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Philistia was Grant Allen's first novel, and according to the author's memoirs, he poured his heart and soul into its creation and believed it be his finest work. This classic coming-of-age story follows three brothers as they leave home and stake their claim amidst the hustle and bustle of London, experiencing political, educational, and social epiphanies and hardships along the way.
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01 juillet 2014

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Philistia First published in 1884 Epub ISBN 978-1-77658-189-4 Also available: PDF ISBN 978-1-77658-190-0 © 2013 The Floating Press and its licensors. All rights reserved. While every effort has been used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in The Floating Press edition of this book, The Floating Press does not assume liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in this book. The Floating Press does not accept responsibility for loss suffered as a result of reliance upon the accuracy or currency of information contained in this book. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Many suitcases look alike. Visit
Chapter I - Children of Light Chapter II - The Coasts of the Gentiles Chapter III - Magdalen Quad Chapter IV - A Little Music Chapter V - Askelon Villa, Gath Chapter VI - Down the River Chapter VII - Ghostly Counsel Chapter VIII - In the Camp of the Philistines Chapter IX - The Women of the Land Chapter X - The Daughters of Canaan Chapter XI - Culture and Culture Chapter XII - The More Excellent Way Chapter XIII - Ye Mountains of Gilboa! Chapter XIV - 'What Do These Hebrews Here?' Chapter XV - Evil Tidings Chapter XVI - Flat Rebellion Chapter XVII - 'Come Ye Out and Be Ye Separate' Chapter XVIII - A Quiet Wedding Chapter XIX - Into the Fire Chapter XX - Literature, Music, and the Drama Chapter XXI - Off with the Old Love Chapter XXII - The Philistines Triumph Chapter XXIII - The Streets of Askelon Chapter XXIV - The Clouds Begin to Break Chapter XXV - Hard Pressed Chapter XXVI - Irreclaimable Chapter XXVII - Ronald Comes of Age Chapter XXVIII - Tell it Not in Oath Chapter XXIX - A Man and a Maid Chapter XXX - The Environment Finally Triumphs Chapter XXXI - De Profundis Chapter XXXII - Precontract of Marriage Chapter XXXIII - A Gleam of Sunshine Chapter XXXIV - Hope Chapter XXXV - The Tide Turns Chapter XXXVI - Out of the Hand of the Philistines Chapter XXXVII - Land at Last: But What Land?
Chapter I - Children of Light
It was Sunday evening, and on Sundays Max Schurz, the chief of theLondon Socialists, always held his weekly receptions. That nighthis cosmopolitan refugee friends were all at liberty; his Frenchdisciples could pour in from the little lanes and courts in Soho,where, since the Commune, they had plied their peaceful trades asengravers, picture-framers, artists'-colourmen, models, pointers,and so forth—for most of them were hangers-on in one way or anotherof the artistic world; his German adherents could stroll round,pipe in mouth, from their printing-houses, their ham-and-beef shops,or their naturalists' chambers, where they stuffed birds or set upexotic butterflies in little cabinets—for most of them were moreor less literary or scientific in their pursuits; and his few Englishsympathisers, chiefly dissatisfied philosophical Radicals of theupper classes, could drop in casually for a chat and a smoke, ontheir way home from the churches to which they had been dutifullyescorting their un-emancipated wives and sisters. Max Schurz keptopen house for all on Sunday evenings, and there was not a drawing-roomin London better filled than his with the very advanced and notundistinguished set who alone had the much-prized entrée of hisexclusive salon.
The salon itself did not form any component part of Max Schurz'sown private residence in any way. The great Socialist, the man whosemandates shook the thrones of Russia and Austria, whose movementsspread terror in Paris and Berlin, whose dictates were even obeyedin Kerry and in Chicago, occupied for his own use two small roomsat the top of a shabby composite tenement in a doubtful districtof Marylebone. The little parlour where he carried on his trade ofa microscope-lens grinder would not have sufficed to hold one-tenthof the eager half-washed crowd that pressed itself enthusiasticallyupon him every Sunday. But a large room on the ground floor of thetenement, opening towards the main street, was used during theweek by one of his French refugee friends as a dancing-saloon;and in this room on every Sunday evening the uncrowned king of theproletariate Socialists was permitted to hold his royal levees.Thither all that was best and truest in the socially rebellionsclasses domiciled in London used to make its way; and there mencalmly talked over the ultimate chances of social revolutions whichwould have made the hair of respectable Philistine Marylebone standstiffly on end, had it only known the rank political heresies thatwere quietly hatching in its unconscious midst.
