A Swift Tutorial








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A Swift Tutorial
This is a tutorial on the use of Swift, and its programming language SwiftScript. It is not intended
as a reference manual. $LastChangedRevision: 265 $
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
2. Hello World ............................................................................................................................ 1
3. Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 3
4. Calling the same function with different parameters ....................................................................... 3
5. Named and optional parameters .................................................................................................. 4
6. Another procedure ................................................................................................................... 4
7. Anonymous files ..................................................................................................................... 5
8. More on datatypes .................................................................................................................... 6
9. Arrays ................................................................................................................................... 6
10. Mappers .................................. ...
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This is a tutorial on the use of Swift, and its programming language SwiftScript. It is not intended as a reference manual. $LastChangedRevision: 265 $
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 2. Hello World ............................................................................................................................ 1 3. Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 3 4. Calling the same function with different parameters ....................................................................... 3 5. Named and optional parameters .................................................................................................. 4 6. Another procedure ................................................................................................................... 4 7. Anonymous files ..................................................................................................................... 5 8. More on datatypes .................................................................................................................... 6 9. Arrays ................................................................................................................................... 6 10. Mappers ............................................................................................................................... 7 11. The regexp mapper ................................................................................................................. 7 12. array_mapper ........................................................................................................................ 8 13. foreach ................................................................................................................................. 8 14. If ........................................................................................................................................ 8 15. Visualising the workflow as a graph .......................................................................................... 8 16. Running on a remote site ......................................................................................................... 9 17. Tips and Tricks ...................................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction
This tutorial is intended to introduce new users to the basics of Swift. It is structured as a series of small exercise/ examples which you can try for yourself as you read along.
2. Hello World
The first example program (found in the file examples/vdlk/tutorial/q1.dtm) outputs a hello world message into a file called hello.txt.
type messagefile {} (messagefile t) greeting () { app { echo "Hello, world!" stdout=@filename(t); } } messagefile outfile <"hello.txt">; outfile = greeting();
We can run this program as follows:
A Swift Tutorial
cd examples/vdlk/tutorial/ vdlc q1.dtm ls q1.kml q1.kml vdlrun q1.kml VDL/Karajan library V 0.312 Adding file service local://localhost Adding local execution service local://localhost Adding host local Type file: string WARN  No global submit throttle set. Using default (100) Creating temporary directory run8q5crd4i/echo9q5crd4i on local Creating directory structure in run8q5crd4i/shared (run8q5crd4i/shared/) Running job echo with arguments [Hello, world!] in run8q5crd4i/echo9q5crd4i on local Completed job echo with arguments [Hello, world!] on local Staging out run8q5crd4i/shared//hello.txt to hello.txt from local Staged out run8q5crd4i/shared//hello.txt to hello.txt from local Cleaning up run8q5crd4i on local cat hello.txt Hello, world!
The basic structure of this program is a type definition, a procedure definition, a variable definition and then a call to the procedure:
type messagefile {} First we define a new type, called messagefile. Data in SwiftScript must be typed, whether it is stored in memory or on disk. In this example, we will use this as the type for our output message. The {} indicates that no internal struc ture is defined for the data.
(messagefile t) greeting () { app { echo "Hello, world!" stdout=@filename(t); } } Next we define a procedure called write. This procedure will write out the helloworld message to a file. The proced ure takes no parameters and outputs a messagefile. To achieve this, it executes the unix utility 'echo' with a paramet er "Hello, world!" and directs the standard output into the output file.
messagefile outfile <"hello.txt">; Here we define a variable called outfile. The type of this variable is messagefile, and we specify that when the con tents of this variable will be stored on disk in a file called hello.txt
outfile = greeting(); Now we call the greeting procedure, with its output going to the outfile variable and therefore to hello.txt on disk.
Over the following exercises, we'll extend this simple hello world program to demonstrate various features of Swift.
3. Parameters
A Swift Tutorial
Procedures can have parameters. Input parameters specify inputs to the procedure and output parameters specify outputs. Our helloworld greeting procedure already uses an output parameter, t, which indicates where the greeting output will go. In this section, we will add an input parameter to the greeting function.
We'll also encounter a new builtin data type, 'string'.
The code for this section can be found in q2.dtm. It can be invoked using vdlc and vdlrun, with output appearing in hello2.txt:
vdlc q2.dtm vdlrun q2.kml cat hello2.txt
The code changes from q1.dtm are highlighted below.
type messagefile {} (messagefile t) greeting (string s) { app { echo s stdout=@filename(t); } } messagefile outfile <"hello2.txt">; outfile = greeting("hello world");
We have modified the signature of the greeting procedure to indicate that it takes a single parameter, s, of type 'string'.
We have modified the invocation of the 'echo' utility so that it takes the value of s as a parameter, instead of the string literal "Hello, world!".
We have modified the output file definition to point to a different file on disk.
