A Journey in Russia in 1858









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Journey in Russia in 1858, by Robert Heywood This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net
Title: A Journey in Russia in 1858 Author: Robert Heywood Release Date: November 30, 2008 [EBook #27366] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A JOURNEY IN RUSSIA IN 1858 ***
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Sherratt and Hughes, Printers, 34 Cross Street, Manchester
A Journey in Russia in 1858
EXPLANATION. This account of a journey to Russia was read by Mr. Heywood at a meeting of the Bolton Mechanics' Institute, and the following is a copy of a resolution passed on the occasion, with the signatures attached. We, the undersigned members of the Committee of the Bolton Mechanics' Institution, having listened with much pleasure to Mr. Heywood's lecture on his recent visit to St. Petersburg and Moscow, and being desirous that the valuable information it supplies should be made available to our families, fellow workmen and others, who are greatly interested in the subject from the large commercial intercourse between this town and the capitals of Russia, beg leave most respectfully to request Mr. Heywood to publish the substance of his valuable paper for the gratification and information of the public. And we request the President of the Institution to wait upon Mr. Heywood with this requisition, and to use his best efforts to induce that gentleman to accede to our request.
The request, however, was not put into execution.
M. H., 1918.
At the urgent request of our worthy and most active President, I have been induced to follow the example of several other friends of this Institution, and bring before you some account of a short visit to St. Petersburg and Moscow. I may premise that about fourteen years ago, on our return from Egypt, vià Constantinople, I and my companion, Mr. Charles Darbishire, were placed in quarantine at a station overlooking the Black Sea. Along with us we had a Russian nobleman[1] and his tutor, who were returning from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. During the fifteen days' confinement, whilst occupying separate apartments, we frequently interchanged visits, and on such occasions the manners and condition of our respective countries became the frequent subject of conversation. Such discussions did not terminate without receiving urgent invitations to visit Russia, offering, at the same time, to procure for us every facility for seeing the cities to advantage; and also an order from the gentleman's father,[2]who was at the head of the postal department, which would command for us horses and conveyances through every part of Russia. Since that time I have frequently contemplated visiting the north of Europe, but, from various causes, have deferred such undertaking till the last summer, when, finding my fellow traveller unwilling to leave home, I induced another individual[3]to accompany me after much difficulty in reconciling herself to so
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long an absence from attractions usually found at home. We set off on the 17th of June, and sailed the following day from Grimsby for St. Petersburg in the "Atlantic," a fine screw steamer, 1,600 tons burden, 284 feet long, and engines of 400 horse power, with thirty passengers. On setting out the weather was delightful, with a smooth sea, so that we remained on deck all day, enjoying the promenade, though it was somewhat restricted by numerous bales of cotton. The following day proved cloudy and much colder, followed by a stiff breeze through the night, rocking some of us without getting us to sleep. On the 20th we rejoiced to seeterra firma, and about ten in the evening landed a passenger at Elsinore. Here the sea becomes much narrower, bringing into view more than fifty vessels, no longer delayed by the payment of Sound dues which were compounded for some years ago with the kingdom of Denmark. Early the following morning we anchored opposite Copenhagen, and a boat being sent off for provisions, enabled some of us to go ashore and walk through some of the principal streets and take a glance at one of their numerous public gardens. On resuming our course, we passed a long range of nets kept afloat by logs of wood every thirty or forty yards; and near Goat Island we observed a large number of planks floating by for several hours, the cargo of some unfortunate vessel. Here we saw three gulls, the only birds we had observed in all our passage, and no fish, not even a porpoise, which should more readily be excused as they are mostly seen in stormy weather. In the course of conversation with one of the passengers we were glad to learn that our Russian friend was residing in one of the palaces at St. Petersburg, and also that he would be able to render us most valuable services. We arrived at Cronstadt on the 24th, having had on the whole a pleasant voyage, with agreeable company, but not without some feeling of commiseration for the poor stokers working so hard in a dusty heated atmosphere. Cronstadt is the chief station of the Russian navy, and the fortifications are very extensive, including two circular batteries a short distance from the shore, having three tiers and a range of guns at the top, but so ill-constructed, we were told, as to be rendered almost useless for want of ventilation. Here our passports were examined, and the passengers along with their luggage were transferred to a smaller steamer to convey us up the Neva to St. Petersburg. Soon after leaving Cronstadt, on the right are seen the gilded towers of the palace of Peterhof, and a little further we discern a large golden ball, the dome of St. Isaac, with the glittering taper spire rising from the Admiralty. Approaching nearer, we see numerous domes and spires, painted blue and green, with silver and golden stars.
