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JUNG 2.0 TutorialOr how to achieve graph based nirvana in Java 1 IntroductionJUNG2 is a major revision of the popular Java Universal Network/Graph framework. This is a programming tutorial intended to demonstrate and illustrate individual features of JUNG2 with as little extra code as possible. Hence none of the code examples here will show off the combined full power of JUNG2, for that you should try out the very nice example programs that come with JUNG2. Note that the examples in this document have been tested against JUNG2 version 2.0 and this nddocument was last updated April 22 , 2009. 1.1 Information on the non-JUNG Library DependenciesJUNG 2 depends on three other libraries: JUnit, Colt, and Common Collections .1. JUnit is strictly used for testing JUNG. This is hosted at source forge: http://junit.sourceforge.net/ , with a very good separate site at http://www.junit.org/ . This is a very nice methodology for unit testing. Note that JUNG2 unit test provide further coding examples.2. Commons Collections: This stems from the Apache Jakarta Commons Collections http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/collections/. However, the current version of this library doesn't use generics and hence loses much of the type safety that JUNG2 provides. Hence others noticed this and produced a version with the same functionality based on generics. The folks at http://larvalabs.com/collections ha/ve a source forge project http://sourceforge.net/projects/collections/ ...
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JUNG 2.0 Tutorial
Or how to achieve graph based nirvana in Java
1 Introduction JUNG2 is a major revision of the popular Java Universal Network/Graph framework. This is a programming tutorial intended to demonstrate and illustrate individual features of JUNG2 with as little extra code as possible. Hence none of the code examples here will show off the combined full power of JUNG2, for that you should try out the very nice example programs that come with JUNG2. Note that the examples in this document have been tested against JUNG2 version 2.0 and this document was last updated April 22 nd , 2009.
1.1 Information on the non-JUNG Library Dependencies JUNG 2 depends on three other libraries: JUnit , Colt , and Common Collections . 1. JUnit is strictly used for testing JUNG. This is hosted at source forge: http://junit.sourceforge.net/ , with a very good separate site at http://www.junit.org/ . This is a very nice methodology for unit testing . Note that JUNG2 unit test provide further coding examples. 2. Commons Collections: This stems from the Apache Jakarta Commons Collections http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/collections/ . However, the current version of this library doesn't use generics and hence loses much of the type safety that JUNG2 provides. Hence others noticed this and produced a version with the same functionality based on generics. The folks at http://larvalabs.com/collections/ have a source forge project http://sourceforge.net/projects/collections/ . Note that JUNG2 uses this and you will need to use a few key interfaces as discussed later in this tutorial 3. Colt: Arguably the best numerical library for Java out there. This was developed at CERN in conjunction with various other research labs. See http://dsd.lbl.gov/~hoschek/colt/ If you hate to have to go back to C++ just to do some fast numerical work, this is the library for you!
2 JUNG2 Graph Basics Though most of us are impressed by JUNG's visualization capabilities. Its easiest to understand what's going on at first without all the extra GUI stuff. To start off, there is an interface Graph<V,E> defined in edu.uci.ics.jung.graph . This interface defines the basic operations that you can perform on a graph. These include: 1. Adding and removing edges and vertices from the graph and getting collections of all edges and vertices in a graph. 2. Getting information concerning the endpoints of an edge in the graph. 3. Getting information concerning vertices in a graph including various degree measures (in-
degree, out-degree) and predecessor and successor vertices. There are three other related interfaces: 1. DirectedGraph<V, E> -- This is a “marker” interface which is used to indicate that classes implementing this interface will only support directed edges. 2. UndirectedGraph<V,E> -- This is a “marker” interface which is used to indicate that classes implementing this interface will only support undirected edges. 3. SimpleGraph<V, E> -- This is a “marker” interface which is used to indicate that classes implementing this interface will only not support parallel edges or self loops. The commonly used definition of a simple graph. For those interested, JUNG2 actually provides a generalization of the concept of a graph known as a hyper-graph. A hyper-graph is similar to a graph in that it contains vertices and edges, however unlike a graph, in a hyper-graph an edge maybe associated with more than two vertices. JUNG2's Graph<V,E> interface actually extends the Hypergraph<V,E> interface.
