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o2 February 2011, Vol. 14, No. 5 Le 2 février 2011, vol. 14, n 5
Canadian Rangers Rangers canadiens B Company settles in Nakhonay La Cie B au coeur de Nakhonay
Rangers, police
save a life
By Sgt Peter Moon
An Afghanistan veteran says saving the life of a
distraught Oji-Cree woman trying to commit
suicide in a remote Northern Ontario community,
was “the best day in my military career.You do
good things in the army, but this was the best
feeling ever.”
Warrant Officer Mark Kendall, an instructor
with 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (3 CRPG),
and two Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service officers,
are credited with saving the life of the young
The police officers negotiated unsuccessfully
with the agitated woman for an hour January 10
as she walked slowly toward the centre of the
frozen Severn River at Sandy Lake First Nation.
The thin, cracking ice forced the officers, who
had no safety equipment, to retreat and ask the
local Canadian Rangers to attempt a rescue.
‣ Continued on page 12
Sgt Éric Bélanger watches as the lead elements of his section follow members of the Afghan Police into a compound.Des Rangers
Le Sgt Éric Bélanger monte la garde pendant que les chefs de sa section pénètrent dans une enceinte en compagnie de policiers afghans.
canadiens et des
By Lt Samir Khelil
policiers sauvent
The village of Nakhonay has always tended to support the insurgency. Each sector of the Panjwa’i District has a different
dynamic, and Nakhonay is special; because the village is the home town of many insurgents who have family and friends there,une vie
the people still refuse all construction projects and the information to be gathered there is scarce.Although life there seems
Par le Sgt Peter Moon difficult, funerals are followed by weddings and life goes on.
As for us, the members of ISAF and the Afghan national security forces (ANSF), we strive to provide the villagers with
Un ancien combattant de l’Afghanistan soutient as much security and stability as possible. Joint patrols go out one after another to maintain a continuous presence in the
que le jour où il a sauvé la vie d’une femme oji-crie village, day and night. Our objective is to maintain maximum contact with the population to isolate the insurgents.With all the
qui tentait de se suicider, dans une collectivité resources we have at our disposal, we are still in the very earliest stages of collaboration with the people.The principles of
isolée du Nord de l’Ontario, s’est révélé le counter-insurgency operations allow us to keep the initiative.
meilleur jour de sa carrière militaire. « Il est vrai The days go by, and no two are the same. Because the people are the key element of counter-insurgency, the ANSF
que nous accomplissons de grandes réalisations are boosting their operational tempo to protect the people from harmful influences. Very soon, it will be up to the ANSF to
dans les forces armées, mais je ne me suis jamais take over.
senti aussi bien qu’à ce moment-là », dit-il.
L’Adjudant Mark Kendall, instructeur du
e3 Groupe de patrouilles des Rangers canadiens Par le Lt Samir Khelil
(3 GPRC), et deux policiers de Nishnawbe-Aski
ont sauvé la vie d’une jeune mère. Historiquement, le village de Nakhonay a toujours eu tendance à soutenir les insurgés. Chacun des secteurs composant le
Le 10 janvier, à la Première Nation Sandy district de Panjwayi est différent; or, le village de Nakhonay est particulier. Lieu d’origine de plusieurs insurgés, qui y ont d’ailleurs
Lake, des policiers ont tenté en vain de négocier, toujours de la famille, les villageois refusent encore tout projet de construction, sans compter que nous n’obtenons que peu
pendant une heure, avec la femme agitée. d’information d’eux. Bien que la vie semble difficile à cet endroit, les mariages succèdent aux enterrements et la vie continue.
