Secularization in Malawi and Britain , livre ebook









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The major purpose of this book is to critically examine the applicability of manifestations and factors of secularization in Britain to Malawi. The book was guided by the key research question, "Are the manifestations and factors of secularization in Britain applicable to Malawi?" The question was supported by other follow up questions, namely, "What were the factors that contributed to the rise of secularization in Britain?" "What is the connection between Britain and Malawi?" "To what extent does secularization in Britain affect that in Malawi?" "Does Malawi have unique factors that are specific or are the same factors at work that have contributed to the process of secularization in Britain?"
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Date de parution

30 novembre 2022

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Poids de l'ouvrage

4 Mo


Copyright 2022 by Rev Dr. Billy Gama
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
prior permission from the publishers.
Published by
Kachere Series
P.O. Box 1037, Zomba, Malawi
ISBN: 978–99908–0-257-3
eISBN: 978-99960-25-44-0
The Kachere Series is represented outside Africa by: African Books
Collective, Oxford (
Layout & Cover Design: Josephine Kawejere



Rev Dr. Billy Gama

Kachere Books no. 68

Kachere Series

Kachere Series
P.O. Box 1037, Zomba, Malawi

This book is part of the Kachere Series, a range of books on religion,
culture and society from Malawi. Other related Kachere titles so far are:
John Lloyd Lwanda, Kamuzu Banda of Malawi: A Study in Promise, Power and
Legacy, Malawi under Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda (1961-1994)
Rhodian G. Munyenyembe, Christianity and Socio-Cultural Issues: The
Charismatic Movement and Contextualization in Malawi
Andrew C. Ross, Colonialism to Cabinet Crisis: A Political History of Malawi
James Tengatenga, The UMCA in Malawi: A History of the Anglican Church
Isaac C. Lamba, Contradictions in Post-War Education Policy Formulation and
Application in Colonial Malawi 1945-1961: A History Study of the Dynamics of
Colonial Survival
Martin Ott, & Fidelis Kanyongoro, Democracy in Progress
Sheikh Imuran Shareef Mahomed, Majlis Al-Sh ŭrá Consultative Assembly: Past
and Present Application of the Principle of shûrâ in Islamic Governance
Colin Baker, Chipembere: The Missing Years
John M.K.Mtitima, Powers of Culture: Dilemma of the Black Race

The Kachere Series is the publication arm of the Department of Theology
and Religious Studies of the University of Malawi

Series Editors: Dr. D. Dembo, Dr L. Ndekha, Dr. I. S. Mohammad; Dr. J.
Thipa; Dr. A. Chaima, Dr. G.M. Kayange;Mzee Dr. H. Mvula; R. Mdoka

