The History of Beyng , livre ebook









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The History of Beyng belongs to a series of Martin Heidegger's reflections from the 1930s that concern how to think about being not merely as a series of occurrences, but as essentially historical or fundamentally as an event. Beginning with Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event), these texts are important for their meditations on the oblivion and abandonment of being, politics, and race, and for their incisive critique of power, force, and violence. Originally published in 1998 as volume 69 of Heidegger's Complete Works, this English translation opens new avenues for understanding the trajectory of Heidegger's thinking during this crucial time.

Translators' Introduction
The History of Beyng (1938-40)
The History of Beyng. Part I
I. The History of Beyng
II. Contra-diction and Refutation
III. Passage. The History of Beyng
IV. The Consummation of Metaphysics
Being's Abandonment
V. To Koinon
VI. The Sustainment. The Essence of Power
The Necessary
VII. The Essence of History. "Commencement." "Beyng"
VIII. Beyng and the Last God
IX. Essence of History
X. The Owned

The History of Beyng. Part II
XI. The Configuration of Saying
XII. The History of Beyng
XIII. Beyng-Historical Thinking

Out of the History of Beyng (1939-40)

o Koivov. Out of the History of Beyng
Draft for oivov. On the History of Beyng

Additional Materials for The History of Beyng (1938-40)
Additional Materials for . Out of the History of Beyng (1939-40)