While Max Schurz's hall was rapidly filling with the polyglot crowdof democratic solidarists, Ernest Le Breton and his brother werewaiting in the chilly little drawing-room at Epsilon Terrace,Bayswater, for the expected arrival of Harry Oswald. Ernest hadpromised to introduce Oswald to Max Schurz's reception; and itwas now past eight o'clock, getting rather a late hour for thosesimple-minded, early-rising Communists. 'I'm afraid, Herbert,'said Ernest to his brother, 'he forgets that Max is a working-manwho has to be at his trade again punctually by seven o'clockto-morrow. He thinks he's going out to a regular society At Home,where ten o'clock's considered just the beginning of the evening. Maxwon't at all like his turning up so late; it smells of non-productivity.'
'If Herr Schurz wants to convert the world,' Herbert answeredchillily, rolling himself a tiny cigarette, 'he must convince theunproductive as well as the proletariate before he can set thingsfairly on the roll for better arrangement. The proletariate'sall very well in its way, no doubt, but the unproductive happen tohold the key of the situation. One convert like you or me is wortha thousand ignorant East-end labourers, with nothing but theirhands and their votes to count upon.'
'But you are not a convert, Herbert.'
'I didn't say I was. I'm a critic. There's no necessity to throwoneself open-armed into the embrace of either party. The wise mancan wait and watch the progress of the game, backing the winnerfor the time being at all the critical moments, and hedging ifnecessary when the chances turn momentarily against the favourite.There's a ring at the bell: that's Oswald; let's go down to thedoor to meet him.'
Ernest ran down the stairs rapidly, as was his wont; Herbertfollowed in a more leisurely fashion, still rolling the cigarettebetween his delicate finger and thumb. 'Goodness gracious, Oswald!'Ernest exclaimed as his friend stepped in, 'why, you've actuallycome in evening dress! A white tie and all! What on earth willMax say? He'll be perfectly scandalised at such a shocking andunprecedented outrage. This will never do; you must dissemblesomehow or other.'
Oswald laughed. 'I had no idea,' he said, 'Herr Schurz was sucha truculent sans-culotte as that comes to. As it was an eveningreception I thought, of course, one ought to turn up in eveningclothes.'
'Evening clothes! My dear fellow, how on earth do you suppose aset of poor Leicester Square outlaws are going to get themselvescorrectly set up in black broadcloth coats and trousers? They mightwash their white ties themselves, to be sure; they mostly do theirown washing, I believe, in their own basins.' ('And not much atthat either,' put in Herbert, parenthetically.) 'But as to eveningclothes, why, they'd as soon think of arraying themselves for dinnerin full court dress as of putting on an obscurantist swallow-tail.It's the badge of a class, a distinct aristocratic outrage; we mustalter it at once, I assure you, Oswald.'
'At any rate,' said Oswald laughing, 'I've had the pleasure of findingmyself accused for the first time in the course of my existence ofbeing aristocratic. It's quite worth while going to Max Schurz'sonce in one's life, if it were only for the sake of that singlenew sensation.'
'Well, my dear fellow, we must rectify you, anyhow, before you go.Let me see; luckily you've got your dust-coat on, and you needn'ttake that off; it'll do splendidly to hide your coat and waistcoat.I'll lend you a blue tie, which will at once transform your upperman entirely. But you show the cloven hoof below; the trouserswill surely betray you. They're absolutely inadmissible under anycircumstances whatsoever, as the Court Circular says, and you mustpositively wear a coloured pair of Herbert's instead of them. Runupstairs quickly, there's a good fellow, and get rid of the markof the Beast as fast as you can.'
Oswald did as he was told without demur, and in about a minute morepresented himself again, with the mark of the Beast certainly mosteffectually obliterated, at least so far as outer appearance went.His blue tie, light dust-coat, and borrowed grey trousers, made upan ensemble much more like an omnibus conductor out for a holidaythan a gentleman of the period in correct evening dress. 'Nowmind,' Ernest said seriously, as he opened the door, 'whatever youdo, Oswald, if you stew to death for it—and Schurz's rooms areoften very close and hot, I can assure you—don't for heaven's sakego and unbutton your dust-coat. If you do they'll see at once you'rea wolf in sheep's clothing, and I shouldn't be at all surprisedif they were to turn and rend you. At least, I'm sure Max would bevery much annoyed with me for unsocially introducing a plutocratictraitor into the bosom of the fold.'
They walked along briskly in the direction of Marylebone, andstopped at last at a dull, yellow-washed house, which bore onits door a very dingy brass plate, inscribed in red letters, ' Mdlle. Tirard. Salon de Danse.' Ernest opened the door withoutringing, and turned down the passage towards the salon. 'Remember,'he said, turning to Harry Oswald by way of a last warning, with hishand on the inner door-handle, 'coûte que coûte, my dear fellow,don't on any account open your dust-coat. No anti-social opinions;and please bear in mind that Max is, in his own way, a pot

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