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Dee Phillips
ReadZone Books Limited
First published in this edition 2013
ReadZone Books Limited
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© Copyright Ruby Tuesday Books Limited 2009
© copyright in this edition ReadZone Books Ltd 2013
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ISBN 978-1-78322-226-1
Developed and Created by Ruby Tuesday Books Ltd
Project Director – Ruth Owen
Consultant – Lorraine Petersen
Images courtesy of Shutterstock
With thanks to Lorraine Petersen, Chief Executive of NASEN,
for her help in the development and creation of these books
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one moment can change your life forever
It’s Saturday night.
I’m outside the club.
If he wants a fight, I’m ready.
I’m getting changed after basketball.
I look in my bag.
I shout, “My phone’s gone!”
Max says, “When did
you last use it, Ben?”
I say, “I sent a text in
the changing rooms.
Then I put it in my bag.”
Paul says,
“Someone’s nicked it.”
Later, we go to the youth club.
I’m so angry about my phone.
I feel sick and angry inside.
Later, we go to the youth club.
I’m so angry about my phone.
Paul says, “I saw Kris Black in the
changing rooms. He was there with
his mates.”
Kris and his mates are huddled
around the sofas. They are all looking
at something and laughing.