Empowering the People of God , livre ebook









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The early 1960s were a heady time for Catholic laypeople. Pope Pius XII’s assurance “You do not belong to the Church. You are the Church” emboldened the laity to challenge Church authority in ways previously considered unthinkable. Empowering the People of God offers a fresh look at the Catholic laity and its relationship with the hierarchy in the period immediately preceding the Second Vatican Council and in the turbulent era that followed. This collection of essays explores a diverse assortment of manifestations of Catholic action, ranging from genteel reform to radical activism, and an equally wide variety of locales, apostolates, and movements.
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Date de parution

01 novembre 2013





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3 Mo

Empowering the People of God
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catholic practice in north am erica
se r i e s co -e di t or s: Angela Alaimo O’Donnell, Associate Director of the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University John C. Seitz, Assistant Professor, Theology Department, Fordham University
This series aims to contribute to the growing field of Catholic studies through the publication of books devoted to the historical and cultural study of Catholic practice in North America, from the colonial period to the present. As the term “practice” suggests, the series springs from a pressing need in the study of American Catholicism for empirical investigations and creative explorations and analyses of the contours of Catholic experience. In seeking to provide more comprehensive maps of Catholic practice, this series is committed to publishing works from diverse American locales, including urban, suburban, and rural settings; ethnic, postethnic, and transnational contexts; private and public sites; and seats of power as well as the margins.
se r i e s a dv is ory b oa r d: Emma Anderson, University of Ottawa Paul Contino, Pepperdine University Kathleen Sprows Cummings, University of Notre Dame James T. Fisher, Fordham University Paul Mariani, Boston College Thomas A. Tweed, University of Texas at Austin
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Empowering the People of God c at h o l i c ac t i o n b ef o r e a nd a f t er vat i c a n ii
Edited by Jeremy Bonner, Christopher D. Denny, and Mary Beth Fraser Connolly
for dh a m u n i v er si t y pr e s s New York 2014
Copyright © 2014 Fordham University Press
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
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Fordham University Press also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Empowering the people of God : Catholic action before and after  Vatican II / edited by Jeremy Bonner, Christopher D. Denny, and  Mary Beth Fraser Connolly. — First edition.  pages cm. — (Catholic practice in North America)  Includes bibliographical references and index.  ISBN 978-0-8232-5400-2 (cloth : alk. paper)  1. Catholic Action—United States—History—20th century.  I. Bonner, Jeremy, editor of compilation.  BX2348.Z6E47 2014  267'.18273—dc23  2013017376
Printed in the United States of America
16 15 14
First edition
5 4 3 2 1
To our mothers and our fathers, laypeople who bore witness.
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 Introduction Jeremy Bonner, Jeffrey M. Burns, and Christopher D. Denny
par t i: c atholic ac tion  1 Catholic Action in the Archdiocese of New York: The Case of the Catholic Club of New York City Patrick J. Hayes  2 The Liturgical Movement and Catholic Action: Women Living the Liturgical Life in the Lay Apostolate Katharine E. Harmon  3 “The Priesthood of the Layman”: Catholic Action in the Archdiocese of San Francisco William Issel  4 From Participation to Community: John Courtney Murray’s American Justification for Catholic Action Christopher D. Denny  5 Azzione Cattolica in an American Setting: The Society of Saint Charles–Scalabrinians and Catholic Action Mary Elizabeth Brown
par t ii: the people of god  6 Relevant Transformations: The Young Women of the Extension Lay Volunteers, 1961–1971 Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello
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