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Based on the novel "Birds" FINAL DRAFT 2nd Revision March 2, 1962.



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Nombre de lectures 7
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Langue English


Evan Hunter
Based on the novel "Birds" by
Daphne Du Maurier
FINAL DRAFT 2nd Revision March 2, 1962
Converted to PDF by ScreenTalk™ Online http://www.screentalk.org
FULL SHOT  GRANT STREET  SAN FRANCISCO  DAY It is midafternoon, and there is a tempo and pace to the people walking, the doorman HOOTING for taxicabs, the policemen directing traffic.
PAN SHOT  PEDESTRIANS waiting at street corner for light to change.
CLOSE SHOT  MAN at the end of line of pedestrians. He is looking up at the sky.
TWO SHOT  MAN AND WOMAN NEXT TO HIM as she follows his gaze upward.
LONG SHOT  THE SKY with hundreds of gulls in it, wheeling.
MED. SHOT  THE STREET CORNER as the light changes and people begin to cross. In the crowd walking the other way, a man turns to look up at the wheeling gulls in the sky overhead. The CAMERA LOCATES:
MED. SHOT  MELANIE DANIELS in the crowd of pedestrians, approaching Davidson's Pet Shop. She is a young woman in her midtwenties, sleekly groomed, exquisitely dressed, though hatless. She walks with the quick sureness of the city dweller, a purposefulness in her stride, a mischievous grin on her face. She continues toward the front door of a pet shop and enters.
INT. BIRD SHOP  MED. SHOT Melanie opens the door and comes through, still looking back toward the street and skywards. The proprietor, a MRS. MacGRUDER, comes toward her.
Final  2nd Revision March 2, 1962
MELANIE Hello, Mrs. MacGruder, have you ever seenso many gulls?
MRS. MACGRUDER Hello, Miss Daniels.
MELANIE What do you suppose it is?
Mrs. MacGruder takes a look out at the sky. A puppy is BARKING, o.s.
MRS. MACGRUDER (shaking her head) There must be a storm at sea. That can drive them inland, you know.
They are climbing the short flight of steps into the bird department now. The BARKING of the dog SEGUES into the clamor of innumerable birds, TWEETING, TWITTERING, CAWING as Melanie and Mrs. MacGruder go to the counter at the far end. There is a circular cage in the center of the room, and the walls are lined with wiremesh cages and smaller wooden cages so that the effect is one of being surrounded by birds, contained birds to be sure. The birds are quite beautiful, mostly exotic birds, small splashes of color behind the wire mesh cages, larger bursts of brilliant hue on the parrots and parakeets in the bigger cages. As they walk:
MRS. MACGRUDER I was hoping you'd be a little late, Miss Daniels. (apologetically) You see, he hasn't arrived yet.
MELANIE You said three o'clock.
MRS. MACGRUDER I know. Oh, I know. (she is more distressed now) I've been calling all morning. Oh, you have no idea. Miss Daniels, they're sodifficult to get, really they are. We get them from India, you know, when they're just little chicks, and then we have to....
Final  2nd Revision March 2, 1962
MELANIE Well, this one won't be a chick, will he? MRS. MACGRUDER Certainly not. Oh, no. Certainly not. This will be a full grown myna bird. Full grown. MELANIE And he'll talk? MRS. MACGRUDER Well, yes, he'll talk. Well, no, no. You'll have to teachhim to talk. MELANIE Yes.
MRS. MACGRUDER Yes. (pause) Oh my, I suppose I should call them again. They said three o'clock. (pause) Maybe it's the traffic. I'll call. Would you mind waiting? MELANIE (judiciously) I think maybe you'd better deliver him. Let me give you my address. (she begins taking off her gloves) MRS. MACGRUDER (producing pencil and pad) Oh. Oh, well, all right. As Melanie starts writing: MRS. MACGRUDER I'm surethey're on the way, though. Could I just call? MELANIE (with a resigned sigh) Well, all right, but.... She scurries out behind the counter and out of sight. Melanie finishes writing her address and stands impatiently by the counter. She taps her teeth with the pencil.
Final  2nd Revision March 2, 1962
MRS. MACGRUDER (O.S.) Hello, this is Betty MacGruder at Davidson's. (pause; accusingly) It's past three, you know. (pause) Well, how long do you think...? All right, would you check it please? Yes, I'll wait.
Melanie sighs. Leaving her gloves and purse on the counter, she begins wandering around the shop, still tapping her lips with the pencil. There is no menace in the birds surrounding her. They are active and beautiful as they dart behind the bars and mesh of their cages. Off screen, the puppy begins BARKING again as the front door opens. Melanie looks up.
as he closes the entrance door behind him and starts up the steps to the bird department. He is a handsome man, about twentynine or thirty, welldressed, and carrying a felt hat.
seeing him, and then turning away to bend before the cage of strawberry finches. She pokes the pencil through the mesh. The birds are startled into scarlet flight.
as they pass each other in the aisle. He gives a polite little nod, and she gives a polite little smile. But as he passes her, and unknown to her, he turns for a second look  and then vanishes behind the circular cage as he turns he corner.
looking at her watch as she wanders around the other side of the cage and then comes face to face with Mitch again.
MITCH I wonder if you could help me.
MITCH (deliberately, and with a touch of hauteur) I said I wonder if you could help me.
