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Un outil de travail pratiqueCe lexipro français-anglais permet d'acquérir ou de réviser le vocabulaire du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie en anglais.Pour une maîtrise parfaite du lexique, il propose :• une sélection de mots et expressions idiomatiques• la ou les traductions possibles des mots et leur présentation dans une phrase de mise en situation.Des thématiques spécifiques• Les formalités• L'hébergement• La restauration• Les moyens de transport• Le tourisme durable• L'industrie touristiqueDeux index alphabétiquesPour faciliter la recherche, deux index sont disponibles en fin d'ouvrage : l'un de tous les termes français, l'autre de tous les termes anglais.


Publié par
Date de parution 01 janvier 2022
Nombre de lectures 17
EAN13 9782759051173
Langue Français
Poids de l'ouvrage 3 Mo

Informations légales : prix de location à la page 0,0595€. Cette information est donnée uniquement à titre indicatif conformément à la législation en vigueur.


Les mots clés du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie
Joëlle ROUANET-LAPLACE Enseignante à la Faculté de Sciences économiques de Montpellier
Mots-cles tourisme hotellerie (francais-anglais).indd 1
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e © BRÉAL 3 trîmestre 2021 Toute reproductîon même partîee înterdîte ISBN : 978-2-7495-5117-3
Mots-cles tourisme hotellerie (francais-anglais).indd 2
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Alpinisme et ski –Mountaineering and skiing
Climat / temps / saisons –Climate / weather / seasons
Hébergement –Accommodation1. Hôtels Hotels 2. Autres types d’hébergement –Other types of accommodation
Tourisme balnéaire –Seaside tourism
Thermalisme / tourisme de santé –Spa and health tourism
Restauration –The catering industry1. Gastronomie Gastronomy 2. Vins et spiritueux –Wines and spirits
Tourisme d’affaires –Business tourism1. Les conférences / les congrès –Conferences /  Conventions 2. Équipement pour conférences –Conference facilities
Tourisme durable –Sustainable tourism
Tourisme urbain –Urban Tourism
Transport –Transport, transportation (US)1. Transport aérien –Air transport 2. Transport ferroviaire –Rail transport
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25 25
51 51 58
67 69
93 93 101
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3.Transport Luvial et maritime –Water transport 4. Transport routier –Road transport
Formalités –Formalities1. Assurances Insurance 2. Argent / change / moyens de paiement –Money /  Foreign Exchange / Means of payment 3. Formalités d’entrée et de sortie –Border formalities 4. Santé et formalités sanitaires –Health and health  formalities
Industrie touristique –The tourism industry
Communication –Communication1. Correspondance Writing2. Téléphone Telephone
Index français
Index anglais
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105 108
117 120
145 149
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Ce exîque s’adresse aux étudîants et aux professîonnes du secteur tertîaîre aînsî qu’à tous ceux quî désîrent acquérîr ou perfectîonner es notîons fondamentaes propres à ’angaîs du tourîsme. I convîent tout partîcuîèrement aux étudîants préparant ’épreuve d’angaîs des BTS Tourîsme et Hôteerîe-Restauratîon. Cet ouvrage est conçu comme un outî de travaî et s’efforce de cerner es prîncîpaux probèmes afférents au tourîsme et d’offrîr au ecteur un panorama aussî compet que possîbe de a angue tourîstîque. Le vocabuaîre séectîonné est présenté à partîr du françaîs, puîs mîs en contexte grâce à des exempes notamment extraîts d’artîces de BBC News, The Economîst, The Internatîona Herad Trîbune, The Guardîan, The Independant, ain de permettre une meîeure assîmîatîon et d’évîter tout contresens sur ’empoî de te ou te concept. Ce exîque est compété par deux îndex, ’un de toutes es entrées françaîses, ’autre de toutes es entrées angaîses. L’auteur
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alpin alpine Thîs pîcturesque apîne resort, nested în the vaey, offers a varîety of we-servîced runs.
alpinisme mountaineering The hîgh season for a mountaîneerîng în the western Aps îs from the begînnîng of Juy to mîd-September. Often compared to the Hîmaayas and Andes, the Tetons present serîous and dauntîng mountaîneerîng chaenges durîng the wînter.
alpiniste mountaineer/climber Cooîdge was an Amerîcan-born Brîtîsh hîstorîan and mountaîneer who, în the course of about 1,750 ascents, made one of the irst systematîc exporatîons of the Swîss, French, and Itaîan Aps. The resort town of Chamonîx îes at the foot of the Mont Banc, whîch îs popuar wîth both skîers and cîmbers. altipiste/altiport snow runway/mountain landing strip altitude elevation Yosemîte Vaey enjoys mîd wînters because of îts 4000-foot eevatîon. >à 2 000 mètres d’altitude 2000 meters above sea level / 2000 meters above the level of the sea après-ski after-ski / après-ski After-skî în Zermatt îs very îvey. Severa restaurants cater to the hungry skîer and bars provîde peasant after-skî entertaînment.
