Tino the Tortoise , livre ebook









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Follow Tino the Tortoise as he learns about the exciting natural history of the Grand Canyon in this first book in a new series based in the national parks.
The character of Tino the Tortoise is based on the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) of the Mojave Desert. A tortoise is a land-dwelling turtle with a high domed shell and elephant hind legs. Well adapted for the intense desert heat, it can live well over fifty years of age. He spends most of his time in his burrow, which inspired the author to create the character Tino the Tortoise. Tino becomes bored during his long winter’s sleep and dreams of visiting America’s national parks. During each adventure, Tino and his traveling companion, Rudi, a jerboa from the Gobi Desert of China, set out on a mission to discover ways of being good stewards of the environment, and to learn how to preserve, conserve, and protect the wildlife and habitat of the ecosystems they discover together.
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Date de parution

12 mai 2015

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Text 2015 by Carolyn L. Ahern Illustrations 2015 by Erik Brooks
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ahern, Carolyn L.
Tino the Tortoise : adventures in the Grand Canyon / by Carolyn Ahern ; illustrated by Erik Brooks. pages cm
ISBN 978-1-941821-45-9 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-941821-59-6 (e-book)
I. Brooks, Erik, 1972- illustrator. II. Title.
PZ7.A268779Tg 2015
Editor: Michelle McCann
Designer: Vicki Knapton
Published by WestWinds Press
An imprint of

P.O. Box 56118
Portland, Oregon 97238-6118
The author has designated a portion of her royalties from the sale of this book to be donated to the Grand Canyon Association.
Disclaimer notice: While the author and publisher have made every effort to provide accurate information in this book, the author and publisher do not assume and disclaim any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omission. Anyone planning a trip to the Grand Canyon should always check first with park service officials and tour operators. The activities in the park are subject to park rules and operator availability and will vary by the expedition. Please refer to: www.nps.gov/grca

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