\\cnuc atTenth nirt>New York City. 1 >NmH.^for Use of IndexInstructionsocieties are indexed inindex is a not an other associations andessentially subject index, generalthe discussed. ShortTHISindex of titles. Articles a number of dif- in accordance withtreating only subj'ectunder tfieferent are indexed under each of them. of machine toolssubjects descriptions appear onlyand and are notWherever the article relates to trans-any particular heading "Repair shops equipment"or to matters to a indexedportation company applying particu- alphabetically.lar or a reference is state, geographicala choice of two or threeIn the if there isin subject index,are made under the name of theGroupings cityone most used has beenthe selected,keywords generallywhich the main office is located. state orCity, foreignBelow will be foundcross referencesstate or being supplied.affairs under the names of the orappear cityin the index to thisa list of the common usedkeywordsinvolved.foreign countryhas been subdivided for conveniencevolume. This listshown inReferences to the of associations allied into thirteen but theactivities groups, group headings,closelyin the index liketo the bus are under the do not unless,capital letters, appeartransportation industry givenin the smallnames of the various of also"Fares," ...