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Along the banks of the Neva are quays, constructed in the most substantial manner out of large blocks of granite. Before being permitted to land there was a further inspection of our passports, and our luggage was conveyed to the searching house. Here we found a commissioner from the Miss Bensons, the proprietresses of a celebrated boarding-house, to whom we had written a short time before. Having but a few books, the examination passed off very quickly, and we were soon conveyed to their delightful establishment, beautifully situated on the English Quay. It was well that we had written, as we found the house quite full, consisting chiefly of English travellers; everything proved so nice and comfortable that we soon found ourselves more at home than we could have expected. So far I have proceeded as from a diary, but in future, though I shall confine myself almost entirely to such objects as come under our actual notice, I shall find it necessary in describing many particulars to quote largely from Murray and some other authorities. The weather, we were told, had been very wet and cold for a much longer period than usual, but had suddenly changed to brighter skies and a delightful atmosphere. The days, of course, are here much longer, but what surprised us most was the brilliant twilight, eclipsing every star and enabling us to read the newspaper at midnight. Our first business was to communicate by telegraph the important news of our safe arrival; and early the following morning we received the joyful intelligence of all being well at home. To some of you this may be considered a circumstance hardly worth relating, but let such persons go a considerable distance from home leaving behind them valuable treasures and their views and feelings will undergo considerable change. On enquiring about Adlerberg, my quarantine associate, we were sorry to learn that he had set off that morning with the Emperor for Archangel, proving himself by that circumstance, as well as from what we heard in all quarters, to be no unimportant personage, second only, they said, to the Emperor himself. St. Petersburg—so called from its founder in 1703—is situated on a marshy plain so far north as to be locked up one half of the year, and, notwithstanding such unfavourable circumstances, has become one of the handsomest cities in Europe, containing a population of about 600,000. The streets are spacious and well laid out, some of them two or three miles long, and, though not often exceeding three storeys, the houses are very lofty. It has been called another Venice on account of the numerous canals communicating with the river Neva, which afford a ready transit to all parts of the city and at the same time greatly assist the drainage, which otherwise would prove very imperfect. The Neva is a beautiful river, about as wide as the Thames in London, but not so polluted. Above the city are numerous islands, on which are erected beautiful villas, mostly constructed of wood in a fanciful style, and painted various colours with gardens very tastefully laid out. Besides numerous
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delightful drives among these islands they are made further accessible by small steamers. They are also connected by wooden bridges resting on boats which are removed before the winter season sets in, being not then required and also liable to great injury by the breaking up of the ice. But lower down there is one bridge constructed of iron of seven arches and 1,050 feet long and 60 feet wide, costing a million and a quarter sterling. Besides steamers there are many other boats, some very large rudely constructed, bringing wood from the lake of Ladoga, mostly birch, cut in short lengths for fuel, and others freighted with leather, hemp and various products from the interior. In discharging these boats with fuel the serfs[4]make use of a sort of truck with a framework to hold the billets, and the wheels, being not more than six or seven inches in diameter, require a narrow plank to be laid across the street a little below the uneven pavement. They have also a very defective mode of watering the streets; fetching the water in buckets and putting it into a larger vessel upon wheels from which they sprinkle the streets, instead of pumping up the water into a machine and distributing it as it goes along. On account of the boggy state of the ground the buildings are constructed on piles at an enormous expense, so that it has been said by an English resident that larger sums had been expended under ground than above, which I can the more readily believe after witnessing the extraordinary foundations of a new palace now in the course of erection. Most of the buildings, including palaces and churches, are built of brick, and covered with a cement of various colours; often out of condition and presenting a less substantial appearance. The pavement is generally in a bad state, consisting mostly of pebbles of every size mingled together, and all, I should say, wrong side up, in some places a yard or two without any at all. This condition of the streets, with the droshkies, a small four-wheel carriage, holding two persons, sitting together behind the driver, or sometimes back to back, with the fore-wheels about twelve inches high, and drawn very rapidly over such a pavement, you may suppose, makes it no easy matter to keep your seat. The droshky drivers have generally a round hat, and wear long loose dresses almost reaching to their heels, with a band round their waist. They carry a tin plate between their shoulders with a number on it; never drive with blinkers, and rarely use a whip, but having a rein in each hand, urge on their little horses at great speed over the uneven pavement without once coming down, so far as we observed. There are other carriages like our English cabs drawn by one or two horses, but the droshky is in most general use. We did not see many equipages, most of the nobility having left the city, and very few gentlemen on horseback save a few Cossacks or other military. Passing through the streets, we were astonished at the vast number of pigeons flying in all directions, and frequently alighting in the most crowded parts of the city.
