What Are Museums For? , livre audio






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• Argues passionately that museums are for everyone and must be accountable to everyone – inclusion must be at the heart of all they do, not tokenistic or peripheral

• Jon Sleigh is an engagement specialist who has hands-on experience working with many of this country’s leading galleries and museums – and also taking art to primary schools

• Will bridge the gap between the curatorial knowledge of institutions and social value in the wider community

• The book is cleverly structured like a virtual museum tour, using seven museum objects in seven different museums, each of which addresses a different aspect of the title

• The author will conduct a series of interviews specifically for this project to bring in a plurality of voices, from leading curators, sector specialists, museum staff and members of the public

The days when museums were dusty, stuffy institutions displaying their wealth and wisdom to a reverential public are over. Museums today are a cultural battleground. Who should decide what is put on display and how it is presented? Who gets to set the narrative?

In this passionately argued book, Jon Sleigh maintains that museums must be for all people and inclusion must be at the heart of everything they do. But what does good inclusion look like in practice? Cleverly structured like a museum tour, Sleigh uses seven illustrative museum objects from seven very different museums to explore such wide-ranging issues as trust-building, representation, digital access, conflicting narratives, removal from display and restitution.

1. Introduction: The Emotional Museum Encounter

2. The Classical Museum

3. The Museum in Service of Others

4. The Digital Museum

5. The Museum and Trust

6. The Queer Museum

7. The Changing Museum

8. The Future Museum?

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Date de parution

01 novembre 2024





Poids de l'ouvrage

611 Mo

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