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ascension ascent Sherpas are essentîa to the ascents of varîous mountaîns of the Hîmaayas. > ascension en solitaire solo ascent He made the irst soo ascent of Mount Mac Kîney. >faire l’ascension de to ascend (a mountain) / to climb (a mountain) / to make the ascent of Two Scottîsh cîmbers dîed after fa-îng 1,500 feet onto rocks whîe cîmb-îng a mountaîn în the French Aps. Whymper, an Engîsh mountaîneer, was assocîated wîth the exporatîon of the Aps and was the irst man to cîmb the Matterhorn. avalanche avalanche / snowslide Thanks to theîr traînîng and experîence guîdes have the abîîty to assess a sope for avaanche rîsk or pîck a safe route through a gacîer’s hîdden crevasses. > appareil de recherche des victimes d’avalanche (ARVA) avalanche transceiver / avalanche beacon / avalanche bleeper By usîng transceîvers burîed skîers and boarders can be found quîcky. >couloir d’avalanche avalanche gully The access track to Manganuî Skî Area crosses “The Manganuî Mon-ster” avaanche guy. It îs not uncom-mon most seasons to have avaanche debrîs wîthîn the guy area. Vîsîtors and the pubîc are advîsed not to oî-ter în the avaanche guy.
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> déclencher une avalanche to trigger an avalanche / to spark an avalanche A handfu of skîers who have trîg-gered avaanches have been prose-cuted for actîng îrresponsîby and endangerîng îves. The Aps are known for the oca “Föhn” effect–a warm wînd that bows on the Southern sîde of moun-taîn sopes, raîsîng the temperature by severa degrees and often sparkîng avaanches. > être emporté par une avalanche to get caught in an avalanche / to be hit by an avalanche Gettîng caught în an avaanche must be a terrîfyîng experîence. The group was hît by an avaanche în the Gran Paradîso Natîona Park near the French border. >risque d’avalanche avalanche hazard Even îf the avaanche hazard îs ow, aways carry a transceîver, a shove and a probe. >zone d’avalanche avalanche area barrage dam The dam îs under constructîon. bâton de marche walking pole > bâton de marche télescopique telescoping walking pole / collapsible walking pole bâton de ski ski pole / ski stick
bois woods > boisé wooded A densey-wooded vaey. bosses moguls
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brèche notch canons à neige snow cannons cascade / chutes d’eau cascade / water falls / falls Nîne hundred mîes northwest of Buenos Aîres, în the steamy tropîca raîn forests of Mîsîones, the thunderîng fas of Iguazu form one of South Amerîca’s greatest nat-ura spectaces. chaînes (véhicule) chains / snow-chains The snow bocked dozens of roads and severa mountaîn passes; some were sub-sequenty cosed or eft ony accessîbe by the use of snow chaîns. chasse-neige snowplough col pass / saddle Thîs pass îs often împassabe în wînter. cordée rope > corde rope Ropes are used for abseîîng. > être encordé to be roped together The cîmbers were roped together across the mountaînsîde so îf one sîpped the other coud hat theîr fa. > premier de cordée ïrst on the rope >s’encorder to rope up crampons crampons He was earnîng to îce cîmb usîng cram-pons when severa tonnes of îce fe and burîed hîm. crête ridge
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crevasse crevasse culminer soar (to) / tower (to) Much of the îsand îs mountaînous; the hîghest poînt, Mount Mîsery, soars some 3,792 feet înto the tropîca sky. damer groom (to) Thîs resort offers 40 mîes of groomed crosscountry skî traîs. > dameuse / machine à damer snow-grooming machine descendeur downhill skier / downhiller
descendre une piste slope (to go down a) / plummet (to) Take a heîcopter rîde to some remote spot to experîence the exhîaratîon of skîîng down vîrgîn sopes. > descente à skis ski descent Mrs Murray was the irst femae Scot to cîmb Mount Everest and the irst person to compete a teemark skî descent from the summît of the cod-est mountaîn în the word, Aaska’s Mount McKîney. descendre des rapides raft (to) / run rapids (to) / run a river (to) > descente des rapides rafting / rapids running / river running Thîs trîp was one of the best water experîences: ive days of actîon-packed raftîng through unspoît raîn-forest wîderness. > descente en eau vive white water rafting Try our whîtewater raftîng expedîtîon that gets deep înto the Austraîan wî-derness. Outdoor actîvîtîes încude whîte water raftîng, canyonîng and gorge wakîng, archery and mountaîn bîkîng.
