Guideline de Google version 4.3 de Janvier 2014







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Découvrez les Guidelines 2014 de Google en version 4.3. Ces guidelines dates de janvier 2014.
Elles vous permettront de connaître les différentes règles que doit suivre l'équipe Quality Search de Google pour noter un site internet.
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General GuidelinesVersion 4.330, 2014 January
General Guidelines Overview.................................................................................4
Part 1:Utility Rating Guidelines............................................................................51.0 Introductionto Utility Rating ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 ImportantRating Definitions and Ideas .................................................................................................. 5 1.2 ThePurpose of Search Quality Rating.................................................................................................... 6 1.3 RatersMust Represent the User.............................................................................................................. 6 1.4 BrowserRequirements .............................................................................................................................6 1.5 AdBlocking Extensions ........................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 InternetSafety Information....................................................................................................................... 6 2.0 Understandingthe Query.................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1 UnderstandingUser Intent ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 TaskLanguage and Task Location (Locale)............................................................................................ 8 2.3 Querieswith Multiple Meanings................................................................................................................ 8 2.4 QueryMeanings Can Change Over Time............................................................................................... 10 2.5 Classificationof User Intent:Action, Information, and Navigation: DoKnowGo........................... 11 3.0 UnderstandingWebsites .................................................................................................................................12 3.1 ImportantDefinitions and Ideas............................................................................................................. 12 3.2 Identifyingthe Purpose of the Page...................................................................................................... 13 3.3 UnderstandingWeb Page Content ........................................................................................................ 13 4.0 UtilityRating Scale for Result Blocks............................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Vital(V) ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 4.2 Useful(U).................................................................................................................................................. 38 4.3 Relevant(R).............................................................................................................................................. 43 4.4 SlightlyRelevant (SR) ............................................................................................................................. 45 4.5 OffTopicor Useless (OT)....................................................................................................................... 48 5.0 RatingPorn (P), Foreign Language (F), and Didn’t Load (D) Results ........................................................ 52 5.1 Porn(P) Flag ........................................................................................................................................... 52 5.2 PornResult Utility Rating...................................................................................................................... 52 5.3 ReportingIllegal Images........................................................................................................................ 54 5.4 ForeignLanguage Results .................................................................................................................... 55 5.5 RatingResults with Content that Doesn’t Load.................................................................................. 58 6.0 Locationand Utility Rating ............................................................................................................................... 60 6.1 Localeis Important.................................................................................................................................. 60 6.2 Queriesthat “Ask” for Nearby Results or Nearby Information .......................................................... 63 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 20141
6.3 UserLocation and Understanding the Query....................................................................................... 66 6.4 Querieswith an Explicit Location.......................................................................................................... 68 6.5 VitalRatings for Queries with a User Location.................................................................................... 69 6.6 RatingQueries with User Location and Explicit Location .................................................................. 70 6.7 RatingLocal Intent Queries.................................................................................................................... 70 6.8 RatingExamples with User Location, Explicit Location, and Local Intent ....................................... 70
Part 2:Page Quality Rating Guidelines.............................................................. 747.0 Overviewof Page Quality Evaluation............................................................................................................. 74 7.1 Introductionto Page Quality .................................................................................................................. 75 7.2 ImportantInformation about the Page Quality Guidelines ................................................................. 75 7.3 YourMoney or Your Life (YMYL) ............................................................................................................ 76 8.0 LandingPage Considerations ........................................................................................................................ 77 8.1 Identifyingthe Purpose of the Page...................................................................................................... 77 8.2 Identifyingthe Main Content, Supplementary Content, and Advertisements................................... 78 8.3 Ratingthe Quality of the Main Content................................................................................................. 79 8.4 Ratingthe Quantity of Helpful Main Content........................................................................................ 82 8.5 Ratingthe Helpfulness of the Supplementary Content....................................................................... 83 8.6 Ratingthe Layout of the Page/Use of Space on the Page .................................................................. 