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Publié par
Date de parution
01 août 2018
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
01 août 2018
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Elise W allace
T eacher Cr eated Materials
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
ISBN 978-0-7439-2101-5
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo , M.S.Ed., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Managing Editor
Nika Fabienke , Ed.D ., S eries Developer
June Kikuchi, Content Director
Susan Daddis, M.A.Ed., Editor
Kevin Pham, Graphic Designer
TIME is a registered trademark of TIME Inc. Used under license.
Image Credits: p.4 World History Archive/Alam y; p.5 Chronicle/Alam y;
pp.6–7, 14–15 Sueddeutsche Z eitung Photo/Alamy; p .8 (bottom)
courtesy of Smithsonian’ s National P ostal Museum; pp .8–9 Keystone-
Franc e/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images; pp.10–11 (all) NASA; p .15
(insert) GL Archive/Alamy; pp .16–17 De Agostini Picture Library/De
Agostini/Getty Images; pp.16–17 (spot illustra tions), 28 (map), 32
(map), 34–35, 36–37 Timoth y J. Bradley; pp .18–19 Igor Kostin/Sy gma
via Getty Images; pp.22–23 F ox Photos/Hulton Ar chive/Getty Images;
p25 (top) NOAA/Science Sourc e; p .27 (bottom) Biosphoto/Alamy;
pp.30–31 F ine Ar t Images/Heritage Images/Gett y Images; pp.32–33
Charles Phelps Cushing/ClassicStock/Getty Images; p.41 NASA; all other
images from Shutterstock and/or iStock.
Table of Contents
The Search for Answers ................................................ 4
Massive Malfunctions.................................................... 6
Environmental Havoc ................................................. 19
Monarch Missteps........................................................ 28
Learning from Our Mistakes ...................................... 38
Glossary ........................................................................ 42
Index ............................................................................. 44
Check It Out! ............................................................. 46
T ry It! ........................................................................... 47
About the Author ......................................................... 48
The Search for Answers
If you focus on disasters throughout history , it is hard
to imagine ho w humanity has survi v ed this long! Human
actions hav e resulted in a multitude of disasters. Ships
hav e sunk. Space shuttles have e xploded. Nuclear
plants hav e had large-scale meltdo wns. The list is long.
Ine vitably , studying some of the biggest disasters leads to
questions. W e want to kno w how and wh y such tragedies
The H MS Vic toria
In a truly needless disaster , the British warship
the HMS Victoria was sunk during a botched
performance in 1893. A fleet of ships was
intended to sail in two lines as a crowd watched.
But due to poor calculations, two ships collided.
As a result, the HMS Victoria sank, and hundreds
of people died.
The answers v ary from disaster to disaster . Some
catastrophes are caused by ignorance . Others stem from
people with big egos, unwilling to admit f ault. Some are
just the result of sloppy mathematics. But man y disasters
were pre ventable. That’ s what makes in vestigating them so
important. In focusing on our past mistakes, we can learn
ho w to pre v ent future tragedies.
The Titanic docks in England
before leaving on its journey .
Petite Pian o
A special baby grand piano was made to provide
entertainment aboard the
. It weighed
about 350 pounds (160 kilograms). That ’s m uch
less than a standard baby grand piano , which
weighs 500 lb . (225 kg) or more. It was made
mostly of aluminum. By 1937, the piano had
been removed and put on display , so it wasn ’t on
the ill-fated voyag e.
Massive Malfunctions
Some of history’ s greatest disasters were caused by
engineering mistakes and poor designs. These errors
have led to fatal explosions, disastrous f ires, and the
sinking of the world’ s most famous ship. Each tragedy
will be forever remembered.
On May 6, 1937, an 804-foot-long (245-meter -long)
airship carrying 97 people erupted into f lam es . The
world was horrified. How could this happen?