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Publié par
Date de parution
01 octobre 2022
Poids de l'ouvrage
27 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
01 octobre 2022
Poids de l'ouvrage
27 Mo
Welcome to New York & the Mid-Atlantic
Highlights Map
New York & the Mid-Atlantic’s Highlights
If You Like
Need to Know
City Guide
New York
Washington, DC
New York & the Mid-Atlantic By Region
New York & the Mid-Atlantic Classic Trips
New York
1 Hudson Valley 5 Days
2 Long Island 4 Days
3 Tranquil Catskills 3-4 Days
4 Finger Lakes Loop 3 Days
5 Adirondack Peaks & Valleys 7 Days
6 Niagara Falls & Around 3-4 Days
7 St Lawrence Seaway 2-3 Days
New Jersey & Pennsylvania
8 The Jersey Shore 3-7 Days
9 Bucks County & Around 3-4 Days
10 Down the Delaware 3-4 Days
11 Brandywine Valley to Atlantic City 4 Days
12 Pennsylvania Dutch Country 3-4 Days
13 Pittsburgh & the Laurel Highlands 3-4 Days
14 Through the Wilds Along Route 6 4 Days
Washington, DC, Maryland & Delaware
15 Maryland’s National Historic Road 2 Days
16 Along the C&O Canal 2 Days
17 Maritime Maryland 4 Days
18 Southern Maryland Triangle 2 Days
19 Delmarva 3 days
20 Eastern Shore Odyssey 3 Days
21 Skyline Drive 3 Days
22 Across the Appalachian Trail 5 Days
23 The Civil War Tour 3 Days
24 The Crooked Road 3-4 Days
25 Blue Ridge Parkway 3 Days
26 Peninsula to the Piedmont 3 Days
27 Bracketing the Bay 3 Days
New York & the Mid-Atlantic Driving Guide
New York & the Mid-Atlantic Travel Guide
Behind the Scenes
Our Writers
We have re-checked every business in this book before publication to ensure that it is still open after the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 will continue to be felt long after the outbreak has been contained, and many businesses, services and events referenced in this guide may experience ongoing restrictions. Some businesses may be temporarily closed, have changed their opening hours and services, or require bookings; some will unfortunately have closed their doors permanently. We suggest you check with venues before visiting for the latest information.
Welcome to New York & the Mid-Atlantic
Backcountry wilds are a short drive from iconic skylines . This region, the heart of the East Coast, stretches along hundreds of miles of Atlantic Ocean and inland to remote mountains. And to take in all its variety, the physical and cultural landscape behind those peculiar accents and the local delicacies, you need to get in your car and drive.
These 27 road trips take you through Virginian backwoods to Chinatown alleyways. Up the Hudson Valley and down the Skyline Drive. They traverse the Adirondacks and the Appalachians and visit Niagara Falls and Chesapeake Bay. New Yorkers, Philadelphians and Washingtonians might be unaware of the rushing rivers only a half a tank of gas away, but we’re not.
Explore colonial-era America and follow the route of Civil War armies. Make a pilgrimage to architectural and artistic icons. Escape to the beach or to far-off hiking trails. And if you only have time for one trip, make it one of our eight Classic Trips, which take you to the very best of New York & the Mid-Atlantic states. Turn the page for more.
Springtime, Washington, DC SEAN PAVONE / GETTY IMAGES ©
New York & the Mid-Altantic’s best sights and experiences, and the road trips that will take you there.
National Mall
The Mall serves a number of roles. It is the great public green of America, hosting her seat of government (OK, the White House is technically a few blocks away), plus hundreds of protests, rallies and assorted demonstrations of mass democracy. On Trip 15: Maryland’s National Historic Road , see how it serves as a space of shared memory via the Smithsonian Institution’s museums and monuments and memorials to the nation’s heroes.
Washington, DC National Mall and Washington Monument ALBERT PEGO / SHUTTERSTOCK ©
Niagara Falls
The thundering spectacle of Niagara Falls on Trip 6: Niagara & Around has inspired hundreds to take a leap – either a daredevil jump in a barrel over the falls, or into a wedding chapel. There are tacky shops and kitsch boardwalk-like sights, but the falls themselves are undeniably dramatic and become more impressive the closer and wetter you get.
Niagara Falls View of Niagara Falls from New York State TONY SHI PHOTOGRAPHY / GETTY IMAGES ©
Wine Regions
Your search for the perfect vino will take you to beautiful beaches, verdant mountains and small lakeside towns. See vines are cooled by salty Atlantic breezes, on Trip 2: Long Island , or take in the mineral-rich land of upstate New York on Trip 4: Finger Lakes Loop . Sip your way through Trip 26: Peninsula to the Piedmont , then head for the scenic mountains on Trip 25: Blue Ridge Parkway .
