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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres
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Written by
Marti Noxon
FADE UP: Moving through a tract development. The houses are like Mexican food -- the basic elements are all the same, just mixed differently. A gloomy night, no moon. And a slightly ominous pattern emerges... Green, thriving lawns and meticulously tended homes abut brown yards and porches littered with old newspapers and pizza joint flyers. Each third or fourth house is FOR SALE or, worse, seemingly abandoned. This area is in danger of becoming a ghost town. A deep, commanding voice pierces the silence:
Defy reason. Defy everything you know. Now we move in on one of the homes. Not the nicest on the block, but inhabited. Lights on in the windows.
Inside the house. A middle-class family lives here. The living room is empty, but the TV's on.
A commercial for PETER VINCENT. A Las Vegas institution, he's a magician whose show is all Gothic, horror-movie imagery. Peter's wiry, hot -- a rock and roll bad boy. He's cutting a girl up with a chain saw. And grinning like a mad man.
Peter Vincent's "FRIGHT NIGHT." The family DOG is up on the coffee table eating what's left of a fast food burger and fries, still in the box.
Something's moving in the dark.
Also on the table -- a role-playing game in progress. "Magic, the Gathering"... Elves and Wizards.
Only at The Hard Rock. Nightly Wednesday Through Sunday. Now we hear what at first sounds like a MUFFLED ARGUMENT coming from another room.
Get off her!! More voices yelling, something being thrown. An ugly domestic scene. We creep down a dark hall toward a cracked door, light seeps through the opening -- it SLAMS OPEN and ADAM, 17, crashes toward us. He's nice-looking, a little nerdy -- and he's in a blind terror. We get a glimpse of the horrible scene behind the door. A teen girl's room -- the sound of flesh ripping. We see a pale arm on the ground, shaking violently, as if something is tearing and tugging at the body attached to it. We bolt away with ADAM, who we now see is blood splattered, as he races UPSTAIRS. A PHONE CRADLE is ripped out of the wall, which Adam nearly falls over.
ADAM RACES INTO HIS PARENTS' ROOM. Another horrible glimpse - - his mother's body splayed across her frilly bed. Blood on pale pink sheets. ADAM goes to his FATHER'S SIDE OF THE BED and now we see Adam's father's body. His father was reaching for A GUN he'd hidden under the bed. ADAM gets down under the bed, desperately reaches for the gun. It's just beyond his grasp.
Come on, come on, come on... He gets it. But the GUN HAS A GUN LOCK. Adam has to dig in his dead father's pockets for his keys. Adam starts to cry.
Come on, come on! He finds them, struggles to unlock the gun with shaking hands. THE BED IS TURNED OVER in one violent throw. Adam is exposed. We see only a hint of the creature that looms over
Brutally strong, veins dark and visible under the skin... Human but not quite. Adam reacts in horror. He knows he's dead. HE's RIPPED OUT OF FRAME as we hear:
.we're looking at a nice day here in Clark County, hitting a season low of only 89 degrees...
MUSIC starts under the DISC JOCKEY as we LOOK DOWN FROM HIGH ABOVE at the SAME suburban neighborhood as before. In the daylight it seems nice. Charming, even. Pocket parks decorate almost every corner and kids ride bikes in the street. Mothers unload groceries. Neighbors chat.
.so get out there and enjoy this beautiful Wednesday, people. We SWOOP CLOSER and find that RADIO comes from a passing MINIVAN with those cutesy stick figure family decals on the rear window. The FOR SALE SIGNS and brown lawns don't seem nearly so foreboding now. We SWOOP UP AGAIN and see beyond Shadow Hills, past the WALL that encompasses it -- and become aware for the first time that the community is SURROUNDED BY FLAT, ARID DESERT. In the distance, we can just make out the glow of Las Vegas proper. It looks like a distant fantasy, a land-locked Pleasure Island.
CLOSE ON: The wheels of a DIRT BIKE as it zooms down the street. WIDEN to see CHARLIE BREWSTER, who is PUSHING the bike as fast as he can. It STARTS, sputters -- then craps out.
(to the bike/pissed) You want me to take you apart, huh? Charlie's 17 and has the slightly awkward feel of someone who just recently came into his body and good looks. He's a wry, thoughtful kid who's enjoying -- but not quite trusting -- a sudden surge in popularity.
(still talking to bike)
I will. I'll sell you for parts. Don't think I won't-- Charlie stops, embarrassed. DORIS -- a neighbor -- watches him talk to his bike. Paused as she hauls her trash cans to the curb. She's super pretty in a wholesome way -- except for her ridiculous body. Stripper city. She nods to the bike, amused.
