Dependability Benchmark Definition: DBench prototypes








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Dependability Benchmarking


Dependability Benchmark Definition:
DBench prototypes

Report Version: Deliverable BDEV1
Report Preparation Date: June 2002
Classification: Public Circulation
Contract Start Date: 1 January 2001
Duration: 36m
Project Co-ordinator: LAAS-CNRS (France)
Partners: Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Critical Software (Portugal),
University of Coimbra (Portugal), Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg
(Germany), LAAS-CNRS (France), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).
Sponsor: Microsoft (UK)

Project funded by the European Community
under the “Information Society Technologies”
Programme (1998-2002)

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 2
2 Guidelines for the definition of dependability benchmarks .......................................... 2
2.1 Defining categorization dimensions..................................................................... 3
2.2 Definition of benchmark measures ...................................................................... 5
2.3 Definition of benchmark components.................................................................. 6
3. Dependability benchmark ...
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DBench Dependability Benchmarking IST-2000-25425 Dependability Benchmark Definition: DBench prototypes Report Version: Deliverable BDEV1 Report Preparation Date: June 2002 Classification: Public Circulation Contract Start Date: 1 January 2001 Duration: 36m Project Co-ordinator: LAAS-CNRS (France) Partners: Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Critical Software (Portugal), University of Coimbra (Portugal), Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), LAAS-CNRS (France), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Sponsor: Microsoft (UK) Project funded by the European Community under the “Information Society Technologies” Programme (1998-2002) Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 1 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 2 2 Guidelines for the definition of dependability benchmarks .......................................... 2 2.1 Defining categorization dimensions..................................................................... 3 2.2 Definition of benchmark measures ...................................................................... 5 2.3 Definition of benchmark components.................................................................. 6 3. Dependability benchmark prototype for operating systems .......................................... 8 3.1 Measures and Measurements ............................................................................... 9 3.1.1 OS-level measurements...........................................................................9 3.1.2 Application-level measurements.............................................................9 3.1.3 Restoration time measurements ............................................................ 10 3.1.4 Additional OS-specific timing measurements....................................... 10 3.1.5 Error propagation channels ................................................................... 11 3.2. Workload............................................................................................................11 3.3. Faultload............................................................................................................12 3.4. Benchmark Conduct...........................................................................................13 4 Dependability benchmarks for transactional applications........................................... 14 4.1. Benchmark setup................................................................................................ 15 4.2. Workload............................................................................................................ 16 4.3. Faultload ............................................................................................................ 17 4.3.1. Operator faults in DBMS ...................................................................... 18 4.3.2. Software faults......................................................................................19 4.3.3. Hardware faults .................................................................................... 20 4.4. Measures ............................................................................................................ 21 4.5. Procedures and rules .......................................................................................... 24 4.6. Benchmarks for internal use .............................................................................. 24 5. Dependability benchmarks for embedded applications............................................... 25 5.1 Example of Embedded Control System for Space............................................. 25 5.1.1 Dimensions............................................................................................26 5.1.2 Measures for Dependability Benchmarking.......................................... 27 5.1.3 Workload Definition.............................................................................28 5.1.4 Faultload Definition..............................................................................29 5.1.5 Procedures and Rules for the Benchmark ............................................. 29 5.2. Embedded system for automotive application .................................................. 30 5.2.1. Considered system, benchmarking context, measures ......................... 33 5.2.2. