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Date de parution
02 novembre 2012
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Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the Counties of South Carolina documents the defining aspects of the forty-six counties that make up the state, from mountains to coast. Updated to include data from the 2010 census, these entries detail the historical, economic, political, and cultural character inherent in each location, noting major population centers, enterprises, and attractions. The guide also includes an appendix of entries on the state's original parishes and districts existing prior to alignment into the current counties. An introductory overview essay outlines the history and function of county development and authority in South Carolina. The resulting volume provides a concise guide to the state at the county level, from Abbeville to York.
Publié par
Date de parution
02 novembre 2012
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the
South Carolina Encyclopedia Editorial Advisory Board
Michael Allen
William P. Baldwin
Barbara L. Bellows
Earl Black
Orville Vernon Burton
Dan T. Carter
David Chesnutt
Thomas Clark
Pat Conroy
William J. Cooper, Jr.
Susan L. Cutter
Chester B. DePratter
Don H. Doyle
Leland Ferguson
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
William Freehling
Eugene Genovese
Cole Blease Graham, Jr.
Jonathan Green
Jan Nordby Gretlund
Robert Hicklin
A. V. Huff, Jr.
M. Thomas Inge
Charles Joyner
Rachel N. Klein
Charles F. Kovacik
Daniel C. Littlefield
Melton McLaurin
William Moore
Idus A. Newby
Patricia C. Nichols
Theda Perdue
Genevieve Peterkin
Robert V. Remini
Robert N. Rosen
Dale Rosengarten
Theodore Rosengarten
Lawrence S. Rowland
Louis D. Rubin, Jr.
Dori Sanders
Constance Schulz
Mark M. Smith
Stanley South
Lester D. Stephens
Allen Stokes
Rodger E. Stroup
C. James Taylor
Thomas E. Terrill
Robert Weir
Susan Millar Williams
Joel Williamson
Mary Ann Wimsatt
South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the
Edited by Walter Edgar A Project of the Humanities Council SC
2006 The Humanities Council SC New material 2012 The Humanities Council SC
Published by the University of South Carolina Press Columbia, South Carolina 29208
21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the Counties of South Carolina / edited by Walter Edgar.
p. cm. - (South Carolina encyclopedia guides series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-61117-151-8 (E-publication : alk. paper) 1. Counties-South Carolina-Encyclopedias. 2. South Carolina-History, Local. I. Edgar, Walter B., 1943-
F277.A15.S68 2012
Editorial Staff
E DITOR IN C HIEF Walter Edgar
M ANAGING E DITOR Thomas M. Downey
Robert W. Bainbridge, Clemson University (Architecture)
William S. Brockington, Jr., University of South Carolina-Aiken (Transportation)
Katherine Reynolds Chaddock, University of South Carolina (Education)
Peter A. Coclanis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Business and Industry)
Marion Edmonds, South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism (Recreation and Leisure)
Lacy Ford, University of South Carolina (Politics)
Belinda F. Gergel, Columbia, South Carolina (Ethnicity)
Cole Blease Graham, Jr., University of South Carolina (Government and Law)
Charles H. Lippy, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Religion)
Rudy Mancke, University of South Carolina (Environment and Geography)
Amy Thompson McCandless, College of Charleston (Women)
Peter McCandless, College of Charleston (Science and Medicine)
Bernard E. Powers, Jr., College of Charleston (African Americans)
Eldred E. Prince, Jr., Coastal Carolina University (Agriculture)
Dale Volberg Reed, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Popular Culture)
John Shelton Reed, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Popular Culture)
Martha R. Severens, Greenville County Museum of Art (Art)
William Starr, Georgia Center for the Book (Literature)
Stephen R. Wise, Parris Island Museum (Military)
Benjamin Peterson
Michael Reynolds
Michael Coker, South Carolina Historical Society
Henry Fulmer, South Caroliniana Library
Theodore R. Steinke
Series Editor s Preface
Counties, Districts, and Parishes
Abbeville County
Aiken County
Allendale County
Anderson County
Bamberg County
Barnwell County
Beaufort County
Berkeley County
Calhoun County
Charleston County
Cherokee County
Chester County
Chesterfield County
Clarendon County
Colleton County
Darlington County
Dillon County
Dorchester County
Edgefield County
Fairfield County
Florence County
Georgetown County
Greenville County
Greenwood County
Hampton County
Horry County
Jasper County
Kershaw County
Lancaster County
Laurens County
Lee County
