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Publié par
Date de parution
24 août 2024
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
344 Mo
"Fortune always favors the brave!"
Are you ready to master money? One of the richest and most famous men in the world, P.T. Barnum wrote, "Money is in some respects like fire; it is a very excellent servant but a terrible master." This book contains his twenty golden rules for making money and living well.
Phineas Taylor "P.T." Barnum was the greatest American showman of all time, father of the sensational spectacle, ringmaster of the celebrity circus.
His ventures were many and varied, from orchestrating grand concerts to exhibiting lurid hoaxes, but they never failed to capture and hold the public imagination in an iron grip.
In his rollercoaster ride of a life, he made and lost millions — and then made millions more.
Few people in history have made such a lifelong study of making money or have possessed such prodigious experience and expertise doing so.
"The Art of Money Getting" started as one of Barnum’s phenomenally popular lectures and was first published in book form in 1880. Its wisdom on the getting — and the keeping — of money is timeless. Every word is as valuable today as when it was written.
This new edition is fully annotated for the modern reader by publisher and author Rick Carlile with explanations, historical context, and commentary. It represents the ultimate way for the 21st-century reader to access and fully understand the most concise, simple, and effective guide to becoming and staying rich ever written.
This book is not for those blessed with generational wealth, born with a silver spoon in their mouths. It is a blueprint for the rest of us who know the value of money, having had to work for it, and who now seek a path to become its master. As Barnum wrote, "The poor boys get rich, and the rich boys get poor."
Opening Credits
Publisher's Introduction
Rule 1: Don't Mistake Your Vocation
Rule 2: Select the Right Location
Rule 3: Avoid Debt
Rule 4: Persevere
Rule 5: Whatever You Do, Do It With All Your Might
Rule 6: Depend Upon Your Own Personal Exertions
Rule 7: Use the Best Tools
Rule 8: Don't Get Above Your Business
Rule 9: Learn Something Useful
Rule 10: Let Hope Predominate, but Be Not Too Visionary
Rule 11: Do Not Scatter Your Powers
Rule 12: Be Systematic
Rule 13: Read the Newspapers
Rule 14: Beware of "Outside Operations"
Rule 15: Don't Indorse Without Security
Rule 16: Advertise Your Business
Rule 17: Be Polite and Kind to Your Customers
Rule 18: Be Charitable
Rule 19: Don't Blab
Rule 20: Preserve Your Integrity
Closing Credits
Publié par
Date de parution
24 août 2024
Poids de l'ouvrage
344 Mo