SCIENCES : Près de sept Européens sur dix pensent les femmes ne sont pas capables de «devenir des scientifiques de haut niveau»









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Un sondage révèle l’ampleur de nos préjugés : 90% des Européens jugent les femmes doués pour tout, sauf pour la recherche scientifique.
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16 septembre 2015

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Interna onal survey

for - « Women in science » - August 2015 1
‘‘opinionway Methodology for the qualitative part
ü  Five focus group lasting 3 hours, with 8 respondents with women or men recruited according to strict
ü  Recruit 9 participants for 8 to show. When on-site, participant’s oral skills will be re-screened.
§  100% male, 100% female according to the group,
§  Aged from 20 to 55 years old
§  CSP A, B and C+ (and local equivalence)
§  All working at least part time
ü  4 women (or 4 men depending of the group), are employed in scientific area – science of matter, life science (ex : teacher,
laboratory assistant, laboratory manager, researcher…) with a large range of different occupations,
§  Good mix of locations : town center, suburbs,
§  All continued to study post 18 – ALL to have studied for at least 2 years post 18.
ü  All show excellent oral skills to express their opinion
ü  2 participants per group fit the idea that “sciences are more suitable for men”
ü  The fieldwork was conducted from 12 to 20 May 2015:
§  France: Women on the 12 of May 2015 and Men on the 13 of May 2015
§  United Kingdom: Men on the 18 of May 2015
§  Germany: Women on the 19 of May 2015
§  Spain: Women on the 20 of May 2015
ü  OpinionWay has conducted thoses focus groups in accordance with ISO 20252
for - « Women in science » - August 2015 3 Methodology for the quantitative part
ü  A sample size of 5032 people, including 5 specific population samples:
§  1001 people aged 18 years and over, representative of the population of Germany
§  1007 people aged 18 years and over, representative of the population of the United Kingdom
§  1003 people aged 18 years and over, representative of the population of Spain
§  1009 people aged 18 years and over, representative of the population of France
§  1012 people aged 18 years and over, representative of the population of Italy
ü  Another sample size of 1003 people aged 18 years and over, representative of the population of China has been
interrogated. The results of this sample are excluded from the full sample size called “Europeans” in this publication.
ü  The samples were collected using the quota method based on gender, age, region and social class. Social class is
measured on the basis of profession in France, the income in China, using the ESOMAR definition in the other countries.
ü  The uncertainty margin is between 1 and 2 points for the full sample size.
ü  For each country-specific population sample the uncertainty margin is between 2 and 3 points.
ü  Sample was interviewed online with the CAWI system (Computer Assistance for Web Interview)
ü  The fieldwork was conducted from 10 to 15 June 2015 and from 28 july to 6 august 2015 for China.
ü  OpinionWay has conducted this survey in accordance with ISO 20252
Eachpublica on,en reorpar+al,mustimpera velyusethefollowingdenomina on:
andnoquotecanbedissociatedfromthis tle.
for - « Women in science » - August 2015 4 Results
‘‘opinionway 1. Misunderstanding of matter % Agree
The opinion about women doing everything in their power to advance their career
Question 1 - In your opinion, is a woman who does everything in her power to advance in her career...
people %Agree
China Germany UK Spain France Italy
A woman with something to
24% 48% 19% 8% 1% 72% 80% 63% 71% 66% 83% 84%
A woman who puts her work
19% 36% 29% 15% 1% 55% 69% 51% 43% 56% 59% 63%
before her family
67% 52% 36% 51% 61% 50% A woman who loves money 14% 40% 31% 14% 1% 54%
A woman who is prepared to 59% 46% 36% 44% 43% 46% 15% 30% 31% 23% 1% 45%
walk all over other people
A woman who thinks she's a 7% 14% 37% 21% 21% 12% 18% 29% 34% 44% 1% 21%
Somewhat Completely
Completely agree Somewhat agree DK
disagree disagree
for - « Women in science » - August 2015 7 % Ag ree
% Ag ree
The opinion about women doing everything in their power to advance their career
EUROPEANS - Men’s answers vs. Women’s answers
Question 1 - In your opinion, is a woman who does everything in her power to advance in her career...
people Men’s answers Women’s answers
25% 47% 18% 10% 72% A woman with something to prove 23% 50% 19% 7% 1% 73%
A woman who puts her work before 17% 35% 30% 18% 52% 21% 38% 29% 11% 1% 59%
her family
14% 38% 31% 16% 1% 52% A woman who loves money 14% 41% 32% 12% 1% 55%
A woman who is prepared to walk 13% 28% 31% 27% 1% 41% 18% 33% 30% 18% 1% 51%
all over other people
5% 12% 8% 16% 32% 50% 1% 17% A woman who thinks she's a man 37% 38% 1% 24%
Somewhat Completely
Completely agree Somewhat agree DK
disagree disagree
for - « Women in science » - August 2015 8 First thoughts about working in science
Question 3 - When people talk about someone who Question 4 - And if people talk about a woman who
works in science, what job do you think of first? works in science, which job do you think of first?
First? Then? Several answers possible– Total exceeds 100% First? Then? Several answers possible– Total exceeds 100% 5032
% First %Total % First %Total
27% Researcher 50% 24% 49%
16% Physicist 49% 10% 37%
Chemist 10% 39% 9% 37%
Biologist 9% 37% 16% 45%
Laboratory technician 7% 22% 8% 24%
8% Engineer 20% 4% 14%
4% Mathematician 19% 3% 14%
8% Doctor 18% 10% 24%
3% IT worker 10% 2% 7%
2% Astronomer 10% 2% 8%
Pharmacist 1% 9% 5% 18%
Agriculture specialist 4% 1% 1% 4%
Nurse 1% 3% 10% 4%
3% Radiologist 7% 1%
Others 3% 1% 1% 4%
for - « Women in science » - August 2015 9 First thoughts about working in science
Question 3 - When people talk about someone who works in science, what job do you think of first?
First? Then? Several answers possible– Total exceeds 100%
people %TotalEUROPEANS
Germany UK Spain France Italy China % First %Total
27% Researcher 50% 53% 35% 57% 56% 51% 34%
16% Physicist 49% 50% 53% 44% 56% 41% 41%
Chemist 10% 39% 35% 41% 46% 40% 33% 21%
9% 31% 43% 37% 40% 33% 26% Biologist 37%
14% 39% 26% 13% 16% 25% Laboratory technician 7% 22%
12% 13% 15% 33% 25% 36% 8% Engineer 20%
18% 6% 15% 29% 26% 19% 4% Mathematician 19%
14% 14% 20% 19% 25% 16% Doctor 8% 18%
13% 5% 8% 12% 13% 16% 3% IT worker 10%
11% 11% 7% 12% 10% 31% 2% Astronomer 10%
4% 17% 9% 6% 8% 5% 1% Pharmacist 9%
11% 1% 1% 3% 1% 6% Agriculture specialist 4% 1%
2% 4% 2% 3% 4% 4% Nurse 3% 1%
3% 5% 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% Radiologist
6% 3% 6% 2% 3% 5% Others 3% 4%
for - « Women in science » - August 2015 10

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