84 9.0 AnsweringHomepage and Website Questions ............................................................................................. 87 9.1 Findingthe Homepage of the Website.................................................................................................. 87 9.2 Isthe Purpose of the Page Consistent with the Website?.................................................................. 89 9.3 Whois Responsible for the Content of the Website and the Content of the Page? ........................ 90 9.4 Doesthe Website Have an Appropriate Amount of Contact Information? ....................................... 91 9.5 WhatKind of Reputation Does the Website Have? ............................................................................. 92 9.6 Isthe Homepage of the Website Updated/Maintained? ...................................................................... 96 10.0 AdditionalPage Quality Rating Guidance.................................................................................................... 96 10.1 Assigninga Page Quality Rating to “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL) Pages.............................. 97 10.2 Assigninga Page Quality Rating to Encyclopedia Pages.................................................................. 97 10.3 Assigninga Page Quality Rating to Pages with no Main Content/Error Messages........................ 98 10.4 BalancingPage Level and Website Level Questions to Assign an Overall Page Quality Rating.. 99 10.5 Howto Check for Copied Content........................................................................................................ 99 11.0 Assigningan Overall Page Quality Rating ................................................................................................. 101 11.1 HighestQuality Pages ......................................................................................................................... 102 11.2 HighQuality Pages............................................................................................................................... 103 11.3 MediumQuality Pages ......................................................................................................................... 103 11.4 LowQuality Pages................................................................................................................................ 104 11.5 LowestQuality Pages .......................................................................................................................... 105 Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 20142
12.0 Webspam:a Special Type of Lowest Page Quality.................................................................................. 106 12.1 Whatis Webspam?............................................................................................................................... 106 12.2 Whento Check for Spam..................................................................................................................... 106 12.3 Lookingfor Technical Signals ............................................................................................................ 106 12.4 Adsand Spam Pages........................................................................................................................... 111 12.5 DoorwayPages .....................................................................................................................................114 12.6 ThinAffiliates ........................................................................................................................................115 13.0 PageQuality Rating FAQs .......................................................................................................................... 116
Part 3:Block Utility Rating ................................................................................118
14.0 Overviewof Block Utility (BU) Rating........................................................................................................ 118 15.0 TheRelationship between PQ and Utility.................................................................................................. 118 16.0 Querieswith Multiple Interpretations and Intents .................................................................................... 120 17.0 Specificityof Queries and Landing Pages ................................................................................................ 122 18.0 Utilityand Freshness................................................................................................................................... 127 19.0 Misspelledand Mistyped Queries and Results......................................................................................... 132 19.1 Misspelledand Mistyped Queries....................................................................................................... 132 19.2 NameQueries ....................................................................................................................................... 133 19.3 SpellingSuggestion Result Blocks.................................................................................................... 135 20.0 NonVitalResults for URL Queries............................................................................................................. 138 21.0 ProductQueries: Action (Do) vs. Information (Know) Intent .................................................................. 139 22.0 MobileLanding Pages................................................................................................................................. 141
Part 4:Using the Evaluation Platform ..............................................................14323.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 143 24.0 Accessingthe Evaluation Platform (EP)..................................................................................................... 143 25.0 EvaluationPlatform Screenshot.................................................................................................................. 143 26.0 BlockUtility Task Page Screenshot............................................................................................................ 144 27.0 Notesabout Using the Block Utility Rating Interface................................................................................ 146 28.0 Usingthe “Report a Problem / Release this Task” Button....................................................................... 146 29.0 ReportingResults with Duplicate Landing Pages..................................................................................... 147 30.0 Usingthe Page Quality Rating Scale in Block Utility Rating Tasks ........................................................ 150
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General Guidelines Overview Welcome to the Search Quality Rating Program! As a Search Quality Evaluator, you will work on many different types of rating projects.The General Guidelines primarily cover block utility (BU) rating; however, the concepts are also important for many other types of rating tasks. Please note: For brevity, we refer to “Search Quality Evaluators” as “raters” in these guidelines.Because webpage content changes so frequently, weThe General Guidelines contain many rating examples. use screenshots created when the rating examples were written.Some screenshots may seem outdated when you read through the guidelines.
