Quality Raters Google Guidelines V5.0







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Découvrez les Guidelines pour les Quality Raters de Google dans leurs versions qui date du 31 Mars 2014.
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General GuidelinesVersion 5.031, 2014 March
General Guidelines Overview.................................................................................5
Part 1: Page Quality Rating Guideline................................................................... 6
1.0 Introductionto Page Quality Rating................................................................................................................. 62.0 UnderstandingWebpages and Websites ........................................................................................................ 62.1 ImportantDefinitions ................................................................................................................................ 62.2 Whatis the Purpose of a Webpage? ....................................................................................................... 72.3 YourMoney or Your Life (YMYL) Pages.................................................................................................. 82.4 UnderstandingWebpage Content ........................................................................................................... 82.5 Understandingthe Website.................................................................................................................... 102.6 WebsiteMaintenance ..............................................................................................................................142.7 WebsiteReputation .................................................................................................................................153.0 OverallPage Quality Rating Scale ................................................................................................................. 184.0 HighQuality Pages .......................................................................................................................................... 184.1 Characteristicsof High Quality Pages .................................................................................................. 184.2 ASatisfying Amount of High Quality Main Content ............................................................................ 194.3 AHigh Level of Expertise/Authoritativeness/Trustworthiness (EAT) ............................................. 204.4 PositiveReputation .................................................................................................................................204.5 HelpfulSupplementary Content............................................................................................................. 204.6 FunctionalPage Design.......................................................................................................................... 214.7 ASatisfying Amount of Website Information....................................................................................... 214.8 AWell Cared For and Maintained Website ........................................................................................... 224.9 Examplesof High Quality Pages ........................................................................................................... 225.0 HighestQuality Pages ..................................................................................................................................... 265.1 VeryHigh Quality MC.............................................................................................................................. 265.2 VeryHigh Level of EAT ........................................................................................................................ 265.3 VeryPositive Reputation........................................................................................................................ 265.4 Examplesof Highest Quality Pages ...................................................................................................... 266.0 LowQuality Pages ............................................................................................................................................ 326.1 LowQuality Main Content ...................................................................................................................... 336.2 UnsatisfyingAmount of Main Content.................................................................................................. 336.3 LackingExpertise, Authoritativeness, or Trustworthiness (EAT) ................................................... 336.4 NegativeReputation................................................................................................................................ 346.5 CharacteristicsWhich May Be Evidence of Low Quality.................................................................... 346.6 Examplesof Low Quality Pages ............................................................................................................ 361 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2014
7.0 LowestQuality Pages....................................................................................................................................... 397.1 Harmfulor Malicious Pages ................................................................................................................... 407.2 Lackof Purpose Pages........................................................................................................................... 407.3 DeceptivePages ......................................................................................................................................407.4 LowestQuality Main Content................................................................................................................. 427.5 NoWebsite Information.......................................................................................................................... 457.6 HighlyUntrustworthy, Unreliable, Unauthoritative, Inaccurate, or Misleading ................................ 467.7 AbandonedWebsites or Spammed Pages on a Website.................................................................... 467.8 ExtremelyNegative or Malicious Reputation ....................................................................................... 467.9 Examplesof Lowest Quality Pages....................................................................................................... 478.0 MediumQuality Pages...................................................................................................................................... 538.1 Examplesof Medium Quality Pages...................................................................................................... 549.0 PageQuality Rating: Important Considerations............................................................................................ 579.1 Instructionsfor Rating Page Quality Tasks.......................................................................................... 579.2 TheTop Three PQ Considerations ........................................................................................................ 579.3 EAT:Page or Website? ........................................................................................................................ 5810.0 PageQuality Considerations for Specific Types of Pages......................................................................... 5810.1 Ratingsfor Encyclopedia Pages.......................................................................................................... 5810.2 Ratingsfor Pages with Error Messages or No MC ............................................................................ 5810.3 Ratingsfor Forums and Q&A pages ................................................................................................... 6011.0 PageQuality Rating FAQs ............................................................................................................................. 64
Part 2:Utility Rating Guideline............................................................................ 66