2.1 Creating a Graph and adding vertices and edges In JUNG2 vertices and edges can be any object type. Note that the same vertices (and edges) can appear in more than one graph. This is very nice for looking at different topologies with the same nodes. Although you can create your own graph classes conforming to the Graph<V,E> interface JUNG2 provides a number implementations of various graph types. In our first example, from the file BasicGraphCreation.java , we'll use the SparseMultigraph<V, E> class. The sequence of calls:  // Graph<V, E> where V is the type of the vertices  // and E is the type of the edges  Graph<Integer, String> g = new SparseMultigraph<Integer, String>();  // Add some vertices. From above we defined these to be type Integer.  g.addVertex((Integer)1);  g.addVertex((Integer)2);  g.addVertex((Integer)3);  // Add some edges. From above we defined these to be of type String  // Note that the default is for undirected edges.  g.addEdge("Edge-A", 1, 2); // Note that Java 1.5 auto-boxes primitives  g.addEdge("Edge-B", 2, 3);  // Let's see what we have. Note the nice output from the  // SparseMultigraph<V,E> toString() method  System.out.println("The graph g = " + g.toString());  // Note that we can use the same nodes and edges in two different graphs.  Graph<Integer, String> g2 = new SparseMultigraph<Integer, String>();  g2.addVertex((Integer)1);  g2.addVertex((Integer)2);  g2.addVertex((Integer)3);  g2.addEdge("Edge-A", 1,3);  g2.addEdge("Edge-B", 2,3, EdgeType.DIRECTED);  g2.addEdge("Edge-C", 3, 2, EdgeType.DIRECTED);  g2.addEdge("Edge-P", 2,3); // A parallel edge  System.out.println("The graph g2 = " + g2.toString()); Will produce graphs with two different topologies utilizing the same vertices and edges. The graph toString() method produces the following output: The graph g = Vertices:2,1,3
Edges:Edge-B[2,3]Edge-A[1,2] The graph g2 = Vertices:2,1,3 Edges:Edge-P[2,3]Edge-B[2,3]Edge-C[3,2]Edge-A[1,3] Where does the name SparseMultigraph<V,E> come from? Sparse means that the implementation is efficient for large graphs with low average connectivity, Multi meaning that the graph supports parallel edges. If you do not want or need parallel edge support JUNG2 provides a SparseGraph<V,E> class.
2.2 Constructing a Directed Graph with Custom Edges Have more information than a single number or string that you'd like to associate with an edge or a vertex? In JUNG2 you just specify your own classes for the vertex (V) and edge (E) classes in the declaration and constructors of graphs and algorithms. Here is some sample code for our own vertex and edge classes from BasicDirectedGraph . java :  class MyNode {  int id; // good coding practice would have this as private  public MyNode(int id) {  this.id = id;  }  public String toString() { // Always a good idea for debuging  return "V"+id; // JUNG2 makes good use of these.  }  }      class MyLink {  double capacity; // should be private  double weight; // should be private for good practice  int id;          public MyLink(double weight, double capacity) {  this.id = edgeCount++; // This is defined in the outer class.  this.weight = weight;  this.capacity = capacity;  }  public String toString() { // Always good for debugging  return "E"+id;  }          } To create the following directed graph using our own edge and vertex classes is fairly simple.
