Go English n°106 - January – February 2021 , magazine presse









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01 janvier 2021



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34 Mo

The Taj Mahal, Agra, India
The great British curry BOOST YOUR ENGLISH! The story behind Monopoly
Idioms connected to children and babies
Life as Art: Arundhati Roy, theGodofSmallthinGS
] OPTIONAL audio exercises]
B1 C2 to intermediate toadvanced
no1 06 January – February 2021
L 12891- 106 -F:6,50- RD
- DOM/S : 6,60
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n6o10January-February 2021 E-gOEnglish:maGazINe NuméRIque noUvEAU ! +audIO SImultaNé SuR GOeNGlISH.fR contents
nEWs 4-5In the NewsC1 5 Press ClippingsB2 C1 6-7 The News in DepthB2 C1 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
LAngUAgE 8-10Words & CultureC1C2 The dark interpretations  of popular nursery rhymes 11What to SayB1 How to welcome a newborn baby12-13ueiqsT&nhcespiT1B2 B Conversations with and around children and teenagers 14-15The Grammar PointtoB1C2 Putting ‘the’ in its place 16-17Did You Know?C1 Idioms connected with childrenand babies 10 Words18B2 C 1 Words with Indian origins
TrAvELAnDCULTUrE 20-21Life as ArtB2 C1 Arundhati Roy,ThEGodofsmallThinGs 22-23ProleB2 C1 Malala Yousafzai, activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureateTravel Time24-27 C1 The British Raj Talking to29-31C1C2 Florian Zeller, Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman aboutThEfaThEr
Article in American English
Article read and recorded onaudio les The audio les also have pronunciation and intonation exercisesbased on articles.
Exercises based on the articles + videos(songs, interviews, reports, etc.)
Haéppy New Year! Let’s get the year off to a good start by dito travelling through time and go to British India. We all know how Gandhi brought to an end the British sovereignty, but we don’t necessarily know how it all began. We take a close look at the British Raj, which was the rule of the subcontinent by the British between 1858 and 1947. We visit the magnicent Taj Mahal, meet with two important personalities of today’s India and Pakistan, discover the real story behind the Monopoly game, welcome newborn babies and explore the origins of British curry, among other topics. May 2021 be lled with health, happiness, love and kindness!
Valérie Hyenveux,rédactrice en chef
BUsinEss 32-33On t he JobB2 Dilip Barot, a successful real estate entrepreneur 34-36In dustry FocusC1C2 The story behind Monopoly 36Numbers TalkingB1 B2 37Business NewsB2 C1
LiFEsTYLE 38Trendy PlacesB1 Taj Mahal, Agra, India 40-41InsightsC1 The dabbawallas: Delivering lunchboxes in Mumbai 42-43What’s Up?C1 B2 44-45World of FoodB2 C1 The great British curry
FUnAnDgAMEs 46-47QuizB2 Do you know the British Raj?48Just Kidding!C1 C2 48Tongue TwistersB2 C1 49Next Issue & Answers
How to welcome 11 a newborn baby
LIfe As ArT:20 Arundhati Roy
© DR TrAveL TIme 24 The British Raj
INdusTry fOcus:34 Monopoly
© CC BY 2.0
The articles range fromlevel B1toC2of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. B1IntermediateB2Upper IntermediateC1AdvancedC2Prociency
Go English No 1062021 January-February
in ThE nEWs Article byRuth Adam
nowhere to make up for recreational ights
nulle part compenser des vols ludiques
FlIGHtS tONOwHeReIn an effortto make up for2020’s nancial losses, Qantas, an Australian airline company, was one of the rst airlines to introducerecreational ights.The jet ies low enough so that passengers can see famouslandmarks(some are even happy just to see clouds!), and then, after a few hours, it returns everyone to the same airport that it departed from. Ticketssell outrapidly, and though it’s hard for some of us to imagine, the people who book these trips are nostalgic for the airport experience: the queues, check-in,draggingtheir bags around! One man said he hadn’t realised how much hemissedying until hewas strappedinto his seat and the captain’s welcome aboard and safety announcement came over the speaker.
a landmark to sell out to drag
vIOleNt cRIme RateS fall aS RIVal GaNGS wORK tOGetHeR
In itslockdown, the South African governmentimposedtoughquarantine rules, including banningalcohol and cigarette sales, which hit both businesses and criminal gangs hard. Finally, the gang leaders called a pastor in the Cape Town community, and simply said, “Weare starving." The pastor thought that if these guys were starving, the rest of the community must be in serious trouble. So, hedeviseda plan that not only met people’s instant needs, but also gave these young men a newsense of purpose. Gang members who would normally be trying to kill each other worked together with the common goal of providing food and vital supplies to those in need. And interestingly enough, violent crime fell by 75%.
© DR
lockdown tough to ban to be starving to devise a sense of purpose
un connement dur, pénible interdire mourir de faim concevoir, imaginer un sens du devoir
Go English No 1062021 January-February
un monument être complet, tout vendre traîner
to miss
to be strapped
manquer, être nostalgique de être attaché
THe Old StORy OftOwNIeSGOING OutSIde tHeIR cOmfORt zONe
