ENVI Tutorial








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ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TMand SPOT Data FusionL a n d s a t T M a n d S P O T D a t a F u s i o n 2F i l e s U s e d i n t h i s T u t o r i a l 2B a c k g r o u n d 2E x a m p l e 1 : L o n d o n , U K 3R e s i z e I m a g e s t o t h e S a m e P i x e l S i z e 3M a n u a l H S V D a t a F u s i o n 3A u t o m a t e d H S V D a t a F u s i o n 5E x a m p l e 2 : B r e s t , F r a n c e 6R e s i z e I m a g e s t o S a m e P i x e l S i z e 6F u s e t h e S P O T P a n c h r o m a t i c I m a g e 7D i s p l a y a n d C o m p a r e R e s u l t s 71E N V I T u t o r i a l : L a n d sa t T M a n d S P O T D a t a F u si o nLandsat TM and SPOT Data FusionThis tutorial is designed to demonstrate selected ENVI data fusion capabilities. For additional datafusion details, please see ENVI Help. Two examples are provided for this tutorial.The first uses Landsat TM and SPOT data from London, UK (Data Courtesy of ITT Visual InformationSolutions International UK, Ltd). The TM data are Copyright, European Space Agency, and distributedby Eurimage/NRSC. The SPOT data are Copyright CNES, 1994, distributed by Spot Image/NRSC. Bothdatasets are used with permission (NRSC, 1999).The second example uses multispectral and panchromatic SPOT data from Brest, France (Data Courtesyof ITT Visual Information Solutions International, France, Copyright CNES-Spot image, 1998. Usedwith permission of SPOT, 1999. These data may not be used for commercial purposes).Files Used in ...
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ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion Files Used in this Tutorial Background Example 1: London, UK Resize Images to the Same Pixel Size Manual HSV Data Fusion Automated HSV Data Fusion Example 2: Brest, France Resize Images to Same Pixel Size Fuse the SPOT Panchromatic Image Display and Compare Results
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ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion This tutorial is designed to demonstrate selected ENVI data fusion capabilities. For additional data fusion details, please see ENVI Help. Two examples are provided for this tutorial. The first uses Landsat TM and SPOT data from London, UK (Data Courtesy of ITT Visual Information Solutions International UK, Ltd). The TM data are Copyright, European Space Agency, and distributed by Eurimage/NRSC. The SPOT data are Copyright CNES, 1994, distributed by Spot Image/NRSC. Both datasets are used with permission (NRSC, 1999). The second example uses multispectral and panchromatic SPOT data from Brest, France (Data Courtesy of ITT Visual Information Solutions International, France, Copyright CNES-Spot image, 1998. Used with permission of SPOT, 1999. These data may not be used for commercial purposes). Files Used in this Tutorial All files are on the ENVI Resource DVD.
TM/SPOT Example(Data/lontmsp): File Description lon_spot London SPOT data lon_spot.ers ER Mapper header for above lon_tm London Landsat TM data lon_tm.ers ER Mapper header for above
SPOT Example(Data/brestsp): File Description s_0417_1.bil (.hdr) Brest SPOT panchromatic data s_0417_2.bil (.hdr) Brest SPOT-XS multispectral data copyright.txt Data copyright statement Background Data fusion is the process of combining multiple image layers into a single composite image. It is commonly used to enhance the spatial resolution of multispectral datasets using higher spatial resolution panchromatic data or single-band SAR data. To perform data fusion in ENVI, the files must either be georeferenced (in which case spatial resampling is performed on the fly), or, if not georeferenced, cover the same geographic area, have the same pixel size, have the same image size, and have the same orientation. The files used in this exercise are not georeferenced. Therefore, the low spatial resolution images must be resampled to have the same pixel size as the high spatial resolution image (using nearest-neighbor resampling).
ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
Example 1: London, UK The London data consist of TM and SPOT data binary files with ER Mapper header files. ENVI has ER Mapper routines to automatically read the data. 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectFile > Open External File > IP Software > ER Mapper. A file selection dialog appears. 2. NavigatetoData\lontmspand use theShiftkey to selectlon_tm.ersandlon_ spot.ers. ClickOpen. 3. Inthe Available Bands List, select theRGB Colorradio button, then clickLoad RGBto display the true-color Landsat TM image (lon_tm). 4. Inthe Available Bands List, clickDisplay #1and selectNew Display. 5. SelecttheGray Scaleradio button. Underlon_spot, select thePseudo Layerband and click Load Bandto display the gray scale SPOT image. Resize Images to the Same Pixel Size The Dims field of the Available Bands List shows that the spatial dimensions of the SPOT image are 2820 x 1569, and those of the Landsat TM are 1007 x 560. The Landsat data have 28 m spatial resolution, while the SPOT data have 10 m spatial resolution. You will need to resize the Landsat image by a factor of 2.8 to create 10 m data that match the SPOT data. 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectBasic Tools > Resize Data (Spatial/Spectral). A Resize Data Input File dialog appears. 2. Selectlon_tmand clickOK. A Resize Data Parameters dialog appears. 3. Inthexfacfield, enter2.8. In theyfacfield, enter2.8009. You must use a value of 2.8009 rather than 2.8 to add an extra pixel to the y dimension, so the images will exactly match. This difference is insignificant for the purposes of this exercise. 4. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterresize_lon_tmand clickOK. 5. Inthe Available Bands List, clickDisplay #2and selectDisplay #1. 6. SelecttheRGB Colorradio button. Loadresize_lon_tmas an RGB composite into Display #1. 7. Froma Display group menu bar, selectTools > Link > Link Displays. A Link Displays dialog appears. ClickOKto link the resized image (Display #1) to the SPOT panchromatic image (Display #2). Compare the two images. 8. Whenyou are finished, selectTools > Link > Unlink Displaysfrom a Display group menu bar. Manual HSV Data Fusion Manually performing data fusion may help you better understand the data fusion process. First, transform the color TM image into hue-saturation-value (HSV) color space. Replace the value band with the higher resolution SPOT data and stretch the value band from 0 to 1 to fill the correct data range. Then
ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
transform the TM hue and saturation data and SPOT data values back to RGB color space. This produces an output image that contains the colors from the TM data with the spatial resolution of the SPOT data. Forward HSV Transform 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectTransform > Color Transforms > RGB to HSV. An RGB to HSV Input dialog appears. 2. SelectDisplay #1(which containsresize_lon_tm) and clickOK. An RGB to HSV Parameters dialog appears. 3. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterout_hsvand clickOKto perform the transform. 4. Inthe Available Bands List, underout_hsv, display the resultingHue,Sat, andValbands as individual gray scale images or as an RGB composite in Display #1. Create a Stretched SPOT Image to Replace TM "Value" Band 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectBasic Tools > Stretch Data. A Data Stretch Input File dialog appears. 2. Selectlon_spotand clickOK. A Data Stretching dialog appears. 3. Inthe Output Data section of the Data Stretching dialog, enter0in theMinfield and1.0in the Maxfield. 4. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterstretch_lon_spotand clickOKto stretch the SPOT data to floating-point data with a range of 0 to 1.0. Inverse HSV Transform 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectTransform > Color Transforms > HSV to RGB. An HSV to RGB Input Bands dialog appears. 2. SelecttheHueandSatbands underout_hsvas the H and S bands for the transform. Select the Stretchband understretch_lon_spotas theVband. ClickOK. An HSV to RGB Parameters dialog appears. 3. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterfused_londonand clickOKto perform the inverse transform. Display Results 1. Inthe Available Bands List, loadfused_londonas an RGB composite into Display #1. 2. Inthe Available Bands List, clickDisplay #1and selectNew Display. 3. Loadresize_lon_tmas an RGB composite into Display #3. Following is a summary of what each display group contains at this point:Display #1: Fused TM/SPOT image (fused_london) l Display #2: SPOT panchromatic image (lon_spot) l Display #3: Resized TM image (resize_lon_tm) l 4. Froma Display group menu bar, selectTools > Link > Link Displays. A Link Displays dialog appears.
ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
5. ClickOKto link all three display groups. Click in the Image window to use dynamic overlay to compare the images. Automated HSV Data Fusion 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectTransform > Image Sharpening > HSV. A Select Input RGB dialog appears. 2. SelectDisplay #3(the resized TM image) and clickOK. A High Resolution Input File dialog appears. 3. SelectthePseudo Layerband underlon_spotand clickOK. An HSV Sharpening Parameters dialog appears. 4. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterlontmsp.imgand clickOK. 5. Inthe Available Bands List, clickDisplay #3and selectNew Display. 6. Loadlontmsp.imgas an RGB composite into Display #4. 7. Froma Display group menu bar, selectTools > Link > Link Displays. A Link Displays dialog appears. ClickOKto link all four display groups. Below is a comparison between the original TM image (left) and the fused TM/SPOT image (right) for approximately the same area.
8. Trythe same process using the Color Normalized (Brovey) Transform by selectingTransform > Image Sharpening > Color Normalized (Brovey)from the ENVI main menu bar. 9. Whenyou are finished comparing images, close all files and display groups.
ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
Example 2: Brest, France 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectFile > Open Image File. Navigate toData\brestsp and selects_0417_2.bil. ClickOpen. This is a SPOT-XS multispectral data file. 2. Inthe Available Bands List, select theRGB Colorradio button. ClickLoad RGBto displays_ 0417_2.bilas a false-color infrared composite. 3. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectFile > Open Image File. Selects_0417_1.bil. Click Open. This is a SPOT panchromatic data file. 4. Inthe Available Bands List, select theGray Scaleradio button. SelectBand 1unders_0417_ 1.bil, and clickLoad Bandto display the SPOT panchromatic data. Resize Images to Same Pixel Size 1. TheDims field of the Available Bands List shows that the spatial dimensions of the panchromatic image are 2835 x 2227, and those of the SPOT-XS image are 1418 x 1114. The SPOT-XS data have 20 m spatial resolution, while the SPOT panchromatic data have 10 m spatial resolution. You will need to resize the SPOT-XS image by a factor of 2.0 to create 10 m data that match the SPOT data. 2. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectBasic Tools > Resize Data (Spatial/Spectral). A Resize Data Input File dialog appears. 3. Selects_0417_2.bil(the SPOT-XS image) and clickOK. A Resize Data Parameters dialog appears. 4. Inthexfacandyfacfields, enter1.999. You must use a value of 1.999 rather than 2.0 to add an extra pixel to the x and y dimensions, so the images will exactly match. This difference is insignificant for the purposes of this exercise. 5. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterresize_spotxsand clickOK. 6. Inthe Available Bands List, clickDisplay #1and selectNew Display. 7. Displaythe resized image as an RGB composite in Display #2. 8. Froma Display group menu bar, selectTools > Link > Link Displaysto link the resized SPOT-XS image (Display #2) with the SPOT panchromatic image (Display #1). Click in an Image window to use the dynamic overlay to compare the two images.
ENVI Tutorial: Landsat TM and SPOT Data Fusion
The above comparison shows the SPOT-XS data (20 m spatial resolution, left) and the SPOT panchromatic data (10 m spatial resolution, right). Fuse the SPOT Panchromatic Image 1. Fromthe ENVI main menu bar, selectTransform > Image Sharpening > HSV. A Select Input RGB dialog appears. 2. SelectDisplay #2(which contains the resized SPOT-XS image) and clickOK. A High Resolution Input File dialog appears. 3. SelectBand 1unders_0417_1.biland clickOK. An HSV Sharpening Parameters dialog appears. 4. IntheEnter Output Filenamefield, enterbrest_fused.imgand clickOK. Display and Compare Results 1. Inthe Available Bands List, clickDisplay #2and selectNew Display. 2. Loadthe fused image (brest_fused.img) as an RGB composite into Display #3. 3. Froma Display group menu bar, selectTools > Link > Link Displays. A Link Displays dialog appears. ClickOKto link the fused image to the two original SPOT images. 4. Whenyou are finished comparing the images, exit ENVI.
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