Figure 1:  A simple directed graph to be implemented in JUNG2
The following partial code shows the graph construction:  g = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<MyNode, MyLink>();  // Create some MyNode objects to use as vertices  n1 = new MyNode(1); n2 = new MyNode(2); n3 = new MyNode(3);  n4 = new MyNode(4); n5 = new MyNode(5); // note n1-n5 declared elsewhere.  // Add some directed edges along with the vertices to the graph  g.addEdge(new MyLink(2.0, 48),n1, n2, EdgeType.DIRECTED); // This method  g.addEdge(new MyLink(2.0, 48),n2, n3, EdgeType.DIRECTED);  g.addEdge(new MyLink(3.0, 192), n3, n5, EdgeType.DIRECTED);  g.addEdge(new MyLink(2.0, 48), n5, n4, EdgeType.DIRECTED); // or we can use  g.addEdge(new MyLink(2.0, 48), n4, n2); // In a directed graph the  g.addEdge(new MyLink(2.0, 48), n3, n1); // first node is the source  g.addEdge(new MyLink(10.0, 48), n2, n5);// and the second the destination
Note that the addEdge call in a directed graph doesn't need the EdgeType to be specified. Trying to add an undirected edge to a directed graph should result in an exception (and will with the JUNG2 implementations). Output for the above using the Graph<V,E> toString() method will give something like: Vertices:V2,V5,V3,V4,V1 Edges:E5[V3,V1]E6[V2,V5]E4[V4,V2]E3[V5,V4]E2[V3,V5]E1[V2,V3]E0[V1,V2] 3 Working with Algorithms Given that we can create undirected and directed graphs the next simplest thing to do is try running some algorithms on them. Along the way we'll see two encounter two important Java design idioms that come up frequently in JUNG2: (a) the Transformer idiom, (b) the Factory idiom.
3.1 An Unweighted Shortest Path To find the shortest path assuming uniform link weights (e.g., 1 for each link) in the graph we created we can use the following code from BasicDirectedGraph . java :  DijkstraShortestPath<MyNode,MyLink> alg = new DijkstraShortestPath(g);  List<MyLink> l = alg.getPath(n1, n4);  System.out.println("The shortest unweighted path from" + n1 + " to " + n4 + is:"); "  System.out.println(l.toString());
Nice and simple. Note that the shortest path algorithm is also “parameterized” and hence works with your vertex (V) and edge (E) classes. The output looks like: The shortest unweighted path fromV1 to V4 is: [E0, E6, E3] 3.2 A Weighted Shortest Path and Transformer classes The previous example found the shortest path with all link weights equal to 1, also known as the minimum hop count path for those of us in data networking. However, we frequently want to use other links weights and we designed our MyLink class with such a custom weight in mind. However, we now need a way to “feed” the link weight to the algorithm in a way that can work with any edge class. This is where the commons collections  Transformer<E, Number> interface comes into use. The only method in this interface is Number transform(E e), hence given an edge class of our creation, we will need to come up with an appropriate (and usually very simple) Transformer class to extract the weight for that edge. The general signature for the Dijkstra algorithm constructor that we will use is DijkstraShortestPath(Graph<V,E> g, Transformer<E,Number> nev). The following code from BasicDirectedGraph . java illustrates how this is done with our MyLink edge class. Note that the graph g referenced in the code is the same as the one constructed in section 2.2.  Transformer<MyLink, Double> wtTransformer = new Transformer<MyLink,Double>() {  public Double transform(MyLink link) {  return link.weight;  }  };  DijkstraShortestPath<MyNode,MyLink> alg = new DijkstraShortestPath(g,  wtTransformer);  List<MyLink> l = alg.getPath(n1, n4);  Number dist = alg.getDistance(n1, n4);  System.out.println("The shortest path from" + n1 + " to " + n4 + " is:");  System.out.println(l.toString());  System.out.println("and the length of the path is: " + dist);   
This Transformer idiom (or design pattern) will comes up many times in JUNG2. The output from this looks like: The shortest weighted path from V1 to V4 is: [E0, E1, E2, E3] and the length of the path is: 9.0 3.3 Max-Flows and the Factory Idiom Wait! You may still want to read this even if you don't care about calculating max-flows in a graph. The folks that brought us JUNG2 implemented the very efficient Edmonds-Karp algorithm for calculating the maximum flow in a graph where the edges have a capacity. For those of us in data communications this is usually related to the bandwidth of the communications link. The constructor for this algorithm is the slightly intimidating: EdmondsKarpMaxFlow(DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph, V source, V sink, Transformer<E,Number> edgeCapacityTransformer, Map<E,Number> edgeFlowMap,