Nothing doing, huh?
The thing's got no ambition. (re: trash cans) Can I -- uh, give you a hand?
I got it. Thanks. She walks away -- her sweatpants have the word "LUCKY" across the butt. He watches her go appreciatively. Doesn't notice his mom, JANE, struggling to pull their own cans to the curb.
Don't leer at the neighbors, kid. Jane, 40's, attractive and frazzled, wears a REAL ESTATE brokers blazer. Charlie wheels his bike back to the curb.
He and his mom have had an affectionate, teasing relationship which has only recently started to have more edge.
She's the one who put a word on her butt. I'm just reading it. Jane eyes a LARGE DUMPSTER FULL OF CONCRETE that sits in front of their NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR'S YARD.
Is he ever going to move that thing?
You need to get over it, Mom.
(WATCH IT) Attitude. (observes him/then) You've been tense or something. School?
School's great, actually.
Good. Hasn't dumped me yet. He says this like he's surprised. Jane nods. Getting it.
That'll teach you to get so tall and handsome.
(THEN) Getting what you want is stressful. Especially when you're not used to it. More to lose.
Are you reading those books again? The Power of Whatever the Hell? She laughs. He glances at the DUMPSTER.
They're not working. You're still flipping out about a big box.
Now Jane moves to the open garage and starts loading OPEN HOUSE SIGNS into her trunk. Charlie stands there. She shoots him a look -- then he helps her load.
It's an eyesore. I'm trying to convince people to move in, not join the legions leaving town--
If you say "mortgage crisis" again I'm getting a new mom.
The guy moves in and puts a giant trash can in his yard! When the Perry's lived there-- Charlie has heard this before. It's a common refrain.
The Perry's were the greatest neighbors ever. But they moved. I thought you were happy their place finally sold.
(back on the neighbor)
He's not digging a pool. Where do you think all that concrete's coming from?
You're spying on the guy now?
He's thirteen feet from our house. That's not spying, that's observing. A BEETLE CONVERTIBLE pulls up. AMY drives and her two hot friends, CARA and BEE, sit in the back.
Hi, Mrs. Brewster.
Hi honey. Hi girls. ANY, 16, is a stunner. And she's as cool as she is beautiful -- the girl every other guy in school would die to be with.
But Charlie is. And he can't believe his luck. Which puts him off his game. She makes him feel like he's always playing catch up. Charlie moves toward the VW. Jane calls after him.
Oh hey -- Ed called. Again.
I'm tired of making excuses, Charlie. If you don't want to talk to him, would you please tell him?
Kinda defeats the purpose. He gets to AMY and the girls. Amy glances at the dirt bike.
Still can't get the bike started, huh?
Wow. No faith.
So you don't need a ride. Amy calls his bluff and starts to drive off. Charlie grabs his backpack and RACES after her.
No, hey, stop-- She laughs, stops the car. Charlie tries to jump in and she drives again.
Come on! Hey!-- Charlie runs and finally dives into the back headfirst. The girls are laughing.
Watching them drive off, gone in a cloud of teen spirit.
The Beetle zips through a commercial strip. More suburban paradise. Charlie's in the front seat now. Amy drives, one hand on the wheel. Casually drops one on Charlie's leg. Charlie tries to act casual, but he's stoked and... amazed. Cara half-sleeps in the back while BEE leans forward, flirty, and eyes Charlie's COLORFUL PUMA SNEAKERS. Charlie's a sneakerhead, a serious collector.
Takes a man to wear purple, Chuck.
Chuck likes it when I call him Chuck, right Chuck? Intimidated by these girls, he tries to form a witty retort.
It's -- they're not -- that's, like, puce? That's a macho puce.
Can you stop someplace? I'm severely under-caffeinated.
(ignores her/to Bee) Did you see the poster for the formal? The theme is "Hope"?
I know. They asked me to be on the committee again but I was like -- hope is completely 2008. Grow up.
Did you suggest "Despair?" Nobody would see that coming. Or -- global warming? Everybody has to wear tin foil.
(laughs/to Charlie) Did you go last year? We basically did the whole thing, Bee and me.
(LIES) Me? I, ah, was in training that week. This big triatha--
(cutting him off)
Chuck was still under his rock. We're so glad you crawled out.
Caffeine!? Hello!
I have Econ first period. Amy takes her hand off his leg. Charlie notices.
(KILLING HIM) Okay. Yeah. It's no big deal. Amy PULLS into a coffee place. Parks. The girls climb out.
Thank you, Jesus. Amy catches Charlie looking at his watch, fidgeting.
You're not going to flunk for missing Econ, Brain.