Lexington County
Marion County
Marlboro County
McCormick County
Newberry County
Oconee County
Orangeburg County
Pickens County
Richland County
Saluda County
Spartanburg County
Sumter County
Union County
Williamsburg County
York County
Appendix: Parishes
All Saints Parish
Christ Church Parish
Prince Frederick s Parish
Prince George Winyah Parish
Prince William s Parish
St. Andrew s Parish
St. Bartholomew s Parish
St. David s Parish
St. George s Dorchester Parish
St. Helena s Parish
St. James Goose Creek Parish
St. James Santee Parish
St. John s Berkeley Parish
St. John s Colleton Parish
St. Luke s Parish
St. Mark s Parish
St. Matthew s Parish
St. Michael s Parish
St. Paul s Parish
St. Peter s Parish
St. Philip s Parish
St. Stephen s Parish
St. Thomas and St. Denis Parish
Series Editor s Preface
The South Carolina Encyclopedia was published in 2006 to be a people s encyclopedia, a comprehensive single-volume print reference for anything that anyone wanted to know about the Palmetto State s rich cultures and storied heritage, from prehistory to the present. Including nearly two thousand entries and five hundred illustrations, the encyclopedia was the result of a six-year collaboration between the Humanities Council SC , the Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina, and the University of South Carolina Press. Nearly six hundred contributors came together to write more than one million words depicting our state s representative people, places, and things. The encyclopedia is an authoritative and entertaining compilation of essays covering an array of topics ranging from war and politics to arts and recreation, from agriculture and industry to popular culture and ethnicity. As diverse as the populations that live within the thirty-one thousand square miles that make up the Palmetto State, the entries included in The South Carolina Encyclopedia were chosen to best represent the many facets of our shared experiences that remind us of who we are, where we come from, what we have in common, and why we are distinctive.
Thanks to the generosity and vision of the Humanities Council SC and the collaboration and cooperation of the University of South Carolina Press, selected portions of the multiyear project that became the widely praised and best-selling print encyclopedia are now available in a new way through this South Carolina Encyclopedia Guides Series. The guides highlight, in an easy-to-access digital format, specific topic areas from the original print version. Where appropriate, entries have been updated or added. For example, the guide to the counties has been updated to include more recent population data, and the guide to the governors has been expanded to include all individuals who have been governor-whether elected or constitutionally succeeding to the office. Where possible, illustrations have been included and, in some cases, new illustrations not part of the print edition have been added.
In March 2012 the venerable Encyclopedia Britannica announced that after 244 years, it would cease publishing its print edition and focus solely on the digital version of its content. This transition is indicative of an unquestionable trend toward the digitization of reference materials to serve better the needs of the diverse range of users who have embraced the technology that brings this content to you via a whole host of devices-a technology that continues to revolutionize the ways that sound scholarship is made available and useful for an interested public.
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guides Series-because of its digital format and its focus on thematic segments-expands the accessibility and functionality of the content created in the print encyclopedia and invites new readers to understand better the hundreds of people, places, and things that have defined the South Carolina experience.
Counties, districts, and parishes . County government in South Carolina represents both the old and the new. It represents the old in the sense that county government can trace its roots to the early colonial period in South Carolina. It represents the new because amendments to the South Carolina constitution passed in 1973 and the Local Government Act of 1975 (also known as the Home Rule Act ) gave county governments limited home rule that granted authority to provide services ranging from animal control to zoning.
In 1682 the Lords Proprietors created three counties, Berkeley, Craven, and Colleton; Granville County was added later. The primary functions of these counties were administering justice, granting land, and the election of representatives. The Church Act of 1706 established the Church of England in South Carolina and also created ten par