THE BIRDS Final  2nd Revision March 2, 1962
a trifle annoyed by his manner at first. She is about to inform him, if you please, that she is not Buta shopgirl. then something rebellious flashes in her eyes and an idea comes to her.
MELANIE (solicitously) Yes, what was it you were looking for, sir?
MITCH (deadpan) Lovebirds.
MELANIE Lovebirds, sir?
MITCH Yes. I understand there are different varieties, it that true?
MELANIE Well...yes, sir, there are.
MITCH These are for my sister...her birthday you see. As she'll be eleven and...well, frankly, I wouldn't want a pair of birds that were too demonstrative.
MELANIE I understand completely, sir. MITCH As the same time, I wouldn't want birds that were aloof, either. MELANIE (leading him around shop) No, of course not.
MITCH Do you have a pair that are just friendly?
MELANIE I think so, sir. (she looks around) Now then, let me see.
Final  2nd Revision March 2, 1962
MITCH (at the finches) Aren't these lovebirds? MELANIE No, sir, those are...redbirds. MITCH The sign says strawberry finches. MELANIE (airily) Yes, we call them that too. (she moves away) Ahhh, here we are, Lovebirds... (and stops before a cage of canaries) MITCH Those are canaries, Miss. (pause) Doesn't this make you feel awful? MELANIE (baffled) Doesn't whatmake me...? MITCH All these innocent little creatures caged up like this?
MELANIE Well, we can't just let them fly around the shop, you know. MITCH I suppose not. Is there an ornithological reason for keeping them in separate cages? MELANIE Oh, certainly. It's to protect the species. MITCH I imagine that's very important. Especially during the moulting season. MELANIE Yes, that's a particularly dangerous time.
Final 
2nd Revision March
MITCH Are they moulting now?
MELANIE Some of them are.
MITCH How can you tell?
MELANIE Well...they get a sort of hangdog expression.
The bird is wearing a distinctly hangdog expression.
MITCH Yes, I see. (pause) About those lovebirds, Miss....
MELANIE Are you sure you wouldn't like to see a canary instead? We have some very nice canaries this week.
MITCH All right. (he smiles)
She smiles back.
MITCH (he waits) All right, may I see one, please?
as she realizes she is expected to take one of the canaries out of the cage. She smiles feebly, glances toward the counter where she expects Mrs. MacGruder to reappear momentarily, and then takes a deep breath. She opens the door to the canary cage, and cautiously puts her hand into it.
MELANIE (feebly) Here, birdie. Here, birdie, birdie.
One of the canaries suddenly flutters out of the cage and into the room. Melanie leaps back, startled.
MELANIE Oh! Ohhhhh!
Final  2nd Revision March 2, 1962
FULL SHOT  THE BIRD DEPARTMENT as the canary flies frantically about the room, Melanie and Mitch in pursuit. Mrs. MacGruder appears at the counter, finally confronted with the chaos she's been expecting all day. MRS. MACGRUDER What is it? Oh! Oh my, one of the birds is loose! She joins in the chase around the room. The bird flutters up to the ceiling, and then lands on the counter and watches them suspiciously. MITCH Shhh! Shhhh! He tiptoes up to the bird, hat in hand. Quickly, he covers the bird with his hat, then reaches under to grab it.
CLOSE SHOT  MITCH the canary in his hand. MELANIE There we are! MRS. MACGRUDER Oh, good! Oh, wonderful.
FULL SHOT  THE BIRD DEPARTMENT as Mitch carries the canary back to the cage. He opens the door. MITCH (putting the canary in) Back into your gilded cage, Melanie Daniels.
MELANIE What did you say?
TWO SHOT  MELANIE AND MITCH MITCH (savoring this) I was merely drawing a parallel, Miss Daniels.
Final  2nd Revision
March 2, 1962
MELANIE But how...how do you know my name?
MITCH (secretly) A little birdie told me. (he smiles politely) Good day, Miss Daniels. (he bows to Mrs. MacGruder) Madam. (he starts out)
MELANIE Hey, wait a minute!
She goes after him. Mitch turns, stops, smiles, enjoying her bafflement immensely. Melanie studies him. Then:
MELANIE I don't know you.
MITCH Ahhh, but Iknow you.
MITCH We met in court.
MELANIE We never met in court or anyplace else.
MITCH That's true. I'll rephrase it. I sawyou in court.
MITCH Do you remember one of your practical jokes that resulted in the smashing of a plate glass window?
MELANIE I didn't break that window!
MITCH No, but your little prank did. The judge should have put you behind bars!
MELANIE What are you? A policeman?
Final  2nd Revision March 2,
MITCH I simply believe in the law, Miss Daniels, and I'm not too keen on practical jokers. MELANIE What do you call your lovebirdstory if not a practical.... MITCH Ahhh, but I really do want those birds. MELANIE You knewI didn't work here. You deliberately.... MITCH Right. I recognized you when I came in. I thought you might like to know what it felt like to be on the other end of a gag. What do you think of that, Miss Daniels? MELANIE I think you're a louse. MITCH I am. (he tips his hat) Good day. (to Mrs. MacGruder) Madam. (and he goes down the steps) MELANIE And I'm glad you didn't get your lovebirds! MITCH (breezily, as he goes out) I'll find something else. (he gives a slight bow) See you in court some day. The door closes. The puppy begins BARKING. MELANIE (angrily) That...that...who was that? MRS. MACGRUDER I have no idea.
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