Factory<E> edgeFactory) In this constructor we furnish the graph of interest, the source and sink vertices, a Transformer to deliver the capacity (a Number) for each edge (just like the edge weight case before), a map structure that the algorithm will use in its calculations, and a Factory<E> . The Factory<E> interface comes from the commons collections and consists of just one method E create() whose job it is to create a new instance of the edge class. In the situation here, the algorithm utilizes the factory to create additional edges needed as part of its calculations. In the section on graphics you'll see this same idiom used when you want utilize the visualization classes to create edges and vertices graphically. From BasicDirectedGraph . java the following creates and runs the Edmonds-Karp algorithm:  Transformer<MyLink, Double> capTransformer = new Transformer<MyLink, Double>(){  public Double transform(MyLink link) {  return link.capacity;  }  };  Map<MyLink, Double> edgeFlowMap = new HashMap<MyLink, Double>();  // This Factory produces new edges for use by the algorithm  Factory<MyLink> edgeFactory = new Factory<MyLink>() {  public MyLink create() {  return new MyLink(1.0, 1.0);  }  };          EdmondsKarpMaxFlow<MyNode, MyLink> alg = new EdmondsKarpMaxFlow(g,n2, n5, capTransformer, edgeFlowMap,  edgeFactory);  alg.evaluate();  System.out.println("The max flow is: " + alg.getMaxFlow());  System.out.println("The edge set is: " + alg.getMinCutEdges().toString());
The output from this looks like: The max flow is: 96 The edge set is: [E6, E1] 4 Visualizing Graphs So you now can build some graphs and run some algorithms. If you've run some of the JUNG demos then you know that JUNG has great visualization capabilities. Here we will be showing JUNG2's visualization capabilities from a programmers perspective trying to illustrate various features with as little extra code as necessary to illustrate the feature of interest.
4.1 The Basics of Viewing a Graph To view a graph with JUNG2 we need two new concepts: (a) that of a graph layout, and (b) that of a visualization component. But don't worry the explanation is much longer than the code required by the user! The basic class for viewing graphs in JUNG2 is the BasicVisualizationServer class (edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization). This implements the JUNG2 VisualizationServer<V,E> interface and inherits from Swing's JPanel class (javax.swing.JPanel) and hence can be placed anywhere in the Swing GUI hierarchy where you would use a similar component (see the Java tutorial's Swing trail for more information). This is the “canvas” on which the graph will be drawn.
Prior to creating this we need to a way to place the vertices of a graph at locations in the visualization space (i.e., need to assign locations to the vertices). This is achieved via JUNG2's Layout interface and related classes (edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout). First of all the Layout interface's job is to return a coordinate location for a given vertex in a graph. It does this and more by extending the Transformer<V, Point2D> interface, which when given a vertex v will return an object of type Point2D that encapsulates the vertex's (x, y) coordinates. This Layout interface provides additional mechanisms to initialize the locations of all vertices in a graph, set the location of a particular vertex, lock or unlock the position of a vertex, etc... JUNG provides many different layout algorithms for positioning the vertices of a graph. The minimal pieces we need to display a graph are: 1. The graph itself ( we'll use our very first graph from section 2.1. ) 2. A layout implementation (for our example here we'll use CircleLayout ) 3. A BasicVisualizationServer on which to show our graph 4. A base GUI component. Here we'll just use a Swing JFrame . The complete example is available in the file SimpleGraphView.java . The main program that does everything but create the graph is: public static void main(String[] args) {  SimpleGraphView sgv = new SimpleGraphView(); //We create our graph in here  // The Layout<V, E> is parameterized by the vertex and edge types  Layout<Integer, String> layout = new CircleLayout(sgv.g);  layout.setSize(new Dimension(300,300)); // sets the initial size of the space  // The BasicVisualizationServer<V,E> is parameterized by the edge types  BasicVisualizationServer<Integer,String> vv =  new BasicVisualizationServer<Integer,String>(layout);  vv.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350,350)); //Sets the viewing area size          JFrame frame = new JFrame("Simple Graph View"); _ _  frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT ON CLOSE);  frame.getContentPane().add(vv);  frame.pack();  frame.setVisible(true); } The layout.setSize() call above sets the horizontal and vertical bounds on where the layout algorithm will place the vertices. The setPreferredSize() on the BasicVisualizationServer sets the size of the GUI (Swing) component. The resulting graph when run on my system looks something like:
Figure 2: Our first view of a graph with JUNG2.
