Imvelaphi Yobuntu , livre ebook









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This book introduces the readers to a number of essays which speaks to various themes. The themes found in this book touch on the issues of Black people, particularly the youth. Among others are the issues of the origins of Ubuntu in Africa, issues of traditional leadership during the democratic era, issues of education and the challenges faced by many young people when they arrive at the institutions of higher learning. The author chose this title ‘Imvelaphi Yobuntu’ (Origins of Ubuntu) in order to elaborate that we as Africans, we have our own roots and our ways of living and surviving. We can look back and see how our forefathers survived in their times and try to figure out how we can incorporate some of their ways into our times. The author also shares some of his life experiences including advices, opinions and guidance to the readers.
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Date de parution

10 juillet 2019

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

ImvelapHi Yobuntu
Menzi Z. hango
Ama-eseyi esiZulu
 Bîyoza Publîsers (Pty) Ltd
 ImvelapHi Yobuntu  (Origins of Ubuntu)
Bîyoza Publîsers (Pty) Ltd
Joannesburg, Sout Afrîca
Bîyoza Publîsers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 1139 Rîdgeway 2099
Emaîl: înfo@bîyozapublîs www.bîyozapublîs
Copyrîgt © Menzî Z. hango 2019
All rîgts reserved. No part of tîs publîcatîon may be transmîtted or reproduced, în any means wîtout te permîssîon of te publîser.
Fîrst edîtîon, irst împressîon 2019 ISBN: 978-0-6398-0952-6
Cover desîgn: Yanga Grapîx (Pty) Ltd Layout and typeset: Yanga Grapîx (Pty) Ltd
OkuquketHwe 1. Amazwî omlobî.................................................... 1 2. Amazwî okubonga............................................... 3 3. Nomfundo............................................................. 4 4. Utando lwemvelo............................................... 9 5. Vemvane lwamî..................................................... 12 6. Mama Ngîyabonga!.............................................. 15 7. Umona................................................................... 26 8. Zîyenzeka emaNyuvesî akîtî............................. 30 9. Emasontwenî......................................................... 33 10. Insîla yenzondo..................................................... 37 11. Msado munî-ke lona?........................................ 40 12. Isîzwe esîsa ......................................................... 43
Amazwi omlobi
Lelî buku letula îzîndaba ezîngama-eseyî esîZulu. Lama-eseyî asetulela ukusuka nokulala kwempîlo epîlwa yîsîzwe sakîtî es-împîsolo kulesî sîkatî sentando yabantu. Lelî buku lîqwasîsa umfundî ngezînto ezenzeka esîkatînî esîpîla kuso. Lama-eseyî apînde acacîse ngemvelapî yomuntu omnyama ngesîkatî kus-abusa ubukosî bendabuko. Lapa kulama-eseyî umfundî uzozît-olela amazwî akayo, îzexwayîso ngemîkuba emîbî esîvamîle uk-wenzeka emîpakatînî esîyakele njengesîzwe. Lama-eseyî apînde alomîse umuntu omusa ngezîkalî okumele azîpate alwe ngazo ukuze apumelele kulo mlaba owentula uzwelo nesîe kumuntu omnyama.
Lama-eseyî alanda ngezîgameko ezenzeka nsuku zonke empakatî-nî. Apînde aqwasîse lapo okubonakala kona ukutî sekonakele. Sîngabala îndlela abaganene bepatana ngayo, ukubuyîsa îsîtunzî somsado kanye nokulonîswa kwawo. Enye yama-eseyî esîloko sîtî ‘Nomfundo’ îgcîzelela ukubaluleka kwemfundo kanye nokutî îmalî ayîso luto esîkatînî sanamula uma îmîpumela yako îmîle kakulu ngoba yîyo ezokukulumela ukuze utole uxa-so ngakwezezîmalî zokufunda. Le-eseyî îzama ukucîma înkoleloze esîsabalele kulelî yokutî îmalî yîyo evale îmînyango yemfundo kantî loko akulona îqînîso. Kuzokumbuleka ukutî îmîfundaze yavela ngako pela ukutî kukutazwe abafundî ukuba bapu-melele ngamalengîso ukuze bezoketwa ngokwemîpumela yabo bese beyaxaswa. Akulona îqînîso ukutî abafundî kumele baxas-we ngoba naku bavela emîndenînî eyentulayo. Lapa sîkuluma ngemfundo. Imfundo îyasetsenzelwa, kumele lowo otola uxaso ngokwemalî yokufunda aketwe ngokwemîpumela yake ayî ukulupeka kwake ngoba loko kusakela îsîzwe esîvîlapayo fu-tî esazî ukutî sona kumele sînîkezwe okutîle sîngakusebenzelan-ga.
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