E. V. Ramasamy Periyar (1879-1973








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

  • cours magistral
  • dissertation
  • cours - matière potentielle : at the age of twelve
  • exposé
1 POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF PERIYAR By: Louis Antony E. V. Ramasamy Periyar (1879 -1973)
  • deep wound of insecurity among the people
  • nation through political work
  • own reason
  • social equality
  • students on caste basis at the gurukulam
  • great man
  • political philosophy
  • self
  • e.
  • people
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68 MathematicsGeorgia Performance Standards Grade 7 By the end of grade seven, students will understand and use rational numbers, including signed numbers; solve linear equations in one variable; sketch and construct plane figures; demonstrate understanding of transformations; use and apply properties of similarity; examine properties of geometric shapes in space; describe and sketch solid figures, including their crosssections; represent and describe relationships between variables in tables, graphs, and formulas; analyze the characteristics of linear relationships; and represent and analyze data using graphical displays, measures of central tendency, and measures of variation. Instruction and assessment should include the appropriate use of manipulatives and technology. Topics should be represented in multiple ways, such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written, numeric/databased, graphical, and symbolic. Concepts should be introduced and used, where appropriate, in the context of realistic phenomena. Concepts/Skills to Maintain Operations with positive rational numbers, including  mixednumbers Line and rotational symmetry Surface area and volume Ratio as a representation of quantitative relationships NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Students will further develop their understanding of the concept of rational numbers and apply them to real world situations. M7N1. Students will understand the meaning of positive and negative rational  numbersand use them in computation. a. Find the absolute value of a number and understand it as the distance from  zeroon a number line. b. Compare and order rational numbers, including repeating decimals. c. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative rational numbers. d. Solve problems using rational numbers. GEOMETRY Students will further develop and apply their understanding of plane and solid geometric figures through the use of constructions and transformations. Students will explore the properties of similarity and further develop their understanding of 3dimensional figures. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 6/14/2005 All Rights Reserved Page1of6
68 MathematicsGeorgia Performance Standards Grade 7 M7G1. Students will construct plane figures that meet given conditions. a. Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and  appropriatetechnology. Constructions should include copying a segment;  copyingan angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing  perpendicularlines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and  constructinga line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. b. Recognize that many constructions are based on the creation of congruent  triangles. M7G2. Students will demonstrate understanding of transformations. a. Demonstrate understanding of translations, dilations, rotations, reflections, and  relatesymmetry to appropriate transformations. b. Given a figure in the coordinate plane, determine the coordinates resulting  froma translation, dilation, rotation, or reflection. M7G3. Students will use the properties of similarity and apply these concepts to  geometricfigures. a. Understand the meaning of similarity, visually compare geometric figures for  similarity,and describe similarities by listing corresponding parts. b. Understand the relationships among scale factors, length ratios, and area ratios  betweensimilar figures. Use scale factors, length ratios, and area ratios to  determineside lengths and areas of similar geometric figures. c. Understand congruence of geometric figures as a special case of similarity:  Thefigures have the same size and shape. M7G4. Students will further develop their understanding of threedimensional  figures. a. Describe threedimensional figures formed by translations and rotations of  planefigures through space. b. Sketch, model, and describe crosssections of cones, cylinders, pyramids, and  prisms. ALGEBRA Students will demonstrate an understanding of linear relations and fundamental algebraic concepts. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 6/14/2005 All Rights Reserved Page2of6
68 MathematicsGeorgia Performance Standards Grade 7 M7A1. Students will represent and evaluate quantities using algebraic expressions. a. Translate verbal phrases to algebraic expressions. b. Simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions, using commutative, associative,  anddistributive properties as appropriate. c. Add and subtract linear expressions. M7A2. Students will understand and apply linear equations in one variable. a. Given a problem, define a variable, write an equation, solve the equation, and interpretthe solution. b. Use the addition and multiplication properties of equality to solve one and  twosteplinear equations. M7A3. Students will understand relationships between two variables. a. Plot points on a coordinate plane. b. Represent, describe, and analyze relations from tables, graphs, and formulas. c. Describe how change in one variable affects the other variable. d. Describe patterns in the graphs of proportional relationships, both direct  (y=kx) and inverse (y=k/x). DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY Students will demonstrate understanding of data analysis by posing questions, collecting data, analyzing the data using measures of central tendency and variation, and using the data to answer the questions posed. Students will understand the role of probability in sampling. M7D1. Students will pose questions, collect data, represent and analyze the data,  andinterpret results. a. Formulate questions and collect data from a census of at least 30 objects and  fromsamples of varying sizes. b. Construct frequency distributions. c. Analyze data using measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode),  includingrecognition of outliers. d. Analyze data with respect to measures of variation (range, quartiles,  interquartilerange). Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 6/14/2005 All Rights Reserved Page3of6
68 MathematicsGeorgia Performance Standards Grade 7 e. Compare measures of central tendency and variation from samples to those  froma census. Observe that sample statistics are more likely to approximate  thepopulation parameters as sample size increases. f. Analyze data using appropriate graphs, including pictographs, histograms, bar  graphs,line graphs, circle graphs, and line plots introduced earlier, and using  boxand whisker plots and scatter plots. g. Analyze and draw conclusions about data, including describing the  relationshipbetween two variables.