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descendre en rappel abseil (to) > descente en rappel abseiling There are ots of opportunîtîes for skî-îng, rock and îce cîmbîng, abseîîng and mountaîn bîkîng în the Caîrn-gorms. No prevîous abseîîng experîence îs requîred for thîs expedîtîon. domaine skiable ski area / ski ïeld Thîs resort covers a arge skî area. Rîsîng from 1600 m to 2075 m, Mount Hutt ranks as one of the hîghest skî ieds în the Southern hemîsphere. The area has been nîcknamed “the skî ied în the sky”. donner l’alerte raise the alarm (to) Two members of the cîmbîng group braved worsenîng condîtîons to raîse the aarm at a remote mountaîn hut. enneigement snow conditions Courcheve has a good hîstory of snow condîtîons, but to cope wîth warm wîn-ters, ît has a two-mîe artîicîay created snow area. Snow condîtîons at the top of Whîster and Backcomb mountaîns are usuay exceent–they see an average of 900 cm of snow a year! équipement de ski ski gear / ski equipment > être bien équipé to be properly equipped Mountaîn rescuers warned rambers and cîmbers to be propery equîpped before venturîng înto the Hîghands. >s’équiper to gear up Let’s gear up for the sopes. équitation horse riding / horseback riding > monter à cheval to ride a horse / to go horse riding
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> piste cavalière bridle path / bridle road / bridleway > promenade à cheval horseback ride escalade / varappe rock-climbing / climbing Wîth easy access and peaks that rîse sîx to seven thousand feet off the Jackson Hoe vaey loor, the Tetons are one of the pre-mîere cîmbîng destînatîon în the word. >mur d’escalade climbing wall escalader climb (to) / scale (to) Cîmb up to that top! You’ have a breath-takîng vîew of the vaey. She scaed Everest by the arduous north face shorty and returned safey back down the most dangerous part of the mountaîn. étendre (s’) stretch (to) The Pyrenees are stretchîng from the Atantîc Ocean to the Medîterranean Sea dîvîdîng France from Spaîn. ïxation (ski) binding By usîng specîa bîndîngs and skîns, the skî tourer îs free to roam the mountaîns at wî. >ïxation avant toe binding >ïxation arrière heel binding forêt forest Sherwood Forest, the home of egendary outaw Robîn Hood îs under threat. > couvert de forêts forested The mountaîns are forested up to a certaîn atîtude, gîvîng way to apîne meadows before bare rock îs reached at the hîghest poînts.
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forfait ski-pass / lift-pass A ive-day skî-pass îs încuded în the over-a prîce. / I have ost my îft-pass.
funiculaire funicular / funicular railway A funîcuar raîway takîng skîers to the sopes on Kîtzsteînhorn mountaîn near Sazburg caught ire as ît passed through the tunne. garde forestier park ranger / ranger The Dartmoor rangers are the eyes and ears of the natîona park authorîty, monî-torîng erosîon, cearîng up îtter, assîstîng emergency servîces and workîng wîth the pubîc to maîntaîn the beauty of Dart-moor. glaciaire glacial Gacîa ake / gacîa vaey. glacier glacier Gacîers are shrînkîng a over the panet. If rîsîng temperatures and ow precîpîta-tîon contînue, many smaer gacîers wî vanîsh în a decade. glisse sliding Nove ways of sîdîng have offered a cha-enge to those jaded by skîîng. Monoskîs, skî-scooters and hang-gîders a enjoyed a boom. guide de montagne mountain guide Loca guîdes know where to ind exceent safe snow condîtîons surprîsîngy cose to the beaten track. > prendre un guide de montagne to hire a mountain guide Aways hîre a fuy quaîied mountaîn guîde when skîîng way off-pîste or în gacîa terraîn. hameau hamlet A secuded hamet.
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