12.0 Introductionto Utility Rating ......................................................................................................................... 6612.1 ImportantRating Definitions and Ideas............................................................................................ 6612.2 ThePurpose of Search Quality Rating................................................................................................ 6712.3 RatersMust Represent the User.......................................................................................................... 6712.4 BrowserRequirements .........................................................................................................................6712.5 AdBlocking Extensions ....................................................................................................................... 6712.6 InternetSafety Information................................................................................................................... 6712.7 ReleasingTasks .................................................................................................................................... 6813.0 Understandingthe Query............................................................................................................................... 6813.1 UnderstandingUser Intent ................................................................................................................... 6813.2 TaskLanguage and Task Location (Locale)....................................................................................... 6913.3 Querieswith Multiple Meanings........................................................................................................... 6913.4 QueryMeanings Can Change Over Time............................................................................................ 7113.5 Classificationof User Intent:Action, Information, and Navigation: DoKnowGo........................ 72
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14.0 UtilityRating Scale for Result Blocks........................................................................................................... 7314.1 Vital(V) ................................................................................................................................................... 8714.2 Useful(U)................................................................................................................................................ 9514.3 Relevant(R)............................................................................................................................................ 9914.4 SlightlyRelevant (SR) ......................................................................................................................... 10114.5 OffTopicor Useless (OT)................................................................................................................... 10315.0 RatingPorn (P), Foreign Language (F), and Didn’t Load (D) Results ..................................................... 10715.1 Porn(P) Flag ........................................................................................................................................ 10715.2 PornResult Utility Rating................................................................................................................... 10715.3 ReportingIllegal Images..................................................................................................................... 10915.4 ForeignLanguage Results ................................................................................................................. 11015.5 RatingResults with Content that Doesn’t Load............................................................................... 11316.0 Locationand Utility Rating .......................................................................................................................... 11516.1 Localeis Important.............................................................................................................................. 11516.2 Queriesthat “Ask” for Nearby Results or Nearby Information ...................................................... 11816.3 UserLocation and Understanding the Query................................................................................... 12116.4 Querieswith an Explicit Location...................................................................................................... 12316.5 VitalRatings for Queries with a User Location................................................................................ 12416.6 RatingQueries with User Location and Explicit Location .............................................................. 12516.7 RatingLocal Intent Queries................................................................................................................ 12516.8 RatingExamples with User Location, Explicit Location, and Local Intent ................................... 125
Part 3:Block Utility Rating Guideline............................................................... 12917.0 Overviewof Block Utility (BU) Rating......................................................................................................... 12918.0 TheRelationship between PQ and Utility................................................................................................... 12919.0 Querieswith Multiple Interpretations and Intents ..................................................................................... 13120.0 Specificityof Queries and Landing Pages ................................................................................................. 13321.0 Utilityand Freshness.................................................................................................................................... 13922.0 Misspelledand Mistyped Queries and Results.......................................................................................... 14322.1 Misspelledand Mistyped Queries....................................................................................................... 14322.2 NameQueries ....................................................................................................................................... 14322.3 SpellingSuggestion Result Blocks.................................................................................................... 14523.0 NonVitalResults for URL Queries.............................................................................................................. 14924.0 ProductQueries: Action (Do) vs. Information (Know) Intent ................................................................... 15025.0 MobileLanding Pages.................................................................................................................................. 151
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Part 4:Using the Evaluation Platform ..............................................................15326.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 15327.0 Accessingthe Evaluation Platform (EP)..................................................................................................... 15328.0 EvaluationPlatform Screenshot.................................................................................................................. 15329.0 BlockUtility Task Page Screenshot............................................................................................................ 15430.0 Notesabout Using the Block Utility Rating Interface................................................................................ 15631.0 Usingthe “Report a Problem / Release this Task” Button....................................................................... 15632.0 ReportingResults with Duplicate Landing Pages..................................................................................... 15733.0 Usingthe Page Quality Rating Scale in Block Utility Rating Tasks ........................................................ 160
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General Guidelines Overview Welcome to the Search Quality Rating Program! As a Search Quality evaluator, you will work on many different types of rating projects.The General Guidelines primarily cover Page Quality (PQ) rating and Block Utility (BU) rating; however, the concepts are also important for many other types of rating tasks. For brevity, we refer to “Search Quality Evaluators” as “raters” in these guidelines.