Celle-ci marchait lentement vers le centre de la De notre côté, nous, qui faisons partie de la FIAS ou des Forces de sécurité nationale afghanes (FSNA), nous efforçons de
rivière Severn, qui était gelée. Le craquement de maintenir un milieu aussi sûr et stable que possible pour les villageois. Les patrouilles interarmées se succèdent afin de faire
la mince glace a obligé les policiers, qui n’avaient sentir une présence continue dans le village, de jour comme de nuit. Notre objectif consiste à avoir le maximum d’échanges
aucun équipement de sécurité, à se retirer et à avec la population afin d’isoler les insurgés. Or, malgré toutes les ressources à notre disposition, la collaboration de la population
demander aux Rangers canadiens locaux de ten- reste primordiale. Les principes de contre-insurrection (COIN) nous permettent de garder une certaine initiative.
ter le sauvetage. Les journées passent et ne se ressemblent pas. La population étant essentielle aux mesures de contre-insurrection, les
FSNA accroissent leur rythme opérationnel tout en protégeant la population des mauvaises influences. Car, très prochainement,
‣ Suite à la page 12 ce sera aux FSNA de prendre la relève.New systems for the Air Force
Air Force wings throughout the country of announcements that provide new the area over which they are responsible
will be on the receiving end of the latest equipment to further modernize our for keeping watch. This new equipment
federal investments in Canada’s aerospace capabilities,” said 1 Canadian Air Division will improve the CF’s long-range air Journalistic writing
capabilities and related infrastructure. commander Major-General Yvan Blondin. surveillance and aerospace control
Defence Minister Peter MacKay announced “Acquisition of both the new tactical capability in support of national and Journalistic writing is often the leanest
three projects January 25 covering the control radars and the cargo loaders will international operations. (space is always at a premium), most
modernization of the radar systems at provide the Air Force with an even The PFA-50 Aircraft Cargo Loader is a easily understood (if it’s not, what’s the
4 Wing Cold Lake and 3 Wing Bagotville, greater capacity to meet our ongoing versatile loading platform that can be point?), most truthful (libel laws keep it
the acquisition of fourteen new aircraft commitments, both at home and abroad.” transported by the CC-130J Hercules – so) writing to be found.
cargo loaders, and an upgrade to 17 Wing The purchase of new radar systems and can even load itself onto the plane. Tim Radford, who has worn many
Winnipeg’s sewer system. and cargo loaders is another step forward Able to work with the Hercules, CC-150 editors’ hats at the UK daily Guardian,
Having the right equipment is crucial in delivering on the Canada First Defence Polaris, and CC-177 Globemaster III has published, "A manifesto for the
to the success of any CF operation. Strategy goal of renewing the Forces’ aircraft, the new cargo loaders will support simple scribe – my 25 commandments
With these investments supporting the core equipment platforms. tactical and strategic airlift, ensuring that for journalists.”
Air Force’s vital role in the defence of 3 Wing Bagotville and 4 Wing Cold the CF is equipped to effectively meet His first is, “When you sit down to
Canada, CF airmen and airwomen can Lake should each receive a new radar operational requirements for any mission write, there is only one important
look forward to the up-to-date equipment system in 2013.The information that these Canada undertakes now and in the future. person in your life.This is someone you
and facilities they need to carry out their provide will enable operators to direct The first deliveries of the 14 cargo will never meet, called a reader.”
missions. fighter aircraft under their control, or loaders to wings throughout Canada will His fourth includes, “...simple words,
“The Air Force is certainly appreciative pass information to other units regarding begin in spring 2011. clear ideas and short sentences are vital...”
His 19th begins,“Beware of long and
preposterous words. Beware of jargon.”
These three suggestions alone couldDu nouvel équipement pour la Force aérienne revolutionize government writing.
Imagine a policy document that could
Les escadres de partout au pays jouiront be understood by its target readership.
bientôt de matériel neuf et d’infrastruc- A government Web site that didn’t read
ture moderne, grâce aux tout derniers like a technical manual. Media response
investissements du gouvernement fédéral lines that informed rather than confused.
dans les capacités aérospatiales cana- The possibility of successful commu-
diennes. nication could become a certainty.
Le 25 janvier, Peter MacKay, ministre Everyone who writes, be it
de la Défense, a annoncé trois projets, for a newspaper, in public affairs or
dont la modernisation des systèmes de for the leadership, should go to
eradar à la 4 Escadre Cold Lake et à la www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/
e3 Escadre Bagotville, l’acquisition de 2011/jan/19 and read these writing
quatorze nouveaux chargeurs de fret, ainsi tips. And take them to heart.
que la modernisatio