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This bird, we were informed, is held sacred by the natives, and of course would soon become very numerous if they were not diminished by foreigners and others less scrupulous, who are supposed to convey them quietly from their roosting quarters to form an important part in culinary operations. The working men go about in what we were used to call top-boots, and even little boys have them, with the upper part variously coloured, but mostly red, a favourite colour in Russia. The serf wears a long coat reaching to the calves of his legs, with a number of gathers fastened together at the waist by a strap, in which he tucks his gloves, his whip or his axe. His shirt of checked linen, not often washed, and his neck entirely bare, with the lower garment consisting of wide linen trousers. With the use of stockings he appears totally unacquainted, wrapping his feet in linen rags. His shoes are a sort of sandal made of linden bark or leather, continuing his ragged wrapper up to his knees, binding it round with pack thread. The covering of his head is a deep crowned hat with narrow brim. The serfs pay about ten or twelve roubles annually (about £2 sterling) to their nobles, and also a certain proportion from the women and children. If not able to make up the tribute they must beg, borrow or steal to make up the deficiency. Their food consists chiefly of vegetables, and coarse fish, with black bread made of rye, but considered very nutritious. Both sexes wear a crucifix on their breasts, suspended round their necks by a string, which is put on at their baptism and never afterwards taken off; those of the peasants are of lead, but the better sort have them of silver or gold. In my several rambles over various parts of the Continent I have scarcely ever found any difficulty with a little knowledge of the French language in making myself understood, but here it was very different; in vain we addressed many respectable persons we met with in the streets respecting some public buildings, and we found every droshky man quite uncommunicative, so that directions had to be given at the hotel of our intended route, and if we changed our driver we managed to return by pointing the way, right or left. All this might have been obviated by the use of a few Russian words, but our time seemed too short to look into the vocabulary. Our first drive was past the statue of Peter the Great, near the Admiralty, St. Isaac's Cathedral, and along the Nevskoi Prospect, the Regent Street of St. Petersburg, three miles long and very wide, having in some parts the advantage of a wooden pavement. In this street are numerous shops with large signboards containing some letters of an unusual form, but rendered more intelligible by drawings of some of the articles to be sold. In the same street, on the opposite side, are also to be seen houses, or rather palaces, so large that fifty extend over an English mile. At the end of this street is situated the monastery of St. Alexander Nevskoi, one of the most celebrated in Russia, containing within its walls towers, churches and gardens, with many paintings, and a very remarkable monument of Alexander Nevskoi, of massive silver, which, with its ornaments, weighs 5,000 lbs. of pure metal.