4.2 Painting and Labeling Vertices and Edges We'll we can see our graph but now the marketing folks will start voicing their opinions over colors and line thickness, etc... In addition, in many types of graphs it is crucial to provide labels for the vertices and/or edges. JUNG2 provides a very extensible framework for supporting about every graph display variation that your marketing department can think of (but never all!). At the same time this framework is easy to use with lots of very nice looking defaults. The two new sets of interfaces/classes that we'll want a bit of familiarity with are the (a) RenderContext (in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization) and (b) Renderer (edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers). The JUNG2 renderers are used to actually draw four different items: (a) edges, (b) edge labels, (c) vertices, and (d) vertex labels. JUNG2 supports the notion of pluggable renderers so that you can substitute different renderers for the default. However, you may not need to do this since each renderer was defined via interfaces to be fairly general and can accept a number of “parameters”. How do we supply all these parameters (such as vertex color or edge label) to the graph renderers? Where are the default values (if any) kept? This is the job of the RenderContext . Each BasicVisualizationServer (the thing we use to actually display the graph) contains a RenderContext object that we can access to set these various rendering “parameter” values. Look at the JavaDoc for edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.RenderContext to see the full set of “parameters” that you can set. For now lets limit ourselves to the following: 1. Change the vertex color from the default to green. 2. Make the line used in the edges a dashed line. 3. Display a label for both the edges and vertices. 4. Center the vertex label within its corresponding vertex. For the first three of these we will use the following calls to the RenderContext that we can get from the current BasicVisualizationServer class. These are: setVertexFillPaintTransformer (), setEdgeStrokeTransformer (), setVertexLabelTransformer (), and setEdgeLabelTransformer (). As you
could surmise from the names of these method each takes a Transformer class argument that converts an edge or vertex to the type of information needed by a renderer. This also means that it is easy for you as a programmer to change the visual aspects of the graph based on attributes of your custom edge and vertex classes. The complete code is given in SimpleGraphView2.java , however the main new functionality is given by:  public static void main(String[] args) {  SimpleGraphView2 sgv = new SimpleGraphView2(); // This builds the graph  // Layout<V, E>, BasicVisualizationServer<V,E>  Layout<Integer, String> layout = new CircleLayout(sgv.g);  layout.setSize(new Dimension(300,300));  BasicVisualizationServer<Integer,String> vv =  new BasicVisualizationServer<Integer,String>(layout);  vv.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350,350));  // Setup up a new vertex to paint transformer...  Transformer<Integer,Paint> vertexPaint = new Transformer<Integer,Paint>() {  public Paint transform(Integer i) {  return Color.GREEN;  }  };  // Set up a new stroke Transformer for the edges  float dash[] = {10.0f}; _  final Stroke edgeStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP BUTT, _  BasicStroke.JOIN MITER, 10.0f, dash, 0.0f);  Transformer<String, Stroke> edgeStrokeTransformer =   new Transformer<String, Stroke>() {  public Stroke transform(String s) {  return edgeStroke;  }  };  vv.getRenderContext().setVertexFillPaintTransformer(vertexPaint);  vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeStrokeTransformer(edgeStrokeTransformer);  vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());  vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());  vv.getRenderer().getVertexLabelRenderer().setPosition(Position.CNTR);          JFrame frame = new JFrame("Simple Graph View 2");  frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT ON CLOSE); _ _  frame.getContentPane().add(vv);  frame.pack();  frame.setVisible(true);  } The results from this new code is shown below: The code uses a nice utility Transformer ToStringLabeller (from edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.decorators) that calls the edge's or vertex's toString() method. For more information on the BasicStroke class see the Java2D trail in the Java Tutorial.
Figure 3: Changing the way edges and vertices are drawn.
