Footprints of the Nursing Profession , livre ebook









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The Reader contains educative and exciting chapters centred on the nursing profession and research areas of faculty members. The target readers are nursing students of all categories, nurse educators, administrators, clinicians, and researchers locally and internationally.
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14 juin 2014

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2 Mo

Footprints of the Nursing Profession:
Editors Lydia Aziato Adzo Kwashie Kwadwo Ameyaw Korsah Florence Naab
First published in Ghana in 2014 for UNIVERSITY OF GHANA by Sub-Saharan Publishers P.O.Box 358 Legon-Accra Ghana Email:
©University of Ghana, 2013, P.O.Box LG 25 Legon- Accra Ghana Tel: +233-302-500381 website:
ISBN: 978-9988-647-51-3
Editorial Board: Prof.(Emerita) Mary Esther Dakubu Prof. Ama de-Graft Aikins Prof. Kwadwo Ansah Koram Prof. C. Charles Mate-Kole
Clinical Sciences Series Editor:
Prof. C. Charles Mate-Kole
Copyright Notice No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the University of Ghana or the publishers. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Foreword Preface About the Contributors Nursing Education in Ghana: An Insight into Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes Ernestina S. Donkor The Newly Qualified Graduate Nurse: Workplace Experiences and Challenges from the Ghanaian Perspective Atswei Adzo Kwashie Planning: The Role of Nurse-Managers at the Unit Level Adelaide Maria Ansah Ofei The Concept of Pain and Trends in Post-operative Pain Management: Implications for Nursing Practice in Ghana Lydia Aziato Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs) in Ghana: Challenges to Nursing Care Lillian Akorfa Ohene A Historical Description of the Emergence of HIV/AIDS in Ghana Prudence P. Mwini-Nyaledzigbor Implementation of the National Breast-feeding Policy in Ghana: Challenges and Future Prospects Comfort K.Affram & Ernestina S. Donkor Female Infertility and its Management in Ghana: Emerging Concerns and StrategiesFlorence Naab & Ernestina S. Donkor
v vii ix 1
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Curbing Unsafe Abortions in Ghana: Policy Implications and Stakeholders’ Concerns Patience Aniteye Trends in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus: Nurses’ Perspectives Kwadwo Ameyaw Korsah Trends in Stroke: Roles of Nurses and Family Caregivers Cecilia Eliason & Patricia Aradu Nursing Research: A Focus on Qualitative Orientation and Application Lydia Aziato & Kwadwo Ameyaw Korsah
Table 1.1 Commencement of the undergraduate nursing programmes in Ghana Table 7.1 Types of Ischematic Strokes
Figure 1.1 MPhil in Nursing Admissions from 2000/2001 to 2012/2013 Academic Year Figure 1.2 MSc in Nursing admissions from 2005/06 to 2012/2013
Foreword The University of Ghana is celebrating sixty-five years of its founding this year. In all those years, lecturers and researchers of the university have contributed in quite significant ways to the development of thought and in the analyses of critical issues for Ghanaian and African societies. The celebration of the anniversary provides an appropriate opportunity for a reflection on the contributions that Legon academics have made to the intellectual development of Ghana and Africa. That is the aim of the University of Ghana Readers Project. In the early years of the University, all the material that was used to teach students came largely from the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe. Most of the thinking in all disciplines was largely Eurocentric. The material that was used to teach students was mainly European, as indeed were many of the academics teaching the students. The norms and standards against which students were assessed were influenced largely by European values. The discussions that took place in seminar and lecture rooms were driven largely by what Africa could learn from Europe. The 1960s saw a major ‘revisionism’ in African intellectual development as young African academics began to question received ideas against a backdrop of changing global attitudes in the wake of political independence. Much serious writing was done by African academics as their contribution to the search for new ways of organizing their societies. African intellectuals contributed to global debates in their own right and sometimes developed their own material for engaging with their students and the wider society. Since the late 1970s universities in the region and their academics have struggled to make their voices heard in national and global debates. Against a new backdrop of economic stagnation and political disarray, many of the ideas for managing their economies and societies have come from outside. These ideas have often come with significant financial backing channelled through international organizations and governments. During the period, African governments saw themselves as having no reason to expect or ask for any intellectual contribution from their own academics. This was very much the case in Ghana.