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There is a library containing many valuable manuscripts, also a cemetery of such great repute that large sums are said to be paid for permission to repose in its holy ground. Our second drive was to the Summer Gardens, which are laid out in long avenues of fine old trees, interspersed with varied walks, flower beds and numerous beautiful marble statues, forming a delightful retreat, but attended with an enormous expense, as many of the tender trees and shrubs, and even statues, require a careful covering through the winter. From the gardens we proceeded to the original wooden palace, or cottage of Peter the Great, situated on one of the islands. It consists of three small rooms, one his bedroom, another his reception room, and a third his chapel, where the pictures he worshipped are carefully preserved. Many relics are still to be seen, a boat and sails, with an old armchair, all which are said to have been made by his own hands. The place was crowded by his devoted admirers, more particularly the chapel, which with numerous lighted candles purchased by the visitors, was heated almost to suffocation. The whole is covered over by a brick building to preserve it from the effects of the weather. We then proceeded to the Botanical Gardens, situated on another island. Here are numerous conservatories, comprising a great variety of camellias, heaths and ferns and several very large palm-houses, containing some very fine specimens. We then visited the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, which we found undergoing extensive repairs. In this church are deposited the remains of Peter the Great and all his imperial successors, the preceding Emperors having been buried at Moscow. The very great simplicity and absence of all ornament form a striking but most becoming contrast to the usual display in many other churches. The coffins, being placed in walls, are covered with a plain stone sarcophagus. On some the pall is embroidered in golden letters, on others nothing but the initial. From the roof are suspended numerous tattered banners, and on one side are hung the keys of Paris and other French fortresses. Hitherto we had taken advantage of the fine weather in driving about the city, visiting the islands and the public gardens, but this favour not being continued we turned our attention to the palaces, of which, Murray says, no other modern city can boast an equal number. The Winter Palace, the most splendid and largest royal residence in the world, is 700 feet in length, three storeys high, and nearly square, and is said to have 6,000 persons under its roof during the Emperor's residence in the capital. Among the extensive suite of apartments, galleries and halls filled with marbles, precious stones, vases, and pictures may be mentioned, first, the hall of St. George, where the Emperor gives audience to foreign ambassadors. It is 140 feet by 60 feet, on the splendour of which the Russians most pride
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themselves. The Empress's drawing-room is considered to be a perfect gem of taste. Beyond this is the Salle Blanche, or White Saloon, a very chaste and most elegant apartment, its decorations and marble columns all in pure white relieved only in gilding, the dimensions being nearly the same as the hall. Then the Diamond room, containing the crown and jewels of the Imperial family. Here diamonds, rubies and emeralds are ranged round the room in small cases, of such dazzling beauty that it is almost bewildering to look at them. The crown of the Emperor is adorned with diamonds of an extraordinary size, and the Imperial sceptre contains the largest in the world, the Kohinoor excepted; it was purchased by the Empress Catherine for 450,000 roubles, or £75,000 sterling. In addition to the splendid apartments just described there is also a small room occupied by the late Emperor Nicholas containing a very small hard bed on which he died, this being almost the only room he occupied in that grand building. This room is held in great respect, and everything remains in the same state in which he left it. His mind was bent on other objects than mere splendour. About twenty years ago this gigantic pile of building fell a prey to the ravages of fire, and in a few hours were consumed much of those treasures and works of art which had been collected during the prosperous reigns of Elizabeth and Catherine. Kohl, speaking of its immense extent, says: "The suites of apartments were a perfect labyrinth, so that even the chief of the Imperial household, who had filled the office for twelve years, was not perfectly acquainted with all its nooks and corners." Though the crown jewels and most valuable articles were saved from the flames still the destruction of property must have been immense, spread over a surface of such enormous extent; the principal rooms alone, nearly one hundred in number, occupied on the first floor an area of 400,000 square feet. So great was the daring exhibited by the watchmen to preserve the property that, to the credit of the Emperor Nicholas, it is said that he ordered some officers to go and smash the large mirrors in order to prevent the soldiers and people from sacrificing themselves in making any further attempts to save the property. In one point of view this destructive fire has proved an advantage, for the custom of consigning to solitude those suites of rooms occupied by deceased sovereigns had here closed so many of the finest apartments that in a few more generations the reigning monarch would have been fairly turned out by the ghosts of his predecessors. The Hermitage is connected with the Winter Palace by several covered galleries, and forms a sort of continuation of that vast building. It was erected by the Empress Catherine as a luxurious retreat.
