Little Women , livre ebook









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Classic novels
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01 septembre 2021

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Retold by Pauline Francis
ReadZone Books Limited

First published in this edition 2010

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of ReadZone Books Limited.

© copyright in the text Pauline Francis, 2016
© copyright in this edition ReadZone Books Ltd 2016

The right of the Author to be identified as the Author of this work had been asserted by the Author in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Printed in Malta by Melita Press

Every attempt has been made by the Publisher to secure appropriate permissions for material reproduced in this book. If there has been any oversight we will be happy to rectify the situation in future editions or reprints. Written submissions should be made to the Publishers.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data (CIP) is available for this title.

ISBN 978-1-78322-406-7

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Chapter One       A Merry Christmas
Chapter Two       Neighbours
Chapter Three     Amy Gets Into Trouble!
Chapter Four      Meg is Vain
Chapter Five      Lazy Days
Chapter Six        Day Dreams
Chapter Seven     Secrets
Chapter Eight     Mrs March Goes Away
Chapter Nine      Dark Days
Chapter Ten       A Surprise Christmas Present
Louisa May Alcott was born in Philadelphia, America, in 1832. She is best remembered for Little Women , which was published in 1868. It was the first children’s book in America to become a classic.
Louisa was the second of four daughters. When she was young, the Alcott family lost a great deal of money. So as soon as she was old enough, Louisa helped her family by running a small school, taking in sewing and becoming a tutor to an invalid girl. Later, she wrote horror stories for magazines and newspapers. Then she began to write stories for girls.
Little Women was the first of these stories and it was very successful. The second part, known as Good Wives , was published a year later. Little Women tells the story of the March girls – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy – during the American Civil War. This war was fought between the Northern states of America (where the March family lived) and the Southern states, from 1861 to 1865. The story tells us little of the war itself, but it describes the ups and downs of the family’s life. It is a moral story – it tells the reader clearly what is right and wrong.
Louisa May Alcott wrote other books about the March girls when they were grown up. She died in 1888.
A Merry Christmas
“Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents,” Jo grumbled.
“I don’t like being poor,” Meg sighed, looking down at her old dress. “I wish father hadn’t lost all his money. Then I wouldn’t have to teach those dreadful children every day.”
“You don’t have to spend all day with bad-tempered old Aunt March!” Jo said. “She has me running after her all day long.”
“I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have pretty things, and other girls nothing at all,” Amy complained. “The girls at school laugh at my dresses.”
“We’ve got father and mother and each other,” their sister Beth said quietly.
“We haven’t got father,” Jo said sadly. “And he will be away for as long as the war lasts.”
The four sisters sat knitting while the snow fell softly outside. Margaret, the eldest, was sixteen. She was plump and fair-haired and very pretty. She was proud of her hands, which were soft and white.

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