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Part 1:Utility Rating Guidelines 1.0 Introductionto Utility Rating 1.1 ImportantRating Definitions and Ideas
Quer: This refers to the word s , number s , and/or smbol sthat a user tpes in the search box of a search en ine.In theseuidelines, uerieswill have square brackets around them.If a user types the wordiphonein the search box, we will display: [iphone]. User:These guidelinesA user is a person who types queries into a search engine when looking for information. assume that the user is typing queries on a desktop or laptop computer. User IntentWe refer to this goal as the user intent.a user types a query, he is trying to accomplish something.: When Localeua eueries have a locale which is the lan: Alland location for the task. Task locations are represented by a twoletter country code.For a current list of country codes,click here. User Locationueries also have a User Location, which provides more specific information about where the: Some user is located.The User Location is usually a city. Search Enine Results Pae SERP:The page a search engine shows after a user enters a query in the search box. The SERP is made up ofresult blocks. Here is a screenshot of oneresult blockfrom the [iphone] SERP with the parts labeled:
TheLandin Pae LPWe will use the wordou click the title link in the result block.ou see aftera eis the resultto refer to the result blockandthe landing page.
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1.2 ThePurpose of Search Quality RatingYour ratings will be used to evaluate search engine quality around the world.Good search engines give results that are helpful for users in their specific language and locale. 1.3 RatersMust Represent the User It is very important for you to represent users in the locale you evaluate. You must be very familiar with the task language and location in order to represent the experience of users in your locale.If you do not have the knowledge to do this, please inform your employer. 1.4 BrowserRequirementsCheck with your employer for browser requirements. You may use helpful browser addons or extensions, but please do not use addons or extensions which interfere with the user experience of the page.
1.5 AdBlocking ExtensionsDo not use addons or extensions that block ads for Block Utility rating or Page Quality rating. These addons or extensions may cause you to give incorrect ratings. As a rater, only use an ad blocking extension or addon if specifically instructed to do so in the projectspecific instructions. 1.6 InternetSafety InformationIn the course of your work, you will visit many different webpages.Some of them may harm your computer unless you are careful.Please do not download any executables, applications, or other potentially dangerous files, or click on any links that you are uncomfortable with. We strongly recommend that you have antivirus and antispyware protection on your computer.This software must be updated frequently or your computer will not be protected.There are many free and forpurchase antivirus and antispyware products available on the web.Here are links to Wikipedia articles with information about antivirus software and spyware: page about antivirus software: Wikipedia Wikipediapage about spyware: suggest that you only open files with which you are comfortable.The file formats listed below are generally considered safe if antivirus software is in place.  .txt(text file) or .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint) .ppt or .docx (Microsoft Word) .doc  .xlsor .xlsx (Microsoft Excel)  .pdf(PDF) files Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 20146
If you encounter a page with a warning message, such as “Warningvisiting this web site may harm your computer,” or if your antivirus software warns you about a page, you should not try to visit the page to assign a rating. You may also come across pages that require RealPlayer or the Adobe Flash Player plugin.These are safe to download. 1.7 ReleasingTasksMost raters have difficulty rating tasks now and then.Some queries are about highly technical topics (e.g., computer science or physics) or involve very specialized areas of interest (e.g., gaming or torrents).Please release the task if, after research, you don’t understand the query or user intent for the task or the content of the LP. Release tasks when: Lack expertise: You feel that you personally can’t rate the query. Suspicious files: The task contains unknown or suspicious file formats. Offensive content: You believe that the LP will be offensive to you or you feel uncomfortable visiting the LP. Technical problem: The query/instructions/results have obvious rendering or formatting issues. Wrong language: The query/task is in the wrong language, i.e., it cannot be understood by users in the locale. 2.0 Understandingthe QueryUnderstanding the query is the first step in evaluating the task. A “query description” will sometimes be provided to help you understand the query.You must use the information in query descriptions when assigning ratings. If you don’t understand the query or user intent, do web research using the Google search engine or an online dictionary or encyclopedia.If you still don’t understand the query or user intent, please release the task. Important: If you research the query on Google, please do not rely on the top results on the SERP.A query may have other meanings not represented on Google’s search results pages.Do not assign a high rating to a webpage just because it appears at the top of a list of search results on Google. 2.1 UnderstandingUser IntentYou must understand user intent to evaluate the landing page.Think about users in your task location typing the query right now.What are users trying to accomplish? Query LikelyUser Intent [population of paris], English (US)Find the current population of Paris, France. [Fedex], English (US)Navigate to the Fedex website, track a package, or find a FedEx location. [weather], English (US)Find weather information in the User Location right now.