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The collection of paintings occupies about forty rooms, and is of immense value. Three or four rooms are entirely filled with jewels and articles of vertu, among these a superb vase of Siberian jaspar of lilac colour, and others of malachite, with two magnificent candelabras valued at £9,000. The ground floor with statuary. Three rooms containing more than 30,000 specimens of engravings, and two rooms are occupied by a collection of coins and medals. The cameos amount to the number of 10,000, including specimens of the greatest beauty and scarcity. Besides a theatre, there is a library containing more than 120,000 volumes, 10,000 in the Russian language. The Marble Palace, so called, is built of red granite, and is the residence of the Grand Duke Constantine. The Taurida Palace, now in a neglected state, is famous for its ballroom, 320 feet long by 70 feet wide, and lighted up with 20,000 wax candles. Among other numerous palaces may be mentioned the Michaelhof, erected by the Emperor Paul with extraordinary rapidity, there being 5,000 men employed daily, and in order to dry the walls more quickly large iron plates were made hot and fastened to them. Yet after the Emperor's death it was abandoned as quite uninhabitable after a cost of eighteen millions of roubles, or three millions sterling. The room in which the Emperor died is sealed and walled up, and the palace is now converted into a school of engineers. The Imperial Library is one of the most extensive in Europe, containing 400,000 volumes and 15,000 manuscripts. St. Petersburg has only about thirty churches, the four principal the Kazan, St. Isaac, the Smolnoi and St. Peter and St. Paul. The first of these, Kazan, is a copy, though on a small scale, of St. Peter's at Rome, with its colonnade, and adorned with colossal statues. In the interior are fifty-six marble columns, each 52 feet in height, hewn out of a single block of marble. The walls and flooring of the same are all beautifully polished. That part which answers to our chancel, in all Greek churches is looked upon as the Holy of Holies, shut off from the rest of the building by a screen, called the Iconostat. This is set apart for the priests: laymen may enter, but no woman, not even the Empress, can go into this mysterious enclosure. In this church, all its beams and posts are of massive silver, the three doors and arches being 20 feet in height above the altar. We could not learn, says Murray, how many hundredweight of silver were employed, but doubtless many thousands of dozens of French and German s oons, and hundreds of sou tureens and tea ots must have been melted
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down by the Cossacks in 1813 and 1814 as offerings to the Holy Mother of Kazan, this Madonna being held by them in peculiar veneration. The members of the Greek religion pray standing,—the interior of the church is always devoid of pew, bench, or chair; but in every church there is a place set apart for the Emperor to stand in, which is raised above the floor, and usually covered with a canopy. An exception has been made in favour of the Dowager Empress on account of ill-health. This standing during a service, continuing two hours, must prove very fatiguing, but is a sure preventive of sleeping. Behind and in front the ceremonies are performed by numerous priests, fine looking men, with long flowing beards, in robes of most costly materials; the genuflexions are numerous and very low, incense is much used, and there are some good pictures, but no statuary and no organ or other instrumental music; but the chanting is peculiar and very striking. Whilst in catholic countries the churchgoers are mostly women; in Russia we find both sexes engaged in such duties. On entering the church a wax candle is purchased, and sinking on one knee, bowing his head to the pavement and crossing his breast respectively with the thumb and the two forefingers of his right hand, the worshipper proceeds to the shrine itself, he lights his candle at the holy lamp, and sets it up in one of the numerous sockets in a large silver stand; then, falling low on his bended knee, kisses the pavement before the altar. This we witnessed on another visit, carried out to a most extravagant extent. A young man, almost the only worshipper present, bowed down from a standing position more than sixty times, bumping his head with such force upon the marble floor as to be heard distinctly a considerable distance—a case of insanity, you will suppose, or likely soon to become so. Flame is considered the best spiritual representation; no interment, baptism, or any sacred ceremony is thought of without lamp or taper, greatly exceeding what takes place in the Catholic church. Even the Exchange is not without its Saint and lamp continually burning. On the Sunday we went to the grand church dedicated to St. Isaac, commenced in 1817 and only opened a fortnight before our arrival. This church, with almost the grandeur of St. Peter's at Rome, though not so favourably situated, excels in beauty both the interior and exterior of the Madeleine in Paris. In the foundation of this wonderful structure were driven 10,762 piles, the work of ten engines for a whole year; on these were placed two layers of blocks of granite, carefully worked and never again to be seen, being 15 feet below the surface of the street. They serve as a base to the walls of the cathedral, of which the more important are granite, to the level of the pavement, the remainder being constructed with compact masonry, bed upon bed, costing £200,000.
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