Hervé this, equipe inra de gastronomie moléculaire, agroparistech








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Accounts of chemical research  Title: Molecular Gastronomy, a scientific look at cooking  Author: Hervé This*  Affiliation: INRA Team of Molecular Gastronomy, UMR 214 INRA/ AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude Bernard, 75005 Paris, France.  Conspectus This ar-2008-002078.R1 edited and approved   Food preparation is such a routine activity that we often do not question the process. For example, why do we cook as we do? Why do we eat certain foods and avoid other perfectly edible ingredients? To help answer these questions, it is extremely important to study the chemical changes that food undergoes during preparationeven simply cutting a vegetable can lead to enzymatic reactions.  For many years, these molecular transformations were neglected by the food science field. In 1988, the scientific discipline called molecular gastronomy was created, and the field is now developing in many countries. Its many applications fall into two categories. First, there are technology applications for restaurants, homes, or even for the food industry. In particular, molecular gastronomy has led to molecular cooking, a way of food preparation that uses new tools, ingredients, and methods. According to a British culinary magazine, the three top chefs of the world employ elements of molecular cooking. Secondly, there are educational applications of molecular gastronomy: new insights into the culinary processes have led to new culinary curricula for chefs in many countries such as France, Canada, Italy, and Finland, as well as educational programs in schools.  In this Account, we focus on science, explain why molecular gastronomy had to be created, and consider its tools, concepts, and results. Within the field, conceptual tools have been developed in order to make the necessary studies. The emphasis is on two important parts of recipes: culinary
Hervé This, Equipe INRA de Gastronomie moléculaire, AgroParisTech 1
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