We have modified the invocation of greeting so that a greeting string is supplied. 4. Calling the same function with different para meters
Now that we can choose our greeting text, we can call the same procedure with different parameters to generate sev eral output files with different greetings. The code is in q12.dtm and can be run as before using vdlc and vdlrun.
type messagefile {} (messagefile t) greeting (string s) { app { echo s stdout=@filename(t); } } messagefile english <"english.txt">;
A Swift Tutorial
messagefile french <"francais.txt">; english = greeting("hello"); french = greeting("bonjour"); messagefile japanese <"nihongo.txt">; japanese = greeting("konnichiwa");
Note that we can intermingle definitions of variables with invocations of procedures. 5. Named and optional parameters
In addition to specifying parameters positionally, parameters can be named, and if desired a default value can be specified:
(messagefile t) greeting (string s="hello") { app { echo s stdout=@filename(t); } } When we invoke the procedure, we can specify values for the parameters by name:
french = greeting(s="bonjour"); or we can let the default value apply:
english = greeting();
6. Another procedure
Now we'll define a new simple procedure. This will take an input file and count the number of words in that input file, storing the count in another file.
To do this, we'll use the unix 'wc' (wordcount) utility.
First we need to modify the Transformation Catalog to define a logical transformation for the wc utility. The trans formation catalog can be found in var/tc.data. There is already one entry specifying where 'echo' can be found. Add a new line to the file, specifying where wc can be found (usually in /usr/bin/wc but it may vary depending on your system), like this:
For now, ignore all of the fields except the second and the third. The second field 'wc' specifies a logical transforma tion name and the third specifies the location of an executable to perform that transformation.
Now that we have defined the logical transformation 'wc', we can use it in SwiftScript:
type messagefile {} type countfile {}
A Swift Tutorial
(messagefile t) greeting (string s) { app { echo s stdout=@filename(t); } } (countfile t) countwords (messagefile f) { app { wc "w" @filename(f) stdout=@filename(t); } } messagefile outfile <"q13greeting.txt">; countfile c <"count.txt">; outfile = greeting("hello from Swift"); c = countwords(outfile);
We define a new data type for files containing counts (although like messagefile, we don't specify any internal struc ture for that file). Then we define a 'countwords' procedure which invokes the wc utility with appropriate paramet ers. Finally, we define a variable, c, which we map to count.txt and to which we assign the count of words in a greet ing message.
We can use vdlc and vdlrun to run q13.dtm:
vdlc q13.dtm [...] vdlrun q13.kml [...] cat count.txt 3 q13greeting.txt
and thus we discover that the phrase "hello from Swift" contains precisely three words. 7. Anonymous files
In the previous section, the file 'q13greeting.txt' is used only to store an intermediate result. We don't really care about which name is used for the file, as no matter which intermediate name is used we will still get the same word count.
In this case, we can omit the filename mapping part of the variable declaration. Instead of:
messagefile outfile <"q13greeting.txt">;
we can instead write:
messagefile outfile;
q14.dtm contains the code and can be run in the usual way. After execution, the results can be found in count14.txt
cat count14.txt 3 outfile7ad257c2c7924f61a0eb96667c62ad60
A Swift Tutorial
Observe that a generated name, outfile7ad257c2c7924f61a0eb96667c62ad60, was automatically mapped to out file. 8. More on datatypes
As mentioned earlier, all data in variables and files has a datatype. So far, we've seen the builtin 'string' data type and simple userdefined datatypes (messagefile and countfile).
SwiftScript has the additional builtin types, based on XML types: Boolean, Integer, Float, and Date.
We've seen empty userdefined types already, which are used as markers on files that we don't need to look at the content of in SwiftScript. It is also possible to create types with structure, as in other programming languages.
q15.dtm contains the code for this exercise, based on the q2 code.
type messagefile {} type details { string name; string place; } (messagefile t) greeting (details d) { app { echo "Hello" d.name "You live in" d.place stdout=@filename(t); } }
details person; person.name = "John"; person.place = "Namibia"; messagefile outfile <"q15.txt">; outfile = greeting(person); We define a new type, details, with members, a string and an integer. 9. Arrays
We can define arrays of values. For example, we could specify each word in a greeting as a separate element of a string array, as seen in q5.dtm:
type messagefile {} (messagefile t) greeting (string s[]) { app { echo s[0] s[1] s[2] stdout=@filename(t); } } messagefile outfile <"q5out.txt">; string words[] = ["how","are","you"]; outfile = greeting(words);
A Swift Tutorial
Observe that the type of the parameter to greeting is now an array of strings, 'string s[]', instead of a single string, 'string s', that elements of the array can be referenced numerically, for example s[0], and that the array is initialised using an array literal, ["how","are","you"].