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Part 1: Page Quality Rating Guideline 1.0 Introductionto Page Quality RatingA Page Quality (PQ) rating task consists of a URL and a series of questions designed to guide your exploration of the landing page and the website associated with the URL.Ultimately, the goal of Page Quality rating is to evaluate how well the page achieves its purpose.Because different types of websites and webpages can have very different purposes, our expectations and standards for different types of pages are also different. Here's what you'll need to be a successful Page Quality rater: experience using the web as an ordinary user in your rating locale. Your knowledge of this guideline. Indepth  Andmost importantly—practice doing PQ rating tasks! The examples in this guideline are very important.Please view each one.Webpages and websites change rapidly, so we use images or "snapshots" of webpages in most of our examples. 2.0 UnderstandingWebpages and Websites PQ rating requires an indepth understanding of websites.We'll start with the basics.Along the way, we'll share important information about Page Quality rating, so please read through this section even if you are a website expert! 2.1 ImportantDefinitions We will try to avoid using technical jargon, but here are some important definitions: AwebpageWebpages can be viewed or "visited" with a webis a document which is part of the World Wide Web. browser such as Chrome.In the 1990s, webpage content was mostly text and links.Today, webpage content includes many forms of media (such as images, videos, etc.) and functionality (such as online shopping features, email, calculator functionality, online games, etc.). AURLis a character string which your web browser uses to “find” and display a webpage.Page Quality rating doesn't require you to have indepth understanding of the structure of URLs, i.e., you don’t need to know the difference between host, domain, etc.But if you are interested, seehereto read more. Awebsiteorsiteis a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and made available online ban individual, coman ,educational institution, government, or organization.Popular websites include Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, YouTube, etc. Note: In this guideline, we will use the word “website” to refer to a collection of pages owned and controlled by a single entity (individual, business, etc.).But we will also use “website” to refer to major “independent” sections (or hosts) of some websites which were created to achieve separate purposes.For example, the Yahoo website is oranized into different sectionsor hosts , such as Yahoo Financefinance. ahoo.com, Yahoo Mailmail. ahoo.comorts, Yahoo S sports. ahoo.comIt’s OK to refer to each of these sections as a website;, etc.Each of these has its own purpose. for examle, the Yahoo Finance website and the Yahoo Sorts website.You maalso refer to pages on Yahoo Finance or Yahoo Sports (even the main entry pages) as belonging to the Yahoo website. Ahomepa eof a website is the main paIt is usualle of the site.e that users see when the site loads.the first pa For example,http://www.apple.comis the homepage of the Apple computer company site,http://www.yahoo.comis the homepae of the Yahoo compansite, andhttp://finance. ahoo.comYou cane of Yahoo Finance.is the homepa usually find the homepage of a website by clicking on a “home” link or logo link on subpages of a website. Asubpageon a website is any page on the site other than the homepage.For example,http://www.apple.com/iphoneis a subpage on the Apple website, andhttp://finance.yahoo.com/optionsis a subpage on the Yahoo Finance website. 6 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2014
Awebmasteris the person who designs, develops, and/or maintains a website. Im ortant:ert in URLs, webYou don't have to be an exn. Butou do need to be vera es,or website desi comfortable exploring websites, both by clicking links and modifying URLs in the address bar of your web browser. Become a website detective and explorer! 2.2 Whatis the Purpose of a Webpage? The purpose of a pae is the reason or reasons whthe pae was created.Ever pae on the Internet is created for a ur ose,or for multile uroses. Mosta esare created to be helful for users.Some aes are created merelto make money, with little or no effort to help users.Some pages are even created to cause harm to users.The first step in understanding a page is figuring out its purpose. Why is it important to determine the purpose of the page for PQ rating? In order to assign a rating, you Thegoal of PQ rating is to determine how well a page achieves its purpose. must understand the purpose of the page and sometimes the website. By understanding the purpose of the page,have very different standards for different types of pages. We you'll better understand what criteria are important to consider when evaluating that particular page. Websites and pages which are created with intent to Websitesand pages should be created to help users. harm users, deceive users, or make money with no attempt to help users, will receive