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2.2 TaskLanguage and Task Location (Locale)All queries have a task language and task location (locale). The locale is important for understanding the query and user intent. Users in different parts of the world may have different expectations for the same query.
2.3 Querieswith Multiple MeaningsMany queries have more than one meaning.For example, the query [apple], English (US) might refer to the computer brand or the fruit.We will call these possible meaningsquery interpretations. Dominant Interpretation: Thedominant interpretationof a query is what most users mean when they type the uer .Not allueries have a dominant interpretation.The dominant interpretation should be clear to you, especially after doing a little web research. Common Interpretation: Acommon interpretationof a query is what many or some users mean when they type a query. Aquery can have multiple common interpretations. Minor InterpretationsThese are interpretations that few users: Sometimes you will find less common interpretations. have in mind.We will call theseminor interpretations.
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Query: [apple] Locale: English(US)
Query: [mercury] Locale: English(US)
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2.4 QueryMeanings Can Change Over TimeRemember to think about the query and its current meaning as you are rating.We will assume users are looking for current information about a topic, the most recent product model, the most recent occurrence of a recurring event, etc., unless otherwise specified by the query.
The interpretation of the query [iphone], English (US) has changed over time as new iPhone models have been introduced. Thefirst iPhone was introduced in 2007.Users searching for [iphone], English (US) at that time were looking for the newly introduced first iPhone model.Most users now are looking for the most recent or upcoming iPhone model.In the future, new models will come out and the dominant interpretation will change again.
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2.5 Classificationof User Intent:Action, Information, and Navigation: DoKnowGoSometimes it is helpful to classify user intent for a query in one or more of these three categories: Action intent– Users want to accomplish a goal or engage in an activity, such as download software, play a game online, send flowers, find entertaining videos, etc.These areDoqueries: users want to do something. Information intentThese are– Users want to find information.Knowqueries: users want to know something. Navigation intentThese are– Users want to navigate to a website or webpage.Goqueries: users want to go to a specific page. An easy way to remember this isDoKnowGoqueries this way can help you figure out how to rate a. Classifying webpage. Important: Manyqueries fit into more than one type of user intent. 2.5.1 ActionQueries: Do The intent of anaction queryis to accomplish a goal or engage in an activity on the web.The goal or activity may be to download, to buy, to obtain, to be entertained by, or to interact with a resource that is available on the web.Users want toDosomething. Query LikelyUser Intent [download adobe reader], English (US)Download software. [online personality test], English (US)Take an online personality test. [what is my bmi?], English (US)Calculate the BMI (body mass index). [buy Citizen Kane DVD], English (US)Purchase this DVD. [flowers], English (US)Order flowers online or look at pictures of flowers. [bubble spinner 2], English (US)Play Bubble Spinner 2 online or download the game. 2.5.2 InformationQueries: KnowAninformation queryseeks information on a topic.Users want toKnowsomething; the goal is to find information. Query LikelyUser Intent Find travel and tourism information for planning a vacation or holiday, or [Switzerland], English (US) find information about the Swiss geography, languages, economy, etc. [cryptology use in WWII],English (US)Find information about how cryptology was used in World War II. [how to remove candle wax from carpet], English (US)Find information on how to remove candle wax from carpet. [definition of paradox], English (US)Find a definition of “paradox.” [allergies], English (US)Find information about allergies. [big dog breeds], English (US)Find information about big dog breeds. 2.5.3 NavigationQueries: GoThe intent of anavigation queryUsers have a single webpage or website in to locate a specific webpage. This single webpage is called thetargetUsers want toof the query.Goto the target page. The most helpful page for a navigation query is the navigational target page. Proprietary and Confidential – Copyright 201411
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