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01 novembre 2020



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to C2
to advanced
no 105
November - December 2020
5 5 O+
a cultural phenomenon
The Grammar point:
Ways to express uncertainty
BlackRock, the world’s
largest money manager
The origins of
the word ‘dude’
Joe Biden
How America Life as Art:
elects its president Roald Dahl
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‘Welcome to Go English number 105! contents
In this issue, we are ‘walking on eggshells’. Indeed, the desire to
understand and to feel safe, in a time of economic and sanitary n o   1 0 5  November-December 2020
crisis, has led to the emergence of many different theories, which one NEWS
could call conspiracy theories. Without any judgement, we wanted
4-5 In the N e w s C1
to talk about them and the vocabulary attached, and leave space
B2 C15 Pr essClippings for debate in several articles. While you’re reading about conspiracy
6-7 The N e w s in Depth B2 C1 theories, the US is electing its president. This issue will explain
How America elects its president the electoral system and introduce you to Trump’s opponent,
Joe Biden. On a lighter level, you will hear about Roald Dahl’s LANGUAGE
‘grown-up short stories’, the origins of the word ‘dude’ and 8-10 W or ds & Cultur e C1 C2
the new sci-f series on HBO ‘Lovecraft Country’. And Lawless The origins of the word ‘dude’
is back for a new short story in Victorian London. Let’s keep
B111 What t o Sa y
our hopes up and fnish this year on a joyful tone. How to express suspicion or mistrust
B1 B212-13 T ips&T ec hniques Valérie Hyenveux, editor in chief
Conspiracy theories
B1 C214-15 TheGr ammar P oint t o H o w A m e r i c a Ways to express uncertainty
e l e c t s i t s
C116-17 DidY ou Kno w? 6 p re s i d e n t
Expressions with the word ‘belief’ or ‘believe’
B2 C118 1 0 W or ds
Words related to elections
B220 20-21 Lif easAr t
Roald Dahl, Someone Like You, short story collection
Life as Art: Roald Dahl B2 C122-23 Pr ofle
Joe Biden – Democratic presidential nominee
24-27 T imeT r a v el C1 Conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theories: A cultural phenomenon
29-31 T alkingt o C1 C2 2 4
Misha Green, Jurnee Smollett and Jonathan
Majors about the HBO series ‘Lovecraft Country’
32-33 On the Job B2
Giuseppe Tamburella, head chef at Rustico
Bistro Italiano in Bath, England, UK
34-36 Indus tr y F ocus C1 C2
BlackRock, the world’s largest money manager
36 N umber s T alking B1 B2T I m E T r A v E L
B2 C137 BusinessN e w s
B138 T r endyPlaces
Ground Zero, New York, USA38
C140-41 Insights Gr ound Zer o, Tradwives: Modern women with traditional
N e w Y ork, values
42-43 What’s Up? B2 C1
C244-46 Shor t S t or y
‘Lawless and the epidemiologist’44 SHOr TS T Or Y : FUN AND GAMES
L a w l e s s a n d t h e e p i d e m i o l o g i s t C247 Quiz
About ‘Lawless and the epidemiologist’
B1 B248 Jus t Kidding! A r t i c l e i n A m e r i c a n E n g l i s hS Y m B O L S :
48 T ongue T wis t er s B1 B2
Ar ticle r ead and r ecor ded on audio fles 49 N ext Issue & Answ er s
The audio fles also have pronunciation and intonation
ex er cises based on articles.
The articles range from le v elB1 to C2 of the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages.
Ex er cises based on the ar ticles + videos
B1 B2 C2(songs, interviews, reports, etc.) Int er mediat e UpperInt er mediat e C1 A dv anced Pr ofciency
goenglish.fr G o E n g l i s h N o 1 0 5 November-December 2020 3
© CC BY 2.0
Article by r u t h A d a m
“Feds* stay clear, moms are here!”
This was the chant of dozens of women who linked arms, forming a
protective wall around Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon.
The Trump administration had sent in law enforcement troops to quell
what had been peaceful protests following the killing of George Floyd,
and also, supposedly, to back up his claim that Democrat mayors were
unable and/or reluctant to control such anarchism. The Wall of Moms group
was formed after a mother of two saw videos online of protesters being
forced by unidentifed federal agents into unmarked vehicles. Since then,
the moms, clearly visible, dressed in yellow, have continued to protest
nightly in Portland, and new groups have formed all across America.
*Short for ‘federal agents’ related to law enforcement sent by the US federal government
to stay clear rester à l’écart,
ne pas s’approcher
to link (ici) faire la chaîne, relier
a protester un manifestant
to quell mettre fn à, réprimer
to back up (ici) corroborer, confrmer
to be unable to être incapable de New study sheds light on
to be reluctant to avoir des réticences à
unmarked (ici) banalisé elephant inebriation
I n t h e p a s t , I n d i a n s h a v e h a d h u m a n c a s u a l t i e s
and seentheir huts and cr ops fatt ened b y g r oups
o f e l e p h a n t s w h o w e re i n t o x i c a t e d a n d o n
t h e ra m p a g e . E a r l i e r re s e a r c h e r s a s s u m e d t h a t
t o g e t d r u n k , e l e p h a n t s w o u l d n e e d t o c o n s u m e
a s m u c h a l c o h o l a s h u m a n s d o . H o w e v e r , a n ew
s t u d y , p u b l i s h e d i n t h e s c i e n t i f c j o u rn a l Biology
letters , h a s f o u n d t h a t e l e p h a n t s g e t d r u n k v e r y
e a s i ly b e c a u s e t h e y l a c k a k e y e n z y m e t h a t
q u i c k ly m e t a b o l i s e s a l c o h o l . S o , f e a s t i n g o n
t h e i r fa v o u r i t e f e rm e n t e d f r u i t , w h i c h i s 8 %
p r o o f a n d i s p l e n t i f u l i n t h e i r f o r e s t e n v i r o n m e n t ,
c a n e n d b a d ly . E l e p h a n t s a re n ’ t m a l i g n : t h e y
d o n ’ t s t a r t o u t i n t e n d i n g t o g e t p l a s t e re d a n d
t h e n t ra s h a v i l l a g e … T h e y e a t t o o m u c h o f t h e
First railway for First Nations f e rm e n t e d f r u i t a n d a f t e r a w h i l e t h e i d e a o f
r u n n i n g a b o u t m a d ly j u s t s e e m s l i k e a g re a t
Named after the Innu word for ‘wind of the north’, i d e a . S t ra n g e , i s n ’ t i t ?
the Tshiuetin railway line runs through 360 miles of
rural Quebec, from Sept-Îles, on the shore of the to shed light on apporter un éclariage à, élucider
inebriation ébriété, enivrementSaint Lawrence River, to Schefferville, a remote town
casualties blessé, victimeon the verge of the tundra. Schefferville was built by a hut une cabane, un abri
the Iron Ore Company of Canada to support the mining crops des récoltes, des cultures
fattened (ici) écrasé, aplatiof rich iron ore deposits in the area in the 1950s, but
(to go) on the rampage (ici) hors de contrôle
after the closure of mines in the 1980s, the company to lack manquer de
to feast on (ici) se gaver, se goinfrer dehad no further use for this part of its railway. So, since
proof (ici) degré d'alcool2005, it has been the frst railway in North America to get plastered (slang) prendre une cuite
owned and operated by First Nations people, and it to trash saccager, vandaliser
has a mandated indigenous workforce of 85%.
the shore le rivage, la rive
remote isolé, reculé
on the verge of au bord de
iron ore du minerai de fer
mandated (ici) obligatoire

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