These are challenging times for cities like Revere








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Dan Rizzo for MayorAnnouncement SpeechSaturday November 13, 2010VFW Mottolo PostBefore we get started, I wanted to take this time to recognize tw o extraordinaryindividuals that have touched many lives and helped shape our fine city. The passing of VFW Mottolo Post charter member, Ralph Picariello, a nd our longtimedear friend and colleague, George Colella- Could we all please rise for a moment ofsilence.Good Morning- By birth or by choice, over 50 thousand people – and counting – makeRevere their home. Newcomers along with lifetime and longtime Reve re residentschoose our city over the suburbs because of all our city has to offer in cluding our highlyregarded school system, our proximity to Boston and Logan Airport, and ourgreatest treasure, our 2 1/2 mile crescent shaped beachfront.Revere indeed is a great place to work and live and I believe I am proof of that. It hasprovided me great opportunity; I’ve been fortunate to own a home i n a neighborhoodwith great neighbors and friends, and be part of two successful businesse s right here inRevere.It has also allowed me to serve now in my 6th term as an At- Large Revere CityCouncilor. For this, I owe a debt of gratitude to this community and e ach of you. This isthe reason I have asked all of you to join me here this morning.Today, along with my wife Jane, my family and friends, my colleagues and all of you - Iam formally announcing my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Reve re. ...
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Dan Rizzo for Mayor
Announcement Speech
Saturday November 13, 2010
VFW Mottolo Post
Before we get started, I wanted to take this time to recognize two extraordinary
individuals that have touched many lives and helped shape our fine city.
The passing of VFW Mottolo Post charter member, Ralph Picariello, and our longtime
dear friend and colleague, George Colella- Could we all please rise for a moment of
Good Morning- By birth or by choice, over 50 thousand people – and counting – make
Revere their home. Newcomers along with lifetime and longtime Revere residents
choose our city over the suburbs because of all our city has to offer including our highly
regarded school system, our proximity to Boston and Logan Airport, and our
greatest treasure, our 2 1/2 mile crescent shaped beachfront.
Revere indeed is a great place to work and live and I believe I am proof of that. It has
provided me great opportunity; I’ve been fortunate to own a home in a neighborhood
with great neighbors and friends, and be part of two successful businesses right here in
It has also allowed me to serve now in my 6th term as an At-Large Revere City
Councilor. For this, I owe a debt of gratitude to this community and each of you. This is
the reason I have asked all of you to join me here this morning.
Today, along with my wife Jane, my family and friends, my colleagues and all of you - I
am formally announcing my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Revere. Effective
immediately, I am focusing all of my energy and time on becoming your next Mayor of
When elected, you will have a Mayor whose time energy and effort will be focused each
and every day on how we can achieve our highest quality of life and how Revere can
reach its fullest potential.
Revere has always been a great place to live. I was born in Revere and have spent the
best parts of my life here. After high school, I entered the military where I spent 6 years
in the United States Navy. For 4 ½ years, I served onboard the aircraft carrier CV-62, the
USS Independence. It was there that I learned what it meant to serve, to work together,
and to lead.
Today my son Nicholas continues that military tradition in the Army. Nick finished basic
and advanced training this year and headed for Kuwait last week, where he will
ultimately serve in Iraq or Afghanistan.
After completing my service in the Navy, I started a business with my brother Paul and
my father. Together we opened an insurance agency just up the street here at the corner
of Temple and Revere streets. Today, some 25 years later we are fortunate to serve
thousands of Revere residents and hundreds of business owners across the
While we grew our business, I decided to go back to school and I enrolled in night
classes at Emmanuel College and soon received my Bachelors Degree in Business.
In 1999, with the help of my family and friends, I decided to run for City Council. I am
blessed to have had the support of many of you in this room along the way, and I am
now serving in my 6th term as an At-Large City Councilor.
I am proud of what the City Council, along with the Mayor, has been able to accomplish.
I worked hard to establish the Stabilization Fund -- which has helped save jobs and
services during the recent recession and helped us achieve an “A” Bond rating for the
first time in this city’s history.
I am proud of the Gang Truancy Ordinance I drafted and passed that helps the Police
Department better identify gang activity in our community. I am glad that I placed a
moratorium on approving variances that allowed for building on smaller lots. This led to
sweeping zoning changes helping to preserve the quality of life for all our residents in
neighborhoods across the city -- doing anything less would have been the equivalent of
saying “I couldn’t fix your brakes so I made the horn louder”!
All in all, I have enjoyed and been honored to serve you as a member of the City
Council. That brings us to today……..for me, the optimism, excitement, and possibilities
that I saw for this city when I first ran for public office ten years ago have not diminished;
in fact, they have grown.
I know I am the right person to lead us out of this recession and into our recovery.
With projects and development approved and ready to go, Revere is very well positioned
to hit the ground running and emerge as a better, stronger City.
OUR campaign will not be a campaign about the glass being half empty, but rather half
full. OUR campaign will not be a debate about what is wrong with Revere but rather,
what we can do to improve on our strengths and attributes.
Our campaign will be about ideas --- ideas on how together, we can bring out the best in
our city. It will be about inclusion, not exclusion.
I believe I have proven myself to be a consensus builder. People don’t always agree,
especially with so many people involved in the decision making process, however, in
most cases, compromises can be reached. This will be an important trait in your next
Mayor as he or she will oversee a $135 Million budget.
While compromise is almost always part of solving problems and making decisions,
there is one thing that I won’t compromise on; that is my vision for this city. We cannot
look back unless we’re planning on going that way. We must look to the future.
My values, priorities, and background has prepared me to take on the challenges that lie
ahead and will serve our residents well with real life, hands on, practical experience into
2012 and beyond.
I will work tirelessly to ensure that every one dollar you pay in taxes translates into one
dollar in services you receive. I am no different than any of you…I want clean streets
and sidewalks, safe and secure neighborhoods, a top notch school system, and a tax
rate that is fair and reasonable. I believe I am the only candidate that can make all of this
With your help we will lead this city into future prosperity. I view this not as my election,
but as OURS. This isn’t about me; it’s about each and every one of us. I want each and
every one of you to be able to say, “I am proud to live in Revere!” Together, with your
help, your ideas and all of you by my side, Revere will flourish. Revere will reach its
highest and fullest potential and together will see that Revere becomes the city we all
know it can be.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the City of Revere
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