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CEM 11+ essential comprehensions guide.

The ideal resource to prepare for the CEM 11+ and Common Pre-Test exams!

Improve comprehension skills in both contemporary and classic literature; sharpen critical thinking and develop strong deduction and inference skills; recognise and become familiar with crucial question types; learn how best to manage time; and enhance vocabulary, comprehension and confidence!

Engaging extracts are selected from classic literature, modern and contemporary writing, non-fiction and poetry, and set alongside realistic exam multiple choice options which develop and strengthen contextual vocabulary, personal opinions, inference and verbal agility.

Hints and tips are included throughout the workbook!

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Date de parution

11 mai 2017

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1 Mo

Copyright info
Billy the Bookworm TM is the property of Teachitright Ltd.

Chris Pearse
Louise Swann
Hilary Male

First published in Great Britain in 2017 by
The University of Buckingham Press
Yeomanry House
Hunter Street
Buckingham MK18 1EG

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher nor may be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than the one in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available at the British Library.
ISBN 9781908684707
Teachitright is one of the most successful 11+ tuition companies in the South-east. In the last 10 years we ve supported thousands of pupils for both grammar school and independent school entry. We have 12 tuition centres across Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Surrey.
Based on our considerable experience and knowledge, we have produced a range of books that will help support your child through their 11+ journey in both CEM style and traditional 11+ tests and many Common Entrance exams. Our books, written by qualified teachers, have been classroom tested with pupils and adapted to ensure children are fully prepared and able to perform to the best of their ability.
Our unique mascot, Billy the Bookworm, will help guide children through the book and gives helpful hints and tips throughout.
We hope you find this book very useful and informative and wish you luck on your 11+ Journey.
Teachitright holds a number of comprehensive revision courses and mock exams throughout the year. If you would like to find out more information, please visit
How to use this book
This book uses a variety of different types of questions and these are outlined in the table below.
Type of question
How to locate the answer
Factual questions
These questions require the answer to be extracted directly from the text.
Inference questions
The answer will not be stated directly in the passage but can be solved by using clues in the extract. This involves reading between the lines.
Personal opinion questions
Using evidence in the extract, you can form a personal judgement and opinion about the text.
Knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and literacy devices (e.g. alliterations)
These questions require a good knowledge of vocabulary and will not be stated directly in the text.
Use the 5 steps below to work through each comprehension exercise:
(1) Read the passage first and try to comprehend what the text is saying.
(2) Do not skim-read as you might miss important parts and often links between the concepts need to be made.
(3) Underlining keywords or phrases can help you understand the passage and retain the important points. Do not underline everything in the extract as this might slow you down.
(4) After thoroughly reading the text, move on to the questions and refer back to the text to help you discover the answers. If given, use the line references to help you refer back to the relevant places in the passage.
(5) Always double check all the questions have been attempted and if time allows go back and read the passage for a second time.
Useful Comprehension tips and hints
Billy will provide useful hints and tips throughout this book. Read these carefully before tackling the comprehensions as they can help improve your skills.

All the questions in this comprehension book are multiple choice and a horizontal line is used to show all the answers.
Billy s Vocabulary Pages
Billy the bookworm is here again to provide some fun activities after every comprehension. These additional pages will help you enhance your vocabulary and build on the skills already acquired during the comprehension exercise. The answers for these exciting pages are given at the back of the book in the Answers section.
Mark scheme and recording results
The answers for all the comprehension questions are at the back of the book in the Answers section. Each answer provides the correct letter choice and a detailed explanation on how each question can be solved.
To help you keep a track of your progress a Marking chart on page 92 is provided at the back of the book for each comprehension. A Progress Grid on page 93 can be shaded in to help you see progress and keep a record of the results achieved. A series of statements are written on this page to help identify the next steps.
1. Alice in Wonderland
Billy s Perfect Pronouns
2. Dragons
Billy s Amazing Adjectives
3. Weathers
Billy s Robust Rhymes
4. The Merchant of Venice
Billy s Synonymous Shakespeare
5. Treasure Island
Billy s Awesome Adverbs
6. Anne of Green Gables
Billy s Rigorous Reporting Clauses
7. Oliver Twist
Billy s Clever Commas
8. Coming to America
Billy s Exciting Emotions
9. You are old, Father William
Billy s Special Speech Marks
10. A Midsummer Night s Dream
Billy s Shakespearean Synonyms
Marking Chart
Progress Grid
Comprehensions 1

Alice has found herself in the home of the Duchess who has a remarkable baby.
1 Here! You may nurse it a bit, if you like! the Duchess said to Alice, flinging the baby at her as she spoke. I must go and get ready to play croquet with the Queen, and she hurried out of the room. The cook threw a frying-pan after her as she went out, but it just missed her.
5 Alice caught the baby with some di culty, as it was a queer-shaped little creature, and held out its arms and legs in all directions, just like a starfish, thought Alice. The poor little thing was snorting like a steam-engine when she caught it, and kept doubling itself up and straightening itself out again, so that altogether, for the first minute or two, it was as much as she could do to hold it.
10 As soon as she had made out the proper way of nursing it (which was to twist it up into a sort of knot, and then keep tight hold of its right ear and left foot, so as to prevent its undoing itself), she carried it out into the open air. If I don t take this child away with me, thought Alice, they re sure to kill it in a day or two: wouldn t it be murder to leave it behind? She said the last words out loud, and the little thing grunted in reply (it had
15 left off sneezing by this time). Don t grunt, said Alice, that s not at all a proper way of expressing yourself.
The baby grunted again, and Alice looked very anxiously into its face to see what was the matter with it. There could be no doubt that it had a very turn-up nose, much more like a snout than a real nose; also its eyes were getting extremely small for a
20 baby: altogether Alice did not like the look of the thing at all. But perhaps it was only sobbing, she thought, and looked into its eyes again, to see if there were any tears.
No, there were no tears. If you re going to turn into a pig, my dear, said Alice, seriously, I ll have nothing more to do with you. Mind now! The poor little thing sobbed again (or grunted, it was impossible to say which), and they went on for some while in silence.
25 Alice was just beginning to think to herself, Now, what am I to do with this creature when I get it home? , when it grunted again, so violently, that she looked down into its face in some alarm. This time there could be no mistake about it: it was neither more nor less than a pig, and she felt that it would be quite absurd for her to carry it further. So she set the little creature down, and felt quite relieved to see it trot away quietly into
30 the wood. If it had grown up, she said to herself, it would have made a dreadfully ugly child: but it makes rather a handsome pig, I think. And she began thinking over other children she knew, who might do very well as pigs, and was just saying to herself, If one only knew the right way to change them , when she was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off.
35 The Cat only grinned when it saw Alice. It looked good-natured, she thought: still it had very long claws and a great many teeth, so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect.
Cheshire Puss, she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. Come, it s pleased so far, thought
40 Alice, and she went on. Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat.
I don t much care where- said Alice.
Then it doesn t matter which way you go, said the Cat.
-so long as I get somewhere, Alice added as an explanation.
45 Oh, you re sure to do that, said the Cat, if you only walk long enough.

1) Why did the Duchess give Alice the baby to nurse?
A She was afraid the cook would hurt the baby.
B She wanted to go and get ready for a game of croquet.
C She was in a hurry to leave the room.
D She couldn t keep hold of the baby s arms and legs.
E The Queen had ordered her to leave the room at once.
2) The poor little thing was snorting like a steam engine . (line 7) Which of the following literary devices are used here? 1. onomatopoe

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