Hidden World of Hackers , livre ebook









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The world of hackers is complex. White hat hackers are hired to protect private information. But there are also black hat hackers who want to create chaos. Develop your expertise with expressions as you explore the secret world of computer hackers! Packed with factual information and high-interest content, this nonfiction math book uses real-world examples of problem solving to build students'' math and reading skills. Let''s Explore Math sidebars feature math questions that challenge students to develop their math skills. A problem-solving section at the end of the book prompts students to reflect and apply what they''ve learned. Demystify math with this leveled book that makes learning math fun and accessible for kids ages 10-12 and appeals to reluctant readers.

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28 juin 2019

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27 Mo

+ 12 > 35
4 2
6x= 24
4 2
6x= 24
The Hidden World of Hackers
x+ 12 > 35
Elise Wallace
4 2
Elise Wallace
Contributing Author Alison S. Marzocchi, Ph.D.
Consultant Colleen Pollitt, M.A.Ed. Math Support Teacher Howard County Public Schools
Publishing Credits Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed.,Publisher Conni Medina, M.A.Ed.,Editor in Chief Dona Herweck Rice,Series Developer Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed.,Series Developer Diana Kenney, M.A.Ed., NBCT,Content Director Stacy Monsman, M.A.,Editor Michelle Jovin, M.A.,Associate Editor Fabiola Sepulveda,Graphic Designer
Image Credits:p. 6 (bottom right) Maksym Kozlenko / Wikimedia Commons; p.6 (bottom left) 1971markus / Wikimedia Commons; p.7 Sal Veder / Associated Press; p.8 Courtesy Kevin Mitnick / Tolga Kates / Mitnick Security; p.9 AP Photo / Michael J. Okoniewski; p.10 Kristy Wigglesworth / Associated Press; p.12 Mikhail Japaridze / TASS / Getty Images; p.13 Kyodo/Newscom; p.14 REUTERS/Newscom; p.17 (top) Etienne De Malglaive / Getty Images; p.17 (bottom) Karimphoto / iStock; p.18 FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images; p.19 (top) U.S. Air Force; p.19 (bottom) Wolterk / iStock; p.22 Courtesy Ronald Rivest / MIT; p.24 (top) Volker Steger/Science Source; p.24 (bottom) Richard Kail / Science Source; p.25 Andy Aaron / IBM; p.26 Charles Kip Patterson/ZUMA Press/Newscom; p.27 Gene Blevins/ Polaris/Newscom; pp.28–29 DefCon / WikiVisually; all other images from iStock and/or Shutterstock.
Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data Names: Wallace, Elise, author. Title: The hidden world of hackers : expressions / Elise Wallace. Description: Huntington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, [2019] |  Includes index. | Audience: Grades 4 to 6. | Identifiers: LCCN 2018047791 (print) | LCCN 2018048605 (ebook) | ISBN  9781425855291 (eBook) | ISBN 9781425858858 (pbk.) Subjects: LCSH: Penetration testing (Computer security)Juvenile literature.  | HackingJuvenile literature. | Computer networksSecurity  measuresJuvenile literature. Classification: LCC TK5105.59 (ebook) | LCC TK5105.59 .W345 2019 (print) |  DDC 005.8/7dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018047791
All companies, websites, and products mentioned in this book are registered trademarks of their respective owners or developers and are used in this book strictly for editorial purposes. No commercial claim to their use is made by the author or the publisher.
Teacher Created Materials 5301 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 926491030 www.tcmpub.com ISBN 9781425858858 © 2019 Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
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