5 Getting Interactive JUNG2 provides GUI features to let users interact with graphs in various ways. Most interactions with a graph will take place via a mouse. Since there are quite a number of conceivable ways that users may want to interact with a graph, JUNG2 has the concept of a modal mouse, i.e., a mouse that will behave in certain ways based on its assigned mode. Typical mouse modes include: picking, scaling (zooming), transforming (rotation, shearing), translating (panning), editing (adding/deleting nodes and edges), annotating, and more! To deal with a multitude of mouse modes JUNG2 uses the concept of a “pluggable mouse”, i. e., a mouse that accepts various plugins to implement the currently supported modes. For more details on the mouse and mouse plugin classes see section 5.3 The JUNG2 Mouse and Mouse Plugin Hierarchy.
5.1 Scaling (Zooming) and Transforming (pan, rotate and skew) a Graph Visually Okay so what do we need to do to get started in providing interactivity? We'll we need a JUNG2 graph mouse. So we'll use the DefaultModalGraphMouse which provides a full set of picking and transforming capabilities. In addition we'll upgrade from the BasicVisualizationServer to the VisualizationViewer derived class that also provides for mouse functionality. The complete code is given in InteractiveGraphView1.java however the code for the graphics and interactivity is just:
 public static void main(String[] args) {  // I create the graph in the following...  InteractiveGraphView1 sgv = new InteractiveGraphView1();  // Layout<V, E>, VisualizationComponent<V,E>  Layout<Integer, String> layout = new CircleLayout(sgv.g);
 layout.setSize(new Dimension(300,300));  VisualizationViewer<Integer,String> vv =  new VisualizationViewer<Integer,String>(layout);  vv.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350,350));  // Show vertex and edge labels  vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());  vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());  // Create a graph mouse and add it to the visualization component  DefaultModalGraphMouse gm = new DefaultModalGraphMouse();  gm.setMode(ModalGraphMouse.Mode.TRANSFORMING);  vv.setGraphMouse(gm);  JFrame frame = new JFrame("Interactive Graph View 1"); _ _  frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT ON CLOSE);  frame.getContentPane().add(vv);  frame.pack();  frame.setVisible(true);  } Hey, there are only three new lines of code... But how do I (or the user) use this stuff? The default behavior is: 1. Left mouse click and mouse drag in the graph window allows you to translate (pan) the graph. 2. Shift, left mouse click and drag in the graph window allows you to rotate the graph. 3. Control, left mouse click and drag in the graph window allows you to shear the graph. 4. Mouse wheel or equivalent allows you to scale (zoom) the graph. Sorry no pictures here, you really need to give this a try yourself ☺.
5.2 Controlling the Mouse Mode via Key Listeners JUNG2 provides a couple extra ways to control the current mouse mode besides programmatically setting it yourself. Here we'll use a method based on key listeners which listen for buttons pressed or keys typed. In particular the DefaultModalGraphMouse provides a key listener that will change to translate (pan) mode if the user types a “t” and to picking mode if the user types a “p”. Now since key events are received by Java AWT components we need to register this key listener with the VisualizationViewer that displays our graph. See the file InteractiveGraphView2.java for the complete code but we'll only need to add the following line of code to get this nifty functionality: vv.addKeyListener(gm.getModeKeyListener()); Where vv is a VisualizationViewer object and gm is a DefaultModalGraphMouse object.
5.3 Making our own Simple Graph Mouse Okay, you like the DefaultModalGraphMouse that we previously used. But you'd like something simpler for your users. Suppose while viewing the graph you only want the users to be able to pan (translate) or zoom the graph. No picking of vertices and no rotating or skewing of the graph. The mouse hierarchy roughly consists of the interfaces: VisualizationViewer.GraphMouse , and ModalGraphMouse. Since we don't need a mouse that changes modes, e.g., picking versus transforming, we won't need to implement the ModalGraphMouse interface. In addition we don't need to start from scratch either since JUNG has the concept mouse plugins that do the heavy lifting for a particular purpose such as picking, translating, zooming, editing, etc... Since we just want translation and zooming we'll use the TranslatingGraphMousePlugin and ScalingGraphMousePlugin 
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