TRIPS 2 4 25 26
Civil War Sites
The Civil War’s legacy remains imprinted on the physical landscape, especially at battlegrounds like Antietam, Manassas and Gettysburg; see them on Trip 23: The Civil War Tour . A drive across southside Virginia from Petersburg to Appomattox includes the several museums that thoroughly examine the conflict.
TRIPS 12 23
Atlantic City Late afternoon on the boardwalk ANDREW F. KAZMIERSKI / SHUTTERSTOCK ©
Best Beach Boardwalks
Ocean City , MD Bad behavior, tacky T-shirts, lots of neon and odd art galleries. Trip 19
Rehoboth Beach Fried chicken, saltwater taffy and catering to families and the LGBTIQ+ community. Trip 19
Wildwoods The granddaddy of Jersey Shore boardwalks with rides to rival most amusement parks. Trip 8
Atlantic City Massive casinos on one side, beach and amusements on the other. Trip 11
Coney Island An old-fashioned roller coaster and famous hot dogs anchor NYC’s classic boardwalk. Trip 2
Pennsylvania Dutch Country
As you’ll see on Trip 12: Pennsylvania Dutch Country , the Amish really do drive buggies and plow their fields by hand. Here small roads wind their way through postcard-perfect farmland, the pace is slower and it’s no costume reenactment. While 21st-century America is close at hand, Dutch Country also has picturesque windmills as a power source.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Virginia’s backbone is the Blue Ridge Mountain range: a forested spine that was America’s first frontier. Trip 25: Blue Ridge Parkway snakes across these summits, past gullies and wide valleys framed by dogwood, galax and dark green pine. On either side of the mountains lies a unique culture that blends fiercely conservative smalltown values and artsy, progressive collegiate havens.
Blue Ridge Parkway Linn Cove Viaduct MATT MUNRO / LONELY PLANET ©
Best Scenic Roads
US 13 This road runs through an isolated, unique wetland and cultural enclave. Trip 20
Route 6 Rugged stretch of mountains includes gushing creeks and wildlife. Trip 14
Old Mine Road One of the country’s oldest roads offers beautiful river vistas. Trip 10
Platte Clove Rd/Route 16 A hair-raising vertiginous mountain road through the forested Catskills. Trip 3
Skyline Drive Follow the peaks and valleys of a scenic former frontier. Trip 21
Central Park
One of the world’s most renowned green spaces, Central Park offers 843 acres of rolling meadows, elm-lined walkways, manicured gardens, a lake, a reservoir, an outdoor theater, a zoo, an idyllic waterside eatery and one very famous statue of Alice in Wonderland. New Yorkers of all stripes kick back in what is essentially their backyard. Join them on Trip 2: Long Island .
Trip 2
Central Park Fall leaves in New York City SONGQUAN DENG / SHUTTERSTOCK ©
As you may realize on Trip 8: The Jersey Shore or Trip 19: Delmarva , all of the New Jersey coastline and southern Delaware is basically one big beach, with artsy enclaves and refuges. Trip 17: Maritime Maryland offers cheesy boardwalk fun, while those searching for the anti-boardwalk experience should head to Sandbridge Beach or Assateague Island.
TRIPS 2 8 17 19 27
Historic Architecture
From the Gilded Age mansions on Trip 1: Hudson Valley to the townhouses of Richmond, VA, the region’s role in the nation’s history is writ large. See architecture in Frederick, MD, on Trip 15: Maryland’s National Historic Road , or Colonial Williamsburg on Trip 26: Peninsula to the Piedmont .
TRIPS 1 9 11 15 17 23 26
Historic architecture Richmond , Virginia TRAVELER1116 / GETTY IMAGES ©
St Lawrence Seaway
Virtually unknown to downstate New Yorkers, this relatively remote region of more than 1800 islands – from tiny outcroppings just large enough to lie down on to larger islands with roads and towns – is a scenic wonderland separating the US from Canada. Trip 7: St Lawrence Seaway passes through small towns and fishing villages backed by the vivid blues of Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River.
Tranquil Catskills Mohonk Mountain House BRUCE GOERLITZ PHOTO / SHUTTERSTOCK ©
Appalachian Trail
You’re supposed to walk this 2200-mile-long trail. If you don’t have that kind of time on your hands, many of the trips we have created – especially Trip 22: Across the Appalachian Trail – allow you to pop on and off the trail, savoring its immense natural beauty and the unique cultural folkways that have grown around this path, which cuts through the Mid-Atlantic’s sylvan mountain ranges.
TRIP 10 21 22
Small Towns
This is a region of small towns where jaded city dwellers seek a slower pace and artists retreat for inspiration. Experience the bohemian vibes of Catskill hamlets on Trip 3: Tranquil Catskills or visit college towns like Lexington, VA. See Maryland’s crab-picking waterman’s villages on Trip 20: Eastern Shore Odyssey or journey along the Delaware River - it’s lined with small towns.
TRIPS 3 10 20 25
Best Food
Red Roost All-you-can-eat steamed crabs plus corny piano music Trip 17
Shack An eclectic menu including Southern specialties