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The Pursuit of Destiny
Osita Eze
Copyright 2017 by Osita Eze.
For more information about the author, write to the author from eze_osita@yahoo.com.
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author or the publisher.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
CHAPTER ONE: Discover And Develop Yourself
CHAPTER TWO: Be A Committed Learner Of Truths
CHAPTER THREE: Access God s Wisdom Daily
CHAPTER FOUR: Share God s Riches
CHAPTER FIVE: Maximize The Power Of Intercession
CHAPTER SIX: Follow The Laws Of Good Success
CHAPTER SEVEN: Develop Your Positive Ideas
CHAPTER EIGHT: Obey And Honour Your Parents
CHAPTER NINE: Stay Where God Wants You To Stay
CHAPTER TEN: Ask God For Destiny Helpers
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Seek First His Kingdom
T HIS BOOK IS DEDICATED to all young men and women who have a strong desire to discover and maximize their destinies. You are indeed the icons of hope for the next generation. I believe in your dreams.
T HIS IS MY FIFTEENTH year of pursuing the fulfilment of my destiny and I have stumbled upon a few principles which I intend to pass on to the younger generation.
The journey to writing this book began several years ago when one of my students asked me to explain how an individual can discover God s plan for his or her life. I answered the question as best as I can but I knew within me that there is more to be known or said about the discovery and maximization of destiny. I prayed to God to teach me all that I needed to know about His plans for my life. I also invested time to meditate on God s word. I realized the following:
(1). The Bible teaches that God has planned a wonderful life for every person and that you have a responsibility to discover and live it. You must do your part day by day by taking positive, God-pleasing steps and God will surely reveal His plans for you.
(2). Destiny is the sum total of all the good works you have been predestined by God to carry out in your life-time on earth (2 Timothy 1:9). It is your God-given course of life, with all its challenges, accomplishments and hopes. It is the life God foresaw in you before you were born and deployed to the earth (Jeremiah 1:5, Colossians 4:17).
(3). Achieving your destiny is a process. It requires the determination to remain on the course that God has set before you irrespective of what you are going through at the moment. Staying on your destiny course is the greatest key to living a life of impact and eternity with God.
This book contains vital lessons I have learnt since the discovery and pursuit of my destiny. It is written to teach you specific principles you must practise daily to accomplish all that God had created you to accomplish. I believe God will use it to help you discover and get to that destiny of God-foreseen purpose and fulfillment if you adhere diligently and faithfully to the words therein.
CHAPTER ONE: Discover And Develop Yourself
F OR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)
God has created you and had equipped you with the basic resources you will ever need to succeed in life. No one has ever succeeded and none will ever succeed in life without discovering who God had predestined him to be.
Self-discovery can be defined as the deliberate and continuous act of finding out more about yourself-who you are now (your personality traits, talents and passions) and who you are capable of becoming tomorrow. It is the act of discovering what you are good at and deploying them in the area of service where they are needed. It is the act of identifying the problems you were created to solve for the benefits of mankind and solving them. It is a vital part of human development.
How To Discover Yourself
There are three main ways of discovering who you are. They include the following:
1. Personal Interest: What you love and are passionate about are often pointers to the career or ministry that God wants you to pursue. They often reveal who you are and what God wants you to be and do.
When you discover a career or ministry that fits perfectly with your identified skills, talents and passions, pursue it. It will bring you satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
2. Counsel: Sometimes, God positions people such as your parents, counsellors at school, Christian leaders and friends into your life to show you a clearer picture of what you ought to know about yourself and your future.
There is an aspect of your life which only you know about and there is another aspect of your life which you do not know. Only those whom God has placed in your life to watch over you know it. Since they are more experienced than you are, they will be more qualified to give you sound counsel which would help you in discovering yourself (See 2 Timothy 1:5-6).
3. God: God knows you. He created you for a reason. To know His purpose for creating you, you need to consult Him in prayers (Isaiah 45:11-13). Any prayer of enquiry made to God out of a sincere heart will be answered according to His will and timing.
Develop Yourself
To develop yourself is to improve the quality and effectiveness of your talents and giftings. The easiest way to develop yourself is to get an education. Education, either formal or informal helps you to develop your giftings and passions so that they can be used to the maximum. It offers you an opportunity to meet with professionals in your area of interest and rub minds with them. It provides you a platform to learn from them and be mentored by them. The time spent with them in and outside the learning environment or classroom setting must be highly prized and treasured.
Biblical Examples Of Those Who Discovered and Developed Themselves
1. Joseph: He was the eleventh son of Jacob, also known as Israel. He was blessed by God with managerial ability and the gift of interpretation of dreams. He developed his gifts by putting them to use (Genesis 40-41).
2. Jeremiah: He had the ability to see visions and he developed his ability by declaring consistently what he had seen to the peoples of diverse nations he had been sent to (Jeremiah 1:5-13).
3. Cain and Abel: Both of them were sons of Adam and Eve. While Cain was a tiller of the ground, Abel was a shepherd. Both developed their abilities and passions by the consistent practice of their trade (Genesis 4:2-4).
4. Jacob and Esau: Jacob and Esau were sons of Isaac. Esau was a skillful hunter while Jacob loved attending to domestic duties (Genesis 25:27). They both developed their passions by observing their parents and putting into practice lessons they had learnt from them.
Benefits Of Discovering and Developing Yourself
Self-discovery and development is very important because of the following reasons:
1. It helps you to be at peace with yourself: You were created with a particular set of talents, passions and personality traits to fulfill a specific purpose on earth. Life on earth would never be meaningful to you until you discover the virtues that God has placed inside you and use them. The discovery of these virtues and its maximum utilization will help you attain fulfillment in life. You will need it to be an accomplished member of the society.
2. It helps you to add value to other people s lives: God has blessed you with specific virtues not just for your personal use but for the purpose of being a blessing to other persons who need your personal giftings. Your life is not yours absolutely. It is given to you so that you can be a blessing to the people around and beyond you (1 Peter 4:10).
3. It helps you to determine your vocation or subjects to be studied in the institutions of learning: Self-discovery will help you to discover a career that fits perfectly with your identified skills, talents and passions. It will also help you to choose subject combinations in institutions of learning that express your passions and skills.
4. It is one of the secrets of wealth creation: Proverbs 18:16 says: A man s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men . It is interesting to note that the Bible does not say that a man s education makes room for him, but that his gift does. If you are intelligent but are not exercising your gift, you are probably going to be poor, depressed, frustrated and tired of life. However, whenever you discover and exercise your gift, the world will not only make room for you, but it will also pay you for it. Anyone who discover his or her gift and develop it will become a commodity.
God created and gave you passions, giftings and potentials. Discover them, multiply them and bless your generation with them. If you do these things, fulfillment, wealth and prosperity will trail your life always.
CHAPTER TWO: Be A Committed Learner Of Truths
Y OU SHALL KNOW THE truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
Truths are undeniable facts that operate in God s kingdom. They are time-tested principles for success in every area of life.