Terms/Symbols: natural number, whole number, sign, integer, opposite, negative, positive, absolute value, term, variable, commutative property, associative property, distributive property, algebraic expression, linear equation, direct and indirect proportions, constant of proportionality (y=kx), variation, polyhedron, translation, rotation, reflection, dilation, symmetry, bisector, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, crosssection, similar, congruent, point, line, plane, line segment, endpoints, intersection, ray, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, similar, similarity, rate, scale drawings, corresponding sides, corresponding angles, congruent, diagonal, algebraic expression, commutative property, associative property, distributive property, direct variation, inverse variation, inversely proportional, mean, median, mode, range, quartile, interquartile range, outlier, histogram, scatter plot, line plot, boxandwhisker plot,, ~,, ||,,. Process Standards The following process standards are essential to mastering each of the mathematics content standards. They emphasize critical dimensions of the mathematical proficiency that all students need. M7P1. Students will solve problems (using appropriate technology). a. Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving. b. Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts. c. Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems. d. Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 6/14/2005 All Rights Reserved Page4of6
68 MathematicsGeorgia Performance Standards Grade 7 M7P2. Students will reason and evaluate mathematical arguments. a. Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics. b. Make and investigate mathematical conjectures. c. Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs. d. Select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof. M7P3. Students will communicate mathematically. a. Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication. b. Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers,  teachers,and others. c. Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others. d. Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. M7P4. Students will make connections among mathematical ideas and to other  disciplines. a. Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas. b. Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to  producea coherent whole. c. Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics. M7P5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways. a. Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate  mathematicalideas. b. Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve  problems. c. Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical  phenomena.
Reading Standard Comment After the elementary years, students are seriously engaged in reading for learning. This process sweeps across all disciplinary domains, extending even to the area of personal learning. Students encounter a variety of informational as well as fictional texts, and they experience text in all genres and modes of discourse. In the study of various disciplines of learning (language arts, mathematics, science, social studies), students must learn through reading the communities of discourse of each of those disciplines. Each subject has its own specific vocabulary, and for students to excel in all subjects, they must learn the specific vocabulary of those subject areasin context.Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 6/14/2005 All Rights Reserved Page5of6
68 MathematicsGeorgia Performance Standards Grade 7 Beginning with the middle grades years, students begin to selfselect reading materials based on personal interests established through classroom learning. Students become curious about science, mathematics, history, and literature as they form contexts for those subjects related to their personal and classroom experiences. As students explore academic areas through reading, they develop favorite subjects and become confident in their verbal discourse about those subjects. Reading across curriculum content develops both academic and personal interests in students. As students read, they develop both content and contextual vocabulary. They also build good habits for reading, researching, and learning. The Reading Across the Curriculum standard focuses on the academic and personal skills students acquire as they read in all areas of learning.
MRC. Students will enhance reading in all curriculum areas by: a. Reading in all curriculum areas Read a minimum of 25 gradelevel appropriate books per year from a variety of subjects. disciplines and participate in discussions related to curricular learning in all areas. Read both informational and fictional texts in a variety of genres and modes of discourse. Read technical texts related to various subject areas b. Discussing books Discuss messages and themes from books in all subject areas. Respond to a variety of texts in multiple modes of discourse. Relate messages and themes from one subject area to messages and themes in another area. Evaluate the merit of texts in every subject discipline. Examine author’s purpose in writing. Recognize the features of disciplinary texts. c. Building vocabulary knowledge Demonstrate an understanding of contextual vocabulary in various subjects. Use content vocabulary in writing and speaking. Explore understanding of new words found in subject area texts. d. Establishing context Explore life experiences related to subject area content. Discuss in both writing and speaking how certain words are subject area related. Determine strategies for finding content and contextual meaning for unknown words. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 6/14/2005 All Rights Reserved Page6of6
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