RULES The picture should be true to the original view. Reframing is only accep-ted within the limits of 20% of the photo surface. The modification must ORGANIZATION limit itself only to the cleaning of dusts and to the global improvement of Within the framework of the 22nd Bird and Nature Festival, which will be held from the picture (balance of whites, color level, brightness and contrast...). No April 21 to 29, 2012, an international wildbird photo competition is organized. partial treatment. Emphasis and increase of the saturation have to remain This competition is open to everybody, amateur and professional photographers, moderate.whatever the age or nationality. The Festival’s team and the jury members are not allowed to join in. ENTRY DEADLINEThe photographs must be submitted on line before December 1st ,2011 at 2012 CATEGORIES OF COMPETITION midnight. 5 categories are defined : To avoid technical problems, we deeply recommend you not to wait until the A : Bird and flora B : Bird and water last minute.C : Bird in the city D : Bird and family lifeJURYE : Artistic vision of bird (black and white accepted)THE PRESELECTIONThe preselection will be made in December 2011 by the Festival team, photo-Will be refused : Photos of captive birds, pets, raised animals or of farm, images graphers, ornithologists and naturalists.