The story is beginning to change in universities in many African countries. The University of Ghana Readers Project is an attempt to document the different ideas and debates that have influenced various disciplines over many years through collections of short essays and articles. They show the work of Legon academics and their collabo-rators in various disciplines as they have sought to introduce their research communities and students to new ideas. Our expectation is that this will mark a new beginning of solid engagement between Legon and other academics as they document their thoughts and contribu-tions to the continuing search for new ideas to shape our world. We gratefully acknowledge a generous grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York that has made the publication of this series of Readers possible.
Ernest Aryeetey Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana Legon, August 2013
Preface This readerFootprints of the Nursing Profession: Current Trends and Emerging issues in Ghanais a compilation of essays that chronicles the changes that the nursing profession has gone through from the onset of nursing education in Ghana to date. In addition, it also highlights various aspects of nursing practice including nursing management and management of some conditions with a global and local orientation. The reader is made up of twelve chapters and most of the chapters are drawn from the research of faculty members of the School of Nursing, University of Ghana. Nursing education in Ghana is currently at undergraduate and post-graduate levels comparable to international trends in many countries. It offers nurses in Ghana the opportunity to acquire higher education and skills to provide better healthcare to their clients. The initial chapter of this Reader reviews undergraduate and graduate nursing education programmes in Ghana. It then discusses the workplace challenges faced by graduate nurses and the fact that nurses who not only provide clinical nursing care to their clients (Chapter 2), but they also manage the wards and perform adminis-trative duties, necessitating a role for nurses in planning (Chapter 3) in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency at unit level. Chapter 4 looks at the implications for nurses of general and post-operative pain management strategies. Chapter 5 discusses the challenges posed by road traffic accidents for nursing care. The following chapter traces the history of the emergence of human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) infection in Ghana and the experiences of nurses and caregivers. This Reader explores a range of issues regarding breastfeeding, abortion, and infertility. These are sensitive and important in every society because of the central role of birth and related issues in the human life cycle. Ghana has a national breastfeeding policy and Chapter 7 discusses matters arising in its implementation. Chapter 8 looks at emerging concerns and strategies for managing female infertility. Similarly, Chapter 9 discusses the policy implications of the effort to curb unsafe abortion and the concerns of the nursing profession and of other stakeholders.
Chapters 10 and 11 explore the management from the nursing perspective of two major non-communicable diseases, namely diabetes mellitus and stroke (or cardiovascular accident). The concluding chapter stresses the need for nurses to conduct rigorous research to develop nursing knowledge and to disseminate their findings through publication in peer-reviewed journals. This Reader has taken the vast range of nursing issues with the aim of providing an insight into some of the under-appreciated contribu-tions nurses make towards healthcare delivery in Ghana.
About the Contributors Comfort Afram,MPhil, BA, CMB, FWCN, Lecturer, School of Nursing University of Ghana, Legon.  Research interests: maternal, child health. Patience Aniteye,PhD, Lecturer and Acting Head Community Health Department, School of Nursing, University of Ghana.  Research interests: reproductive and sexual health, care of the aged, in churches and rural communities.
Patricia Avadu,MPhil, BA, CMB, FWCN, Lecturer at the School of Nursing, University of Ghana, Legon. Research interest: hypertension.
Lydia Aziato, PhD, MPhil, BA, Lecturer, School of Nursing, Department of Adult Health. Research interests: surgical nursing, pain management, oncology with special interest in breast cancer.
Ernestina Safoa Donkor,PhD, MSC, BSc. Senior lecturer, Acting Dean School of Nursing, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. Research interests: women’s health and midwifery.
Cecilia Eliason,MPhil, BSc, Assistant lecturer, Department of Adult Health, School of Nursing. Research interests: care of the aged, and stroke.
Kwadwo Ameyaw Korsah,BA, MPhil, Lecturer, Acting Head, School of Nursing. He is the Acting Head Department of Adult Health, School of Nursing. Research interests: nursing and communication, coping and chronicity of diseases (diabetes).
Atswei Adzo Kwashie, BSc., MPhil, SRN, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Research, Education and Administration, School of Nursing, University of Ghana. Research interests: nursing education and research.
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