10. Mappers
A significant difference between SwiftScript and other languages is that data can be referred to on disk through vari ables in a very similar fashion to data in memory. For example, in the above examples we have seen a variable definition like this:
messagefile outfile <"q13greeting.txt">;
This means that 'outfile' is a dataset variable, which is mapped to a file on disk called 'g13greeting.txt'. This variable can be assigned to using = in a similar fashion to an inmemory variable. We can say that 'outfile' is mapped onto the disk file 'q13greeting.txt' by amapper.
There are various ways of mapping in SwiftScript. Two forms have already been seen in this tutorial. Later exercises will introduce more forms.
The two forms of mapping seen so far are:
simple named mapping  the name of the file that a variable is mapped to is explictly listed. Like this:
messagefile outfile <"greeting.txt">; This is useful when you want to explicitly name input and output files for your program. For example, 'outfile' in ex ercise HELLOWORLD.
anonymous mapping  no name is specified in the source code. A name is automatically generated for the file. This is useful for intermediate files that are only referenced through SwiftScript, such as 'outfile' in exercise ANONYM OUSFILE. A variable declaration is mapped anonymously by ommitting any mapper definition, like this:
messagefile outfile;
Later exercises will introduce other ways of mapping from disk files to SwiftScript variables.
TODO: introduce @v syntax.
There is no hands on exercise for this section
11. The regexp mapper
In this exercise, we introduce theregexp mapper. This mapper transforms a string expression using a regular expres sion, and uses the result of that transformation as the filename to map.
q16.dtm demonstrates the use of this by placing output into a file that is based on the name of the input file: our in put file is mapped to the inputfile variable using the simple named mapper, and then we use the regular expression mapper to map the output file. Then we use the countwords() procedure that we defined in exercise ANOTHER PROCEDURE to count the works in the input file and store the result in the output file.
The important bit of q16.dtm is:
A Swift Tutorial
messagefile inputfile <"q16.txt">; countfile c <regexp_mapper;source=@inputfile,match="(.*)txt",transform="\1count">;
12. array_mapper
Thearray mappermaps a directory of files into an array  each element of the array is mapped into one file in the specified directory. see q22.dtm
string inputNames = "one.txt two.txt three.txt"; string outputNames = "one.count two.count three.count"; messagefile inputfiles[] <array_mapper;files=inputNames>; countfile outputfiles[] <array_mapper;files=outputNames>; outputfiles[0] = countwords(inputfiles[0]); outputfiles[1] = countwords(inputfiles[1]); outputfiles[2] = countwords(inputfiles[2]);
13. foreach
SwiftScript provides a control structure, foreach, to operate on each element of an array.
In this example, we will run the previous word counting example over each file in an array without having to expli citly list the array elements. The source code for this example is in q17.dtm. The three input files (one.txt, two.txt and three.txt) are supplied. After you have run the workflow, you should see that there are three output files (one.count, two.count and three.count) each containing the word count for the corresponding input file. We combine the use of the array_mapper and the regexp_mapper.
string inputNames = "one.txt two.txt three.txt"; messagefile inputfiles[] <array_mapper;files=inputNames>;
foreach f in inputfiles { countfile c <regexp_mapper;source=@f,match="(.*)txt",transform="\1count">; c = countwords(f); }
14. If
Decisions can be made using 'if', in a style reminiscent of many other languages. q20.dtm contains a simple example of this. Compile and run q20.dtm and see that it outputs 'good morning'. Changing the 'morning' variable from true to false will cause the program to output 'good afternoon'. 15. Visualising the workflow as a graph
When running a workflow, its possible to generate a provenance graph at the same time:
A Swift Tutorial
vdlrun pgraph graph1.dot q1.kml dot ograph.png Tpng graph1.dot which can then be viewed using your favourite image viewer.
16. Running on a remote site
As configured by default, all jobs are run locally. In the previous examples, we've invoked 'echo' and 'wc' execut ables from our SwiftScript program. These have been run on the local system (the same computer on which you ran vdlrun). We can also make our computations run on a remote resource.
WARNING: This example is necessarily more vague than previous examples, because its requires access to remote resources. You should ensure that you can submit a job using the globusjobrun (or globusrunws?) command(s).
We do not need to modify any SwiftScript code to run on another resource. Instead, we must modify another cata log, the 'site catalog'. This catalog provides details of the location that applications will be run, with the default set tings referring to the local machine. We will modify it to refer to a remote resource  the UC Teraport cluster. If you are not a UC Teraport user, you should use details of a different resource that you do have access to.
The site catalog is located in etc/sites.xml and is a relatively straightforward XML format file. We must modify each of the following three settings: gridftp (which indicates how and where data can be transferred to the remote re source), jobmanager (which indicates how applications can be run on the remote resource) and workdirectory (which indicates where working storage can be found on the remote resource).
17. Tips and Tricks
DO NOT put functions invocations as actual arguments for procedures Put ITERATION loops in procedures, when they produce ARRAY outputs
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