Brain? I -- what? No, I'm-- But she's already walking away.
Five minutes. He watches her move off, anxious and smitten.
Charlie arrives with Amy, Cara and Bee -- all the girls now sport coffee drinks. Charlie has one too, with whipped cream and the works.
Kids stream into a nice, modern-looking high school. Amy takes Charlie's arm.
On time. You stress too much.
I wasn't worried.
You were doing your worried thing.
I was? I have a -- what's my--
Ladies! A couple of handsome jock-type guys, MARK and BEN, roll up along side Charlie and the girls. They draw looks from other students as they move through the courtyard. The cool kids.
Doods. Looking massive.
(to Charlie/re: drink) Seriously? A Mochachino? You can't ride with the girls anymore. You let them brush your hair, My Pretty Pony? Mark grabs the cup away from him. Starts drinking it.
(takes his arm)
Chuck's secure, aren't you? We see that Ben is also wearing PUMA's. Different design. It's a thing. Charlie shows his off -- he's secure.
Fuck yeah.
(TO CHARLIE) I have track after school, maybe we can hook up later?
Yeah. Hey. Come here. (pulls her aside/awkward) You know, the formal. Don't think I wasn't going to ask you, because I thought it was an obvious go. Together. Hope, puppies, kittens, the whole deal. You and me.
(NOT UNKIND) Oh, no. Please. Nobody goes to the dance senior year. She smiles, moves off. He watches her, lets out a breath.
Right. I knew that. MARK and BEN enjoy the view as the girls move off. Wow. Mark, incredulous, says to Charlie:
Did you find a frickin' Genie lamp man? Make a sacrifice to the hot ass Gods? How do you get that?
Game, my friend. Rock solid. Charlie moves off. And even though he's playing it off, we see that Mark's hit a nerve. This hot girlfriend thing is a bitch. Mark calls after him--
You don't even have a car!
Later. Charlie's in Econ class. Seated in a back row near MARK and BEN. A number of seats in class are EMPTY.
Ben Wegner?
Adam Noris? Nothing. Teacher looks around.
Adam? (marks chart/then) Courtney Heuer? A girl raises her hand. Charlie, bored, idly checks out the class. Stops when he sees a tweaked-looking kid, ED, staring at him. EVIL ED is a slight, faintly punk-looking kid who's been picked on by bullies his whole life. He's hyper-intelligent, hyper-critical and... just hyper. And his binder is covered with COMIC BOOK STICKERS.
Nick Straley?
(NOTHING) Nick? Ed sees that he's caught Charlie's eye. Nods significantly at him. Like -- "you know and I know..." Charlie looks away. As if he didn't see him.
Charlie, Mark and Ben move down the hall. Mark shows Charlie a picture on his phone. A woman posing seductively.
Miss Granada. Geometry.
Holy crap. Where did you get that?
She's hard up, man. Equations don't keep you warm at night. They stop, see EVIL ED approaching. This amuses Mark and Ben. But Charlie's uncomfortable -- wants to bolt.
I think "it's" going to talk to us.
(TO CHARLIE) I need a minute.
"It's" going to talk to Brewster.
(TO ED) When are you going to get the message? We don't know you--
(RE: CHARLIE) He does. Or did. Before the summer and his Jock Lobotomy.
(to Ed/uncomfortable) What's the deal, man?
Alone. Ed stares Charlie down. A beat. Ben and Mark bust out laughing. Mark looks at Charlie.
Just the two of you. That's sweet. He can school you in the ways of geek-douchery.
It's important. "Brewster." The way Ed says his name is enough to propel Charlie into action. He grabs Ed and pulls him aside. Mark and Ben watch with interest -- out of earshot. Ed's tone is dire, serious as a heart attack.
Adam's missing. Charlie's looking around, self-conscious.
What do you mean, he's missing?
I keep trying him -- nothing. No texts, no phone. And he's not the only one who's gone. You heard roll call.
So kids aren't coming to school. What do you want me to do about it?
Meet me at his house after school. We'll check around. See what's up, if he's okay.
I can't after school. I'm busy.
I don't think you get what I'm
Look, do we have to do this here? Ed can't believe it. Charlie's totally blowing him off. He starts to lose it, raises his voice--
What, am I not even suppose to speak to you now?--
Keep it down. Don't spaz--
It's so horrible! Crossing the streams! Will High School as we know it cease to exist?! Ed glances at Mark and Ben, who still watch from a distance.
You want me to tell your pals how well we know each other? The Lego contests, the Farscape conventions,
Or how your first sexual experience was with an Electra figurine--
No. No.
Then be my backup.
(DEFEATED) Fine. Adam's after school.