Heaven Falls - The Journey Begins (Book 1) Supernatural Romance , livre ebook









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Alice had no idea why she was in heaven. Her guide, Josie, isn't much help, either. She seems to be enjoying the fact that Alice is clueless about her death and the life that came before it. As Alice’s heaven expands around her, she discovers that there might be somebody in heaven who can fill in the blanks in her memories, but when they are unwilling to help, she finds herself being pushed to dangerous measures to discover the person she used to be.
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Date de parution

15 février 2017





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

Table of Contents
Title Page
Discover More Books By Third Cousins
A Synopsis & Table Of Contents...
Inspiring Words
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Heaven Falls
The Journey Begins
Book 1
Supernatural Romance
By: Jaime Nicholls & Third Cousins
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Alice had no idea why she was in heaven. Her guide, Josie, isn’t much help, either. She seems to be enjoying the fact that Alice is clueless about her death and the life that came before it. As Alice’s heaven expands around her, she discovers that there might be somebody in heaven who can fill in the blanks in her memories, but when they are unwilling to help, she finds herself being pushed to dangerous measures to discover the person she used to be.
Discover More Books By Third Cousins
Inspiring Words
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”
- Henry David Thoreau

Where was I?
I could hear swings creaking in the wind and the trees rustling above my head, but it didn’t make any sense to me. I was inside, I was sure that I was inside. I was somewhere important. I was doing something important, but I couldn’t remember what it was.
My head hurt. That’s something that I knew for certain. My brain was pounding against my skull with the force of a tidal wave coming to shore.
I opened my eyes, because I realized that everything was dark. Now I knew where I was, though.
I was on 6th Street. I was in the park where I had spent almost all of my childhood summers. The swings looked just the same as they did back then, old and faded with chipped red paint and rusted chains.
What was I doing at the park? How did I get there? Why was I lying on the ground between the slides and see-saw?
I pushed myself up from the soft and springy versatex flooring that was beneath me. Tiny stones started to indent the skin on my hands, as I put the weight of my body on them, so that I could force my legs to go straight. My hands stung, so I rubbed them against my jeans so that the tiny stones would fall back down to the ground where they belonged.
How did I get there? How did I get to the park? It didn’t make sense. I couldn’t remember anything other than that I’d spent time in the park before. I couldn’t even remember what my name was. Why was my head hurting so much? Nothing was making any sense to me.
“You look a little panicked.”
I turned to look at whoever had just spoken to me. It was a girl with long, rainbow-colored hair. She was smiling, but it wasn’t a friendly smile. It was the kind of smile a person carried when they were enjoying somebody’s misery.
“Where am I?” I asked.
She skipped over to me and stopped just before her body would have crashed into mine. “You don’t remember, do you? Oh, I do like it when they don’t remember.”
“Remember what?” I stared at her. She was like nothing I’d ever seen before. She was the oddest mixture of old and new. Her features were heavy, like those you might expect to find in a Victorian portrait of a handsome woman, but her clothes, her hair and her attitude seemed to better fit modern times.
She grinned, revealing a perfect set of pearly white teeth. “You’re dead.”
She leaned forward on the balls of her feet to see my reaction, and then swung her body back. Her eyes were fixed on my face. I could see her eating up the expression of shock on my face, as though it was the most delicious dessert she’d ever tried.
“What do you mean, I’m dead?” It didn’t make any sense. How could I be dead? I was standing in the middle of the park on 6th Street. I couldn’t be dead. “I think you’re mistaken.”
“Of course you do,” she said dryly. “It’s always the same,” she said, with her fingers making quotation marks in the air. “I can’t be dead, I had things that I still had to do, it isn’t fair,” she droned, as though she’d heard it all before. Then she dropped her arms to her hips. “I’m sorry, sweetie, but you’re dead and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
I could feel a frown drawing my face down. “I can’t be dead. It doesn’t make any sense. How could I be dead?”
She shrugged. “Well, it normally happens when you stop living, you see,” she said, as though I needed the whole concept of life and death to be explained to me.

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