An index of differential diagnosis of main symptoms








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;CGPresented to theLIBRARY theofOF TORONTOUNIVERSITY'byProfessorS. D. T. Eobertson•-"^'.:-Y-:h^-iK^^^*v:-*ttt- V-S. '_, ,,,,V -J.;-;.#.V- .'•, .'V-;;Lt ti3'.-"'r.„p.#-<'.f'<|iS^?:^:-k.:€.?»r:^--tanAX INDl^X ()!•DIll^^KRI^Nl'lAL DIAC.XOSISOF ?sl.\l\ SYMPTOMSFirst March i:il:.Etlltiiiii,Oclulur 101:.: ami SriAeiiibrr VJl:.n.-iuuil.-il1UI7.Srroud Iii't:isetl ami MardtEiHtinn, Enhnyrd,Octnlirr ini:Third with additiunul Jlltislrnti':)ix.Edition,AN INDEX OFDIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSISOF MAIN SYMPTOMSBY VARIOUS WRITERSHERBERT M.l). Oxon.. F.R.C.P. Loiui.FRENCH. M.A.,arid iicturer. li> & Co.litlT^,:/- 'J^•' - VJOHN" WniUHT AM) SONS LTD..nilNTFHS ANh flliUSHKHS, INCLAM)BRISTOL,NOTE TO TI[I' TFIIKT) EDITION.TuF. rxlKiii^tiuii nf tin- second ((liliiiii called I'lir an innnediate re-issue.earlylias hciai taken i>( this fact to introduce a fewAd\antaL;c more colonrcd liuurcs111' c-ises which it was t'ound to in time I'or- the secondiinpussihlc edition,coiiiplctcand to some of tlic black and white illustrations hv Ix-ttci-replace cxaniplcs.These alterations, and the introduction ...
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& Co.litlT^,:/- 'J^•' - VJOHN" WniUHT AM) SONS LTD..nilNTFHS ANh flliUSHKHS, INCLAM)BRISTOL,NOTE TO TI[I' TFIIKT) EDITION.TuF. rxlKiii^tiuii nf tin- second ((liliiiii called I'lir an innnediate re-issue.earlylias hciai taken i>( this fact to introduce a fewAd\antaL;c more colonrcd liuurcs111' c-ises which it was t'ound to in time I'or- the secondiinpussihlc edition,coiiiplctcand to some of tlic black and white illustrations hv Ix-ttci-replace cxaniplcs.These alterations, and the introduction ..." />
;CG Presented to the LIBRARY theof OF TORONTOUNIVERSITY' by Professor S. D. T. Eobertson • -"^'. :-Y-:h^-iK^^ ^*v:-*ttt- V-S. '_, ,,,, V -J.;-;.#. V- .'•, .'V-;;Lt ti3' .-"'r.„p .# -<' .f'<|i S^?:^:- k.:€.?»r: ^- - tan AX INDl^X ()!• DIll^^KRI^Nl'lAL DIAC.XOSIS OF ?sl.\l\ SYMPTOMS First March i:il:.Etlltiiiii, Oclulur 101:.: ami SriAeiiibrr VJl:.n.-iuuil.-il 1UI7.Srroud Iii't:isetl ami MardtEiHtinn, Enhnyrd, Octnlirr ini:Third with additiunul Jlltislrnti':)ix.Edition, AN INDEX OF DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF MAIN SYMPTOMS BY VARIOUS WRITERS HERBERT M.l). Oxon.. F.R.C.P. Loiui.FRENCH. M.A., arid iicturer. li> & Co. litlT ^,: /- 'J^ • ' - V JOHN" WniUHT AM) SONS LTD.. nilNTFHS ANh flliUSHKHS, INCLAM)BRISTOL, NOTE TO TI[I' TFIIKT) EDITION. TuF. rxlKiii^tiuii nf tin- second ((liliiiii called I'lir an innnediate re-issue.early lias hciai taken i>( this fact to introduce a fewAd\antaL;c more colonrcd liuurcs 111' c-ises which it was t'ound to in time I'or- the secondiinpussihlc edition,coiiiplctc and to some of tlic black and white illustrations hv Ix-ttci-replace cxaniplcs. These alterations, and the introduction of the ri'len-iu'es in tlica])propriatc Text and in the (Icaieral Index, constitute the onl\' <-hanL;cs. The arc- that the (huiand lor llie \-oluiiicL;ratihedpublishers iinprecedt-ntcd has made these socnHaits at carK a dale.impro\ possible DrcfiiilKT. Ill 17. TO THE SECOND EDITIONPREFACE Little need be said of to the second edition of this woilv : theby way ])icfacc edition and tlic there has been to itsale of the first necessity reprintgratifying several times is siiflicient evidence that the book is one which tlic medical profession welcomes and appreciates. edition article has been revised and several new ones have beenIn this every addec-1. The elaborate index, which has been much has Ixen made, ifappreciated, even more and at the same time it has been in some possible, complete, simplilied the relative of the entries in it are indicated more ; imjiortance clearlyparticulars than was the case in the first the use of three ofedition, by degreesperha))s ty])e. The illustrations are doubled in nuniin-r : the eolourednearly ])lates especially been increased from sixteen to and neither time norhaving thirty-se\"en. expense has been in the endeavour to make them characteristic of the conditionsspared they represent. The size of the is than before, in toemployed larger response suggestionstype from and the have had to be also.readers, consequently pages enlarged It became a whether the book should be in twotherefore,(juestion, published vohuTies ; in the that in a work in which nimierous cross-referencesbelief, however, are unavoidable it is to confine it within one cover, it has beenadvantageous decided to it as a book. The character of the volume remainskeep single general otherwise unchanged. It is that this second edition will be as welcomed as was the firstwidely ;hoped and that it will even more in its to be ofprove helpful primary purpose, namely, assistance in at the of the exact cause ofarri\ing diagnosis ])artienlar symptoms. Cordial thanks are extended to who. whilst notmany helpers contributing written articles to the have nevertheless assisted in \arious\ohime. ;greatly ways to Dr. D. S. Davies. Mr. f. Thurstan Holland. Dr. \. C. Jordan. Dr. T.especially Warner Dr. T. M. Dr. Professor Kutherford ^lorisoii.Locke.Laeey. Legge, Lindsay •Sir Malcolm Dr. II. Dr. G. W. Dr. J. II.Morris. B. Newham. Nicholson, RylTel. Mr. .S. GillK-rt Scott. Dr. W. P. Saimders. Dr. \. Ucndle Short. Dr. Walsham.Hugh Dr. S. .\. K. Wilson : also to the of Medicine, the Gordon Museum.Royal Society the South Eastern Fever and the London School ofGuy's Hospital, Hospital, Medicine. Also to the and of various andTropical ])ublishers journalsproprietors for in facilities for the use of nuiterialperiodicals unfailing courtesy giving copyright and illustrations. IIekbekt Fkench. Loudon, l'J17February,
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