During the summer of 2020, a small town in the US state of Vermont saw its populationswellby about 10,000, as people arrived from New York, where the Covid-19 pandemicwasat its height. The local government hopes that many of them willput down rootsandrejuvenatethe town, and the townspeopleare keentoo, but it wasn’t always easy forthem. That’s because they had to deal with the newcomerssometimesimperious learning curve: their impatience with bucolic ways, anabysmal graspof recyclingrules, and theendlesshysterical calls if they saw abearjustambling around. Could they shoot it? Well yes, if it was in the kitchen. No, not if it was in the yard. However, many of the New Yorkers gotused toa commuter-free lifeand have sincebought houses in the area, so they might well be there to stay.
a townie to swell
at its height to put down roots to rejuvenate
to be keen
a newcomer
un citadin augmenter, goner à son comble s’enraciner redynamiser, donner un coup de jeune être motivé, avoir envie un nouveau venu
imperious a learning curve
abysmal a grasp endless a bear to amble around
a commuter-free life
impérieux un grand nombre de choses à apprendre (ici) épouvantable une compréhension sans n, interminable un ours marcher tranquillement une vie sans trajet pour aller au travail
© DR “it’S eaSIeR tO buy a GuN tHROuGH tHe maIl tHaN ORdeR wINe fROm aNOtHeR pROVINce!” Séverine Pinte, a Frenchwinemakerin British Columbia,makes wine that nowranksalongside the best of Bordeaux or the Napa Valley. The industry there comes with its ownset of challenges: Canada’s alcohol ban wasn’t totallyrepealeduntil the late 1940s, and to this day there arelingeringproblems for individual consumers who want to order wine produced in other provinces. A smaller problem was the needto warn grape pickersnot to smoke marijuana near the vines. And a constant challenge for winegrowers is the obviouslydiscerningbears that love Chardonnay grapes, and crash aboutgobbling upwholerows. But Ms Pinte has no intention of returning to France. The soil in British Columbia is a palette, she says, from which she can make art.
a winemaker to rank a set of challenges to repeal lingering to warn a grape picker discerning to gobble up a row
un vigneron, un viticulteur classer une série de dés abroger persistant, durable prévenir un vendangeur (ici) connaisseur engloutir un rang, une rangée
AfteR wINNING tHe Battle Of haStINGS IN 1066…
…William the Conqueror amassed vast areas of land which to this day belong to the Crown Estate. Each monarch owns the land for the duration of their reign, and they cannotsell offparts or pocket its revenues. Only a quarter of the estate’s prot goes towards the royals’ income (however, this is 25% of £345 million). So,in spite ofcentral London’s 2020 rental losses, the royal purse will only be reduced by ameagre3 or 4 million. With Covid-19, the demand for ofce space changed dramatically, as working conditionsbecame more exible, and even hugeretailershadto shut downand renegotiate contracts – a rent, for example, based on commercialturnoverrather thanlocation.
to sell off in spite of meagre a retailer
liquider malgré, en dépit de piètre, maigre un commerce
to shut down
turnover a location
fermer (dénitivement) le renouvellement un emplacement
PrEss CLiPPings Article byRuth Adam
B2 C1
Jacinda Arderndoes aCtually have ConstItuentswho hate heR; they thInk of heRasphoneyand espeCIally hate the speeChes wheRe she asks people to bekIndto eaCh otheR. As foR the Rest of the woRld… many wIsh she was In ChaRge of theIR CountRy, and have a haRd tIme wondeRIng what CouldpossIbly be bad about a CombInatIon of stRengthand kIndness In a polItICIan.
People feel that ARdeRn doesn’tpReaChat them; she’sstandIng wIththem. heleN ClaRK, new ZealaNd’S pRIme mINISteR fROm 1999 tO 2008
HeRCoolnessundeR pRessuRe, self-dIsCIplIneand thedeCIsIvenessof heRgoveRnment’s Response to the CoRonavIRuspandemIC has led some to Call ARdeRn the most eFeCtIve natIonal leadeR In the woRld. ANdReI AlexaNdeR Lux, LectuReR IN LeadeRSHIp, EdItH COwaN UNIVeRSIty Law DepaRtmeNt, WeSteRN AuStRalIa
ARdeRn Is sImIlaR to BaRaCk Obama In that she’spolaRIzIngat home whIle populaRabRoad [but] she doesn’tpeddleIn mIsInfoRmatIon;she doesn’tblame-shIft and she tRIes to manage eveRyone’s eXpeCtatIonsat the same tIme. vaN JacKSON, fORmeR DefeNSe DepaRtmeNt OfîcIal duRING tHe obama admINIStRatION
UndoubtedlypaRt of the InteRnatIonal JaCIndamanIa Comes fRom the faCt she Is a young left-wIng woman whogave bIRthIn oîCe and tookmateRnIty leave. That Is all wondeRful but Ithas no beaRIng onpolICy aChIevement. gReG sHeRIdaN, FOReIGN EdItOR ASIa SpecIalISt fOR ThEausTralian
ARdeRn’s wIn has an ImpoRtant lesson foR polItICIans heRe: to wIn eleCtIons, one Can ChaRmvoteRs by puRsuIngwoRthy, not neCessaRIly populaR, Causes foRthe well-beIngof soCIety. EdItORIal IN tHeindiaEconomicTimEs
a constituent phoney kind strength to preach to stand with coolness decisiveness to polarize to peddle blame-shift expectations undoubtedly to give birth maternity leave to have no bearing on worthy the well-being
un administré hypocrite, bidon gentil la force faire la morale, prêcher être aux côtés de le côté cool l’esprit de décision diviser colporter inverser la responsabilité les attentes, les espoirs sans aucun doute, indubitablement donner naissance à un congé de maternité être sans rapport louable, méritant le bien-être
Go English No 106 January-February 2021
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