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Winner, The David R. Coffin Publication GrantA vibrant exploration of the everyday life of one of the most diverse places in the world: Queens, New York.Remade by decades of immigration, Queens, New York, has emerged as an emblematic space of social mixing and encounters across multiple lines of difference. With its expansive subdivisions, tangled highways, and centerless form, it is also New York's most enigmatic borough. It can feel alternately like a big city, a tight-knit village, a featureless industrial zone, or a sprawling suburban community. Through more than 200 contemporary photographs, Joseph Heathcott captures this multifaceted borough and one of the most diverse places in the United States.Drawn from more than a decade of roaming around Queens and snapping photos, Heathcott conveys the juxtaposition of the ordinary and the extraordinary, the mundane and the surprising, and the staggering social diversity that best characterizes Queens. At the heart of the story are two separate but entwined histories: the rapid expansion of the borough's built environment through the twentieth century, and the millions of people who have traveled from near and far to call Queens home. Newcomers have had to confront discrimination, white racial hostility, legal challenges, and language barriers. They have had to struggle to find adequate housing, places to worship, and jobs that pay enough to survive. And they have done all of this in the borough's jumbled collection of neighborhoods, housing types, civic and religious institutions, factories and warehouses, commercial streets, and strip malls.Heathcott makes primary use of documentary photography to bring these social and spatial realities of everyday life into relief. He also draws on demographic data, archival sources, planning documents, news stories, and reports. The result is a visual meditation on Queens that provides clues about an urban future where notions of citizenship and belonging are negotiated across multiple lines of difference, but where a sense of "getting along"-however roughly textured and unfinished-has taken hold in the everyday life of the streets.
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Date de parution

03 octobre 2023

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

45 Mo

“The photographer documents a New York Cîty borough defined by îts many contradîctîons.” —Publishers Weekly
“From shops, street markets, and estîvas to sînge-amîy homes and hîgh-rîse apartments, the many dozens o photographs în Global Queensgîve a wonderu sense o how Asîan, Carîbbean, and Latîn Amerîcan îmmîgratîon has transormed the andscape o what îs now the most dîverse county în the natîon.” —Nancy Foner, author oOne Quarter o the Nation: Immigration and the Transormation o America
“Wîth kaeîdoscopîc vîews înto the raw and ecectîc urban and-scapes o Queens,Global Queenstakes us on a journey through the makîng o the most ethnîcay dîverse pace în the natîon. As an îmmîgrant and a ormer resîdent o the borough, I reaîzed rom the vîsua journey that each o us, past and present, has payed a part în îts becomîng, încudîng îts unîque sense o mutîpîcîty and beongîng.” —Jef Hou, Unîversîty o Washîngton, Seatte
Global Queensgîves us a cose and întîmate ook at a word buît by îmmîgrant communîtîes over mutîpe generatîons. Heathcott’s gît îs to provîde a panoramîc vîew o thîs dîzzyîngy expansîve and prooundy compex pace, showîng how dîverse andscapes and socîa reatîons don’t just happen; they are the resut o hard work by mîîons o peope adaptîng the cîty to suît theîr îves.” — Hîtomî Iwasakî, Head o Exhîbîtîons and Curator, Queens Museum
“Global Queensus to thînk about the persona and chaenges economîc tîes that connect paces near and ar, crossîng natîona borders on a parts o the gobe, and about how we define a cîty and îts peope.” —Steven T. Moga, Smîth Coege
Global Queensîs a quotîdîan eegy to the vast and întrîcate com-posîtîon o movement, textures, and vocabuary that vîtaîzes New York. Joseph Heathcott’s poîgnant îmages o everyday îe capture the ragîe and persîstent way we make meanîng together. Thîs îvey document o Queens neîghborhoods ofers a nuanced and necessary vîew o a spîrîted socîa mosaîc, ormed amîdst the pervasîve poîtîcs o racîa vîoence and reactîonary natîon-aîsm.” —Suzanne Hall, Proessor în Socîoogy, London Schoo o Economîcs & Poîtîca Scîence, UK
“Wîth vîsîon and hard poîtîca work, Queens coud become a tem-pate or what many cîtîes mîght be, în îts ortunate confluence o amost everyone and everythîng, creatîng a spacîousness or and rom practîces o a kînds, a rough-and-tumbe word worth îvîng, whose îmages Heathcott ofers as a gît.” —AbdouMalîq Sîmone, author oThe Surrounds: Urban Lie Within and Beyond Capture
“It’s easy to overook Queens. Lackîng Manhattan’s gamour or Brownstone Brookyn’s charm, ît can appear to the casua ob-server as a jumbe o unremarkabe workîng- and mîdde-cass neîghborhoods gîmpsed through a taxî wîndow on the way to the aîrport. Yet thîs îs a mîstake. In recent decades Queens has emerged as one o most dîverse and ascînatîng paces on the panet. Joseph Heathcott’s remarkabe photographs and rîch, evocatîve descrîptîons capture the borough’s dense urbanîsm în a o îts vîbrance and ayered compexîty. For anyone înterested în the uture o superdîverse cîtîes, thîs îs a must-read.” —Phîlîp Kasînîtz, Presîdentîa Proessor o Socîoogy, Graduate Center o the Cîty Unîversîty o New York
“Heathcott’s treatment o the ‘Word’s Borough,’ wîth a îts shapes, aces, and overappîng presents and pasts—there are so many!—îs împressîvey researched and dynamîcay photographed. As a transpant movîng through hîs adopted hometown wîth camera, înormed curîosîty, and a cear, deep respect or îts resîdents, Heathcott has created a super-înormed wakîng tour–stye prîs-matîc portraît o an ever-changîng Queens as ît stands today—or yesterday în some cases! On each page, another ascînatîng act and/or îmage eads to more and more questîons about the cen-ter-ess borough o neîghborhoods that has organîcay become the most dîverse cîty on Earth. Even în the most bana-seemîng o streetscapes, Heathcott’s ove o Queens îs charîsmatîcay catchîng.” —John Wang and Storm Garner, co-authors oThe World Eats Here: Amazing Food and the Inspiring People Who Make It at New York’s Queens Night Market
Global Queens
Joseph Heathcott
Empire State Editions
An imprint of Fordham University Press
New York 2023
The project receîved a grant rom the Zoberg Insîtute on Mîgratîon and Mobîîty at The New Schoo.
Fundîng or thîs book was provîded by a Davîd R. Coin pubîcatîon grant admînîstered through the UVA Center or Cutura Landscapes’ Landscape Studîes Inîtîatîve.
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Global Queens
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