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The Power of Babies , livre audio






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These stories tell us how babies, from birth, have this skill to test by themselves the quality of the connections of the human network that surrounds them and to choose their first emotional attachments according to the quality of the signals received in return—without worrying about their filiation or their biological reality. A shock! They reveal to us through this unheard-of skill what is human in a person and how the little person becomes human. A new and modern vision of the human baby. These babies show us the intense efforts they make, from the moment they are born, to relate and to be kind, to make themselves light in the arms that carry them, to exist in the brains they cram into to ensure their safety and to “download” the knowledge of the world they need to survive. Babies very actively adapt to their new life as earthlings through the “Wi-Fi connections” they make in the first few minutes of their lives.
The author concludes his book with a call to consider the reality of the psychic suffering of abused babies. Twenty-five years ago, the medical world finally discovered that babies could feel physical pain, which has since been recognized and treated. Before that, they were operated on without any anesthesia. From today's perspective, this is barbaric. It is urgent to make the same intellectual revolution for the psychological pain and emotional distress of the infant, which is detectable and curable if we know how to spot the signs from birth. The psychological future of thousands of babies every year depends on it. Let's save human babies!
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Date de parution

11 juillet 2024





Poids de l'ouvrage

684 Mo

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