THEROSETTA STONEPRINTED BT ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM.LONDON :SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM.Price Sixpence,RIGHTS[ALL RESERVED.]LONDON :ANDHARRISON SONS,IN ORDINARY TO HISPRINTERS MAJESTY.THE ROSETTA STONE.THE DISCOVERY OF THE STONE.famous slab of black basalt which stands at the southern end of theain the British and which has for more thanEgyptian Gallery Museum," at abeen known as the Rosetta was foundTHE Stone,"century universallynear the mouth of the arm of the Nile that flowsspot great throughthe Western Delta to the not far from the town of or as"Rashid,"sea, Europeans"call Rosetta." to one account it was found on theit, According lying ground,and to another it was built into a old which a ofaccording very wall, companyFrench soldiers had been ordered to remove in order to make for the foundationswayof an addition to the afterwards known as "Fort St. Julien."* The actualfort,finder of the Stone was a French Officer of whose name is sometimesEngineers,and sometimes who rose to the rank ofBoussard, Bouchard,spelt subsequentlyand was alive in 1814. He made his in 1799.General, great discovery August,that there were on one side of the Stone lines of characters,Finding strangewhich it was be as as lines of Greekwellthought might long letters,writing,Boussard his to General who ordered him toreported Menou, bringdiscoverythe Stone to his house in Alexandria. and the StoneThis was done,immediatelyfor about two as the ...