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Urban Reflections looks at how places change, the role of planners in bringing about urban change, and the public's attitudes to that change. Drawing on geographical, cinematic and photographic readings, the book offers a fresh incisive story of urban change, one that evokes both real and imagined perspectives of places and planning, and questions what role and purpose urban planning serves in the 21st century. It will interest urban and architectural historians, planners, geographers and all concerned with understanding urban planning and attitudes toward the contemporary city.
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Date de parution

20 juillet 2011

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Poids de l'ouvrage

80 Mo

urban reflections narratives of place, planning and change
mark tewdwr-jones
urban reflections narratives of place, planning and change
mark tewdwrjones
For my parents, Peter and Marilyn Jones
Fîrst pubîshed în Great Brîtaîn în 2011 by
The Poîcy Press Unîversîty o Brîsto Fourth Foor Beacon House Queen’s Road Brîsto BS8 1QU UK
t: +44 (0)117 331 4054 : +44 (0)117 331 4093 tpp-îno@brîsto.ac.uk www.poîcypress.co.uk
North Amerîcan oIce: The Poîcy Press c/o ïnternatîona Specîaîzed Books Servîces 920 NE 58th Avenue, Suîte 300 Portand, OR 97213-3786, USA t: +1 503 287 3093 : +1 503 280 8832 îno@îsbs.com
© 2011 Mark Tewdwr-Jones
Brîtîsh îbrary Cataoguîng în Pubîcatîon Data A cataogue record or thîs book îs avaîabe rom the Brîtîsh îbrary.
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ïSBN 978 1 84742 841 7 paperback ïSBN 978 1 84742 842 4 hardcover
The rîght o Mark Tewdwr-Jones to be îdentîied as author o thîs work has been asserted by hîm în accordance wîth the Copyrîght, Desîgns and Patents Act 1988.
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The statements and opînîons contaîned wîthîn thîs pubîcatîon are soey those o the author and not o the Unîversîty o Brîsto or The Poîcy Press. The Unîversîty o Brîsto and The Poîcy Press dîscaîm responsîbîîty or any înjury to persons or property resutîng rom any materîa pubîshed în thîs pubîcatîon.
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Cover desîgn by Qube Desîgn Assocîates, Brîsto. Front cover and a other îmages: © 2011 Mark Tewdwr-Jones. Prînted and bound în Great Brîtaîn by Hobbs, Southampton. The Poîcy Press uses envîronmentay responsîbe prînt partners.
About the author Acknowledgements Preface
Part One: Between recreated paŝt and threatening future: The modern planning project oneIntroduction two“This new fangled planning doctrine” three“The era of reconstruction begins”
Part Two: The deŝire for the modern world: Narrativeŝ of change for citieŝ and planning 19301979 fourPoetic realism: filmic planning in an era of transport modernisation five“Look at all those chimneys. That’s money.” Urban space and social realism ŝix“It’s like living in heaven up here!” ŝeven“The planners did their best.” Utilising irony and prose to protect the past eightTaking a bird’seye view: modern planning and the changing landscape nine“Planning turned out to be war by other means”
Part Three: In everything, accept the geniuŝ of the place: Towardŝ a new reŝpect for place in planning tenA multiplicity of meanings of space and place eleven“A sense of beauty, culture and civic pride” twelveFearful symmetries: the spirit and purpose of modern planning
References Index
vii ix xi
3 37 69
81 111
135 143
227 249 263
291 303
About the author
Mark Tewdwr-Jones îs Proessor o Spatîa Pannîng and Governance at Unîversîty Coege ondon’s Bartett Schoo o Pannîng and Archîtecture and the UC Urban aboratory. He îs a recognîsed authorîty on urban pannîng, the poîtîcs o the cîty and the use o and. Hîs prevîous books încudeThe pannîng poîty: Pannîng, government and the poîcy process(2002, Routedge),Pannîng utures: New dîrectîons or pannîng theory (co-edîted wîth Phîîp Amendînger) (Routedge, 2002),Second homes(wîth Aan Mace and Nîck Gaent) (2005, Ashgate),Terrîtory, îdentîty and spatîa pannîng: Spatîa governance în a ragmented natîon(co-edîted wîth Phîîp Amendînger)(2006, Routedge),Decent homes or a: Revîewîng pannîng’s roe în housîng provîsîon (wîth Nîck Gaent) (2007, Routedge) andUrban and regîona pannîng (wîth Sîr Peter Ha) (2011, Routedge). He îs a Vîsîtîng Proessor at Unîversîty Coege Dubîn and Adjunct Proessor at the Unîversîty o New South Waes. He îves în ondon.
Thîs book has been a ong tîme în the makîng. ïn truth, ît was subject to its and starts over a 10-year perîod, athough the îdeas and thoughts behînd ît go back much urther. The way ît has deveoped conceptuay, the înterests ît has precîpîtated durîng the course o research, and the urban reLectîons represented în îts pages, reLect the support o a great many peope. Much o the book was researched and wrîtten whîe ï was a im student at Bîrkbeck Coege ondon and ï wîsh to thank my mentors there – partîcuary ïan Chrîstîe, Mîke Aen, aura Muvey and Amy Sargeant – who reawakened my passîon or im and photo graphy and who had to endure endess dîscussîons and tutorîas devoted to my hobby horse – pace, andscape and settîng în im. ït was a chaengîng perîod, not east because ï was aso attemptîng to hod down my u acuty posîtîon at The Bartett and teach and pubîsh work on spatîa pannîng, governance and poîcy matters sîmutaneousy. ï am aso grateu or the new rîendshîps that deveoped there, partîcuary wîth Aîstaîr Wardî. For assîstance durîng the course o research, ï am îmmensey grateu to the Brîtîsh Fîm ïnstîtute îbrarîans and the custodîans and archîvîsts at BBC Caversham Park who enabed me to access so many orîgîna sources and hîstorîca materîa reevant to my înterests. A number o peope deserve specîa attentîon or theîr partîcîpatîon or or beîng subjected to ong întervîews, notaby EdwardMîrzoef, Anne Marîe Carty, Stephen Games, Aan Powers,Stephen Ward, Peter Ha, Robert Freestone, Mîchae Hebbert, John Goddard, ïaîn Borden, Adrîan Forty, Jonathan Hî, Phî Steadman, Nîck Pheps, James Throgmorton, eonîe Sandercock, Donad McNeî, Kîm MacNamara, John Pendebury, Geof Vîgar, Davîd B. Carke, Mark Gooda, Davîd Be, Geraînt Eîs, Mîchae Short, Ben Cîford, Caîre Coomb, Matthew Gandy, Ben Campkîn, Johan Andersson,
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