I dedicate this book to my Sweetheart, Shamim (my wife) and my
Sweet daughter, Yankho, not forgetting Junior my son, many
thanks for your support in my life.
I would like to express my sincere vote of thanks to different
individuals and organizations for all the contributions to enable me
write this book. Much of the information in this book has been
extracted from my Doctoral Thesis that was supervised by Prof.
David T. Williams. To Prof. D.T. Williams, many thanks for your
encouragement, guidance and support throughout my studies at
the University of Fort Hare. Prof Chetty, I say thank you. To His
Excellency Late Ngwazi Prof. Bingu wa Mutharika, the Former
President of the Republic of Malawi, Your Excellency many thanks
for your encouragement and support towards my studies. May
your soul rest in peace.
Special thanks to His Excellency Prof. Arthur Peter
Mutharika for his encouragement and support to enable me work
on this book. Dr. Bakili Muluzi, The Former Head of State of
Malawi, many thanks for your support.
Many thanks to the CCAP Blantyre Synod for the support
towards my ministry. Thank you very much Kachere Series for
publishing my book. To all friends within the Synod, Malawi and
beyond, thank you so much.
Summary of the Book
The major purpose of this book is to critically examine the
applicability of manifestations and factors of secularization in
Britain to Malawi. In examining the manifestations and factors the
book had to examine the process of secularization in Britain and its
causal factors using theoretical frameworks and examine
manifestations and causal factors of secularization in Malawi using
field research work as a major source supported by the theoretical
frame works of secularization.
The book was guided by the key research question, “Are
the manifestations and factors of secularization in Britain
applicable to Malawi?” The question was supported by other
follow up questions, namely, “What were the factors that
contributed to the rise of secularization in Britain?” “What is the
connection between Britain and Malawi?” “To what extent does
secularization in Britain affect that in Malawi?” “Does Malawi have
unique factors that are specific or are the same factors at work
that have contributed to the process of secularization in Britain?”
The conceptual framework for this book was derived from
the literature on “secularization” from different scholars, in
particular, the work of Dobbelaere (2002) whose analysis of
secularization provided the theoretical frame work for this book.
Learning from Dobbelaere (2002) the book used three types of
secularizations, namely, societal, organizational and individual.
Dobbelaere (2002:24ff) distinguishes the three types of
secularization in a very simple way: individual secularization, the
lack of individual practice, societal secularization, the loss of
influence on society, and organizational secularization as the effect
on religious organizations by changes in society.
The methodological approach to the book was the mixed
methods approach that involved three types of research
methodologies: the qualitative, quantitative and case studies
approaches. Data was collected through personal and focus group
interviews. It was supported by secondary sources which include
books, minutes of meetings in various institutions and the internet.
The book notes that all the three types of secularization are
being experienced in Malawi; societal secularization has been
manifested by the removal of religious connected syllabus in
schools, suspension of homosexuality laws and involvement of
religious leaders in different immoral issues just like non-believers.
Organizational secularization has been manifested by fights among
religious institutions e.g. boarder disputes that have been given as
case studies in chapter five and finally the individual secularization
is being manifested in Malawi as membership records indicate that
there is a big decline in church attendance and participation in
religious activities.
New knowledge that this book is proposing is that
secularization is manifested in Malawi through the partial influence
from Britain because of strong links between the two countries and
the effects of modernization. The book further proposes that
donor influences, Islam, lack of well educated religious leaders and
African Traditional Religion are the unique factors of secularization
in Malawi, while modernization, urbanization, industrialization are
factors that are partially applicable to Malawi, and religious
pluralism is fully applicable to both Britain and Malawi as a factor
of secularization. Finally the book proposes that a proper training
of religious leaders is vital for the sustainability of the church as it
experiences the manifestations of secularization.
Dedication v
Acknowledgements vi
Summary of the Book vii
Chapter One: The Conceptual Framework of
Secularization 1
Introduction 1
Views of Secularization by Different Scholars 2
Types of Secularization 11
Societal Secularization 13
Organizational Secularization 24
Individual Secularization 31
Conclusion 33
Chapter Two: Introduction to the Secularization
Process in Malawi and why Britain and Malawi as a
Comparative Inquiry 34
The aim of the Book 35
The Relationship between Malawi and Britain 36
Historical Relationship 37
British Systems still used in Malawi 38
Civil Services Administrative System 39
Organization Culture 39
Security, Army and Police 40
Education System 40
Parliamentary System 41
Judicial System 44
The Relationship between the Church in Britain an Malawi 44
Conclusion 45
Chapter Three: Manifestations of and Factors
Influencing Secularization in Britain 46
Introduction 46
Manifestation of Secularization in Britain 46
Evidence of Secularization in Britain 57
The Decline of Church Membership in Britain 60
The Decline in Sunday School Attendance 61
Decline in Full Time Clergy 62
Religious Rites if Passage 63
Other areas that have been Influenced by Secularization in
Britain 65
Secularization Separates Political Power and Religion67ation and the Workers in Britain 69
Secularization and Education in Britain 70
Factors Influencing Secularization in Britain 71
Modernization 73
Human Rights affect Religion 74
Individualism to Secularization 76
Religion and Inteligence 77
Science 79
Urbanization 81
Industrialization 82
Conclusion 89
Chapter Four: Manifestations of Secularization in
Malawi 90
Introduction 90
Views on the Meaning of Secularization 91
Indications that Secularization has crept into Malawi95
Evidence of Societal Secularization in Malawi 96
Societal Secularization Experienced in the Legislation System in
Malawi 97
Societal Secularization Experienced in the Education System
in System in Malawi 100
Religious Leaders Perceived to be Corrupt 105 ders and Material Gain 106
Pastors Appears in Court 108
Pastors Convicted over Fraudulent Passport 110
Two Clerics fight for one Woman 110
Water Board Fines Reverend 111
A minor Implicates Reverend in Pregnancy 111
Church Leaders and Witchcraft 112
A Church Elder Teaching Children Witchcraft 113
Women's Coordinator of Blantyre Synod accused of
Witchcraft 114
Evidence of Organization Secularization in Malawi 116
Disagreement among Churches, Church Leaders and
Congregations 117
CCAP Flock chases Blantyre City Presbytery Reverends
away 118
Synods fight over Borders 121
General Assembly has failed Livingstonia 123
Livingstonia Synod Rules out Boundaries with Nkhoma
Synod 124
Fraud in Religious Institutions 125

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