Editor's Epilogue
German—English Glossary
English—German Glossary

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Date de parution

02 novembre 2015

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1 Mo

The History of Beyng
Studies in Continental Thought
Robert Bernasconi
James Risser
John D. Caputo
Dennis J. Schmidt
David Carr
Calvin O. Schrag
Edward S. Casey
Charles E. Scott
David Farrell Krell
Daniela Vallega-Neu
Lenore Langsdorf
David Wood
Martin Heidegger
The History of Beyng
1. The History of Beyng (1938-40)
2. Out of the History of Beyng (1939-40)
Translated by William McNeill and Jeffrey Powell
This book is a publication of
Indiana University Press
Office of Scholarly Publishing
Herman B Wells Library 350
1320 East 10th Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405 USA
Published in German as Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe Band 69: Die Geschichte des Seyns: 1. Die Geschichte des Seyns (1938/40); 2. . Aus der Geschichte des Seyns (1939/40) ed. Peter Trawny
1998 and 2012 by Vittorio Klostermann GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
English Translation 2015 by Indiana University Press
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Association of American University Presses Resolution on Permissions constitutes the only exception to this prohibition.
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. | Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. Koinon. English.
Title: The history of Beyng / Martin Heidegger; translated by William McNeill and Jeffrey Powell.
Other titles: Geschichte des Seyns. English
Description: Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2015. | Series: Studies in Continental thought | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015029162 | ISBN 9780253018144 (cloth : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780253018199 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Philosophy.
Classification: LCC B3279.H45 G4713 2015 | DDC 193-dc23 LC record available at
1 2 3 4 5 21 20 19 18 17 16
Translators Introduction
I. The History of Beyng
1. The History of Beyng Is the Name . . .
2. The History of Beyng
3. Western Philosophy
4. The Truth of Beyng
5. Are We?
6. We Are
7. Da-sein
8. Beyng
9. and Beyng
10. That Truth . . .
II. Contra-diction and Refutation
11. Contra-diction and Refutation (Re-iteration)
12. The Historicism of Modernity and the History of Beyng
III. Passage. The History of Beyng
13. The Consummation of Metaphysics
14. Strife
15. Strife
16. World-relation
17. The Historical Moment
18. The Other Sovereignty
19. What Is That?
20. Beyng and Beings
21. The Commencement
22. What the Singular Need Is
23. The History of Beyng
24. The Representedness of Beings as the Actual
25. Beingness as Representedness
26. The History of Beyng
27. Beyng as Sustainment
28. The History of Beyng
29. The History of Beyng
30. The Failure to Recognize the Commencement
31. The History of Beyng
32. Magnanimity and Forbearance toward What Is Most in Coming
IV. The Consummation of Metaphysics Being s Abandonment
33. The Consummation of Metaphysics
34. The Overcoming of Metaphysics. The Transition
35. Being s Abandonment
36. The End of the Modern Age in the History of Beyng
37. Passage
38. Subjectivity and Being s Abandonment
39. . On Passage
40. On the Concept of Machination
41. Machination (conceived in terms of the history of beyng)
42. Machination and Devastation
43. Total War
VI. The Sustainment. The Essence of Power The Necessary
44. The Dis-tinction
45. The Trace Pointing to the Truth of Beyng
46. The Trace Pointing to the Truth of Beyng The Un-usual in the Essential Sense
47. The Truth of Beyng
48. Beyng
49. The Decision. Beyng and the Human Being
50. Decision
51. Decision and the Future
52. Beyng
53. Beyng
54. Machination and Event
55. The Singular Decision
56. Whence Being as Power?
57. The Essence of Power
58. The Determination of the Essence of Power
59. Power Needs Power (Violence)
60. Power and Violence
61. Power and Crime
62. The Essence of Power and Subjugation
63. The Demonic Nature of Power
64. Power and Truth
65. Power and Leveling
66. Power and Wretchedness
67. Power and System
68. Power and Public
69. The Inhabitual and the Unexpected
70. The Necessary
71. Beyng-Historical Thinking
72. The Essence of Philosophy
73. The Human Being and Da-sein
VII. The Essence of History. Commencement. Beyng
74. History
75. History
76. History
77. The Essence of History
78. History (Past and Having-been)
79. The History of Beyng
80. History and Beyng
81. Concerning the Essence of History
82. Commencement-History-The Suddenness of the Commencement
83. Essence of History
84. Life and History
85. Historiography
86. History
87. History
88. The Essence of History
VIII. Beyng and the Last God
89. The Last God
90. The Countering
91. Confidence and Dasein
92. Beyng Is . . .
93. Event
94. Earth and World
95. Beyng
96. Beyng
97. Beyng and the Nothing
98. Beyng. Coming to Be Appropriated into the In-between
99. Poverty
100. Poverty
IX. Essence of History
101. The Beyng-Historical Concept
102. Beyng
103. The History of Beyng
104. History of Beyng
105. Bestowal and Reflection
106. The Joint Crumbling of the German and Russian Worlds through Machination
X. The Owned
107. Bestowal and Impoverishment
108. The Owned (Beings in Beyng as Event)
109. The Owned
110. The Owned
111. Beyng
112. The Owned
XI. The Configuration of Saying
113. Beyng
114. The History of Beyng
115. The History of Beyng
116. The History of Beyng
117. The History of Beyng
118. Beyng
119. Beyng
120. Beyng
121. Guiding Words
122. Only Beyng Is
123. Beyng
124. Beyng
125. Beyng Is the Once
126. Event
127. The Event of Appropriation and the History of Beyng
128. In the Event of Appropriation
129. Truth as the Clearing
130. Truth
131. Concealing
132. Truth
133. Is Beyng Always?
134. Beyng as Event of Appropriation
XII. The History of Beyng (Da-sein)
135. Da-sein
136. That the Historical Human Being Comes into His Essence (Da-sein)
137. Da-sein
138. Protection
139. Errancy
140. Da-sein
141. Being s Abandonment
142. The Projections of the Being of Beings from Out of the Casting of Being Itself
143. Seeking More Essentially the Other Commencement
144. Word and Language
145. The Decision
146. Beyng
147. The History of Beyng
148. The History of the Human in Being
149. History
150. Democritus, Fragment 269
151. The Thinker
152. They Rail Surreptitiously and Openly . . .
153. History, Commencement, Downgoing
154. Ego and Subject
155. The Being of Beings and Beyngs of Beyng
156. The History of Beyng
157. Experience and Steadfast Insistence
158. The Leap Off
159. The First Commencement
160. The Essencing of Truth as Clearing of Beyng
161. The Human Being and Anthropology
162. The Human- animal rationale
163. Metaphysics-Anthropology
164. The First Commencement and the Human as
165. The History of Essential Thinking
166. Truth and Beyng. The Essence of History
XIII. Beyng-Historical Thinking
167. Beyng-Historical Thinking and Philosophy
168. Beyng-Historical Thinking
169. Philosophy in the Other Commencement
170. Philosophy
171. The Commencement
172. Essential Thinking
173. Beyng-Historical Thinking
174. Freedom
175. Honoring and Valuing
176. Questioning
177. Pure Finding
178. The Sequence of Publications (in short treatises)
. Out of the History of Beyng
Draft for . On the History of Beyng
Additional Materials for The History of Beyng (1938-40)
Additional Materials for . Out of the History of Beyng (1939-40)
Editor s Epilogue
German-English Glossary
English-German Glossary
Translators Introduction
The present text offers a translation of Martin Heidegger s reflections Die Geschichte des Seyns , composed during the period 1938-40, and of the treatise . Out of the History of Beyng , which dates from 1939 to 1940. Together these are published under the title Die Geschichte des Seyns as volume 69 of the Gesamtausgabe , the Complete Edition of Heidegger s works. The German edition first appeared in 1998, with a second, revised edition, published in 2012. The present translation was prepared on the basis of the 1998 edition and subsequently revised to incorporate several corrections in the second edition and one correction for a projected third edition.
With regard to its philosophical significance, The History of Beyng belongs to a series of reflections dating from the mid- to late 1930s that begin with the Beitr ge zur Philosophie ( Vom Ereignis ) (1936-38) and are continued in Besinnung (1938-39). All of these reflections, which have an exploratory and often tentative character, are concerned with thinking being ( Sein ) in a non-metaphysical sense as event ( Ereignis ). In each of these texts, Heidegger generally uses Seyn , an archaic spelling of Sein , to mark this understanding of being as event. Accordingly, we have used beyng, an archaic spelling of being, to render Seyn throughout the present translation. In addition to this endeavor to think beyng as event, the reflections contained in The History of Beyng are especially important for their meditations on the oblivion and abandonment of beyng intrinsic to beyng s history, for their remarks on politics and

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