a very low PQ rating. More on this later. As long as the page is created to help users, we will not consider one particular purpose or type of page to be higher quality than another.For example, encyclopedia pages are not necessarily higher quality than humor pages. Important: There are highest quality and lowest quality webpages of all different types and purposes: shopping pages, news pages, forum pages, video pages, pages with error messages, PDFs, images, gossip pages, humor pages, homepages, and all other types of pages.Each of these types of pages can have highest quality ratings and lowest quality ratings. Our expectations are different for different kinds of websites.Imagine a website called “Uncle Alex’s Family Photos” (a hypotheticalHighquality example) created with much time and effort for the purpose of sharing photos with relatives. Compare that to the website of a multimillion dollar corporation which exists to sell products.Page quality rating is not “one size fits all.”You have to think about the purpose of the page and website. Common helpful page purposes include (but are not limited to):  Toshare information about a topic.  Toshare personal or social information.  Toshare pictures, videos, or other forms of media.  Toexpress an opinion or point of view. entertain. To sell products or services. To allow users to post questions for other users to answer. To  Toallow users to share files or to download software. Here are a few examples where it is easy to understand the purpose of the page: Type of PagePurpose of the Page News website homepagedisplay news. To Shopping page Tosell or give information about the product. Video page Toallow users to watch a video. Currency converter pagecalculate equivalent amounts in different currencies. To 7 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2014
Here are two examples of helpful pages where the purpose of the page is not as obvious: Pa ewith a Non Discussion Obvious Purpose
Christopher Columbus Page Example
OmNomNomNom Page Example
This page looks as though the purpose is to share factual information, but the page starts with the text “Christopher Columbus was born in 1951 in Sydney, Australia.”This is obviously inaccurate!Was this page created to help users or to trick and confuse users? In this case, exploring the website can help us understand the purpose of the page.This website was built by educators to teach about interpreting information found on the Internet. After reading about the website on theAbout This Sitepage, it should be clear that the purpose of the page is to serve as an educational tool.The information on the page is deliberately inaccurate so that it can be used as an example of misinformation on the Internet.This page and website do have a helpful and beneficial purpose.
At first glance, this page may seem pointless or strange.However, it is a page from a humorous site that encourages users to post photos with mouths drawn on them.The purpose of the page is humor or artistic expression.This page has a helpful or beneficial purpose. Even though theAboutpage on this website is not very helpful, the website explains itself on itsFAQpage.
2.3 YourMoney or Your Life (YMYL) Pages Some types of pages could potentially impact the future happiness, health, or wealth of users.We call such pages “Your Money or Your Life” pages, or YMYL.The following are YMYL pages: or financial transaction pages: webpages which allow users to make purchases, transfer money, pay Shopping bills, etc. online (such as online stores and online banking pages). information pages: webpages which provide advice or information about investments, taxes, Financial retirement planning, home purchase, paying for college, buying insurance, etc. information pages: webpages which provide advice or information about health, drugs, specific Medical diseases or conditions, mental health, nutrition, etc.  Legalinformation pages: webpages which provide legal advice or information on topics such as divorce, child custody, creating a will, becoming a citizen, etc. there are many other topics which you may consider YMYL, such as child adoption, car safety Other: information, etc.Please use your judgment. We have very high Page Quality rating standards for YMYL pages because low quality YMYL pages could potentially negatively impact users’ happiness, health, or wealth. 2.4 UnderstandingWebpage Content All of the content on a webpage can be classified as one of the following: Main Content (MC), Supplementary Content (SC), or Advertisements/Monetization (Ads).In order to understand the purpose of a webpage and do PQ rating, you will need to be able to distinguish among these different parts of the page. Webpage design can be complicated, so make sure to click around and explore the page.See what kind of content is behind the tabs and test out the interactive page features. 2.4.1 Identifying the Main Content (MC) Main Content is any part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose.MC can be text, images, videos, or page features such as calculators, games, etc.MC can be user generated content such as videos, reviews, articles, etc. which users have added or uploaded to the page.Note that tabs on some pages lead to even more information, for example, customer reviews.In some cases, you can consider the content under or behind tabs to be part of the MC of the page.Webmasters directly create and/or control the MC of the page. 8 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2014
Type of Page and PurposeMC Highlighted in Yellow News website homepage: the purpose is to display news.MC  News HomepageNews article page: the purpose is to display a news article.MC  News ArticleStore product page: the purpose is to sell or give information about the product. MC  Shopping Page behind the Reviews, Shipping, and Safety Information tabs are considered to be Content part of the MC Video page: the purpose is to allow users to view a video.MC  Video PageCurrency converter page: the purpose is to calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies.MC  Currency ConverterBlog post page: the purpose is to display a blog post.MC  Blog Post PageSearch engine homepage: the purpose is to allow users to enter a query and search the Internet.MC  Search Engine HomepageBank login page: the purpose is to allow users to log in to bank online.MC  Bank Login Page2.4.2 Identifying the Supplementary Content (SC) Supplementary Content contributes to a good user experience on the page, but does not directly help the page achieve its purpose.SC is created by webmasters and is an important part of the user experience.One common type of SC is navigation links which allow users to visit other parts of the website.Note that content behind tabs may be considered part of the SC of the page. Sometimes the easiest way to identify SC is to look for the parts of the page whichare notMC or Ads. Type of Page and PurposeSC Highlighted in Blue News website homepage: the purpose is to display news.SC  News HomepageNews article page: the purpose is to display a news article.SC  News ArticleStore product page: the purpose is to sell or give information about the product.SC  Shopping PageVideo page: the purpose is to allow users to view a video.SC  Video PageCurrency converter page: the purpose is to calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies.SC  Currency ConverterBlog post page: the purpose is to display a blog post.SC  Blog Post PageSearch engine homepage: the purpose is to allow users to enter a query and search the Internet.SC  Search Engine HomepageBank login page: the purpose is to allow users to log in to bank online.SC  Bank Login Page2.4.3 Identifying Advertisements/Monetization (Ads) Advertisements/Monetization (Ads) is content and/or links that are displayed for the purpose of monetizing (making money from) the page.There are several different ways to monetize a webpage, including advertisements and affiliate programs. Seeherefor more information on website monetization. The most common type of monetization is advertisements.Ads may be labeled as "ads," "sponsored links," “sponsored listings,” “sponsored results,” etc.Usually, you can click on the links or mouse over the content to determine whether they are Ads.Ads may change when you reload the page, and different users may see different Ads on the same page. Webmasters can choose to display Ads on their page (for example by joining anadvertising network), but they may not always directly control the content of the Ads.However, we will consider a website responsible for the overall quality of the Ads displayed. Important: For the purpose of this guideline, we will consider monetized links of any type to be “Ads.”Seeherefor different types of website monetization. Important: Without advertising and monetization, some webpages could not exist because it costs money to maintain a website and create high quality content.The presence or absence of Ads is not by itself a reason for aHighorLowquality rating. 9 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2014
Type of Page and PurposeAds Highlighted in Red News website homepage: the purpose is to display news.Ads  News HomepageNews article page: the purpose is to display a news article.Ads  News ArticleVideo page: the purpose is to allow users to view a video.Ads  Video PageCurrency converter page: the purpose is to calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies.Ads  Currency ConverterBlog post page: the purpose is to display a blog post.Ads  Blog Post PageStore product page: the purpose is to sell or give information about the product.No ads Search engine homepage: the purpose is to allow users to enter a query and search the Internet.No ads Bank login page: the purpose is to allow users to log in to bank online.No ads 2.4.4 Summary of the Parts of the Page Let's put it all together. Main Content (MC) is any part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose.MC is (or should be!) the reason the page exists.The quality of the MC plays a very large role in the Page Quality rating of a webpage. Supplementary Content (SC) is also important.SC can help a page better achieve its purpose or it can detract from the overall experience. Many pages have advertisements/monetization (Ads).Without advertising and monetization, some webpages could not exist because it costs money to maintain a website and create high quality content.The presence or absence of Ads is not by itself a reason for aHighorLowquality rating. On some pages, reviews may be considered MC, and on other pages they may be considered SC.Use your best judgment and think about the purpose of the page. Do not worry too much about identifying every little part of the page.Carefully think about which parts of the page are the MC.Next, look for the Ads.Anything left over can be considered SC. Type of Page and PurposeMC, SC, and Ads Highlighted News website homepage: the purpose is to display news.Summary  News HomepageNews article page: the purpose is to display a news article.Summary  News ArticleStore product page: the purpose is to sell or give information about the product.Summary  Shopping PageVideo page: the purpose is to allow users to view a video.Summary  Video PageCurrency converter page: the purpose is to calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies.Summary  Currency ConverterBlog post page: the purpose is to display a blog post.Summary  Blog Post PageSearch engine homepage: the purpose is to allow users to enter a query and search the Internet.Summary  Search Engine HPBank login page: the purpose is to allow users to log in to bank online.Summary  Bank Login Page2.5 Understandingthe Website Pages often make more sense when viewed as part of a website.Some of the considerations in Page Quality rating are based on the website the page belongs to. In order to understand a website, look for information about the website on the website itself.Websites are usually very eager to tell all about themselves! You must also look for reputation information about the website.We need to find out what outside, independent sources say about the website.When there is disagreement between what the website says about itself and what independent sources say about the website, we’ll trust the independent sources.SeeSection 2.7for more information. 10 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 2014
2.5.1 Finding the Homepage The homepage of a website usually contains or has links to important information about the website.Webmasters usually make it easy to get to the homepage of the website from any page on the site. Here's how to find the homepage of a website: the landing page of the URL in your PQ rating task. Examine and click on the link labeled “home” or “main page.” Find  Havingtrouble finding it?Try using “CtrlF” (“commandF” on a Mac) to search the page for the text “home” or “main.” Youmay also try clicking on the website logo, which is usually at the top of the page. Sometimes, you may be given a webpage or website that appears to have no navigation links, no homepage link, and no logo or other means to find the homepage.Even someHighorHighestquality pages lack a way to navigate to the homepage. Ifyou can't find a link to the homepage, modify the URL by removing everything to the right of “.com,” “.org,” “.net,” “.info,” etc. and refresh the page. Occasionally, your rating task will include a URL for which there are two or more justifiable “homepage” candidates. For example, you may not be sure whether the homepage of the URLhttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/categorystocksishttp://finance.yahoo.comorhttp://www.yahoo.com. Important: When you have more than one homepage “candidate,” please use whichever one offers the most information about the specific webpage in the URL rating task.Use your judgment.The goal is to understand the webpage and the website(s) it is associated with, not find the one unique, correct homepage. In the following examples, we have included the URL of the page to be evaluated in the rating task, as well as the URL of its associated homepage.We have also included an image that shows where to click on the landing page to navigate to the homepage.In the image, you will see a red box around the link or the logo you would click to navigate to the homepage. Image that shows where to click to get to URL of the Task PageHomepage of the Website the homepage
http://www.williams sonoma.com/products/s hunpremier7piece knifeblockset
WilliamsSonoma Homepage
This “WILLIAMSSONOMA” logo shown in the upper left part of the page is clickable and takes users to the homepage of the website.
http://answers.yahoo.comSpecific Yahoo Answers PageIn this case, we will consider http://answers.yahoo.co http://answers.yahoo.comthe homepage, rather than m/question/index;_ylt=A http://www.yahoo.com. Why? Becauseclicking on nAYEU1fED6ncg1jRCFthe logo takes the user tohttp://answers.yahoo.com. y30kk5XNG;_ylv=3?qid In addition,http://answers.yahoo.comhas information This “YAHOO ANSWERS” logo in the upper =20091214193523AAQ about the Yahoo Answers website.It is very difficult left part of the page is clickable and takes qHQSto find specific information about users to the homepage of the website. http://answers.yahoo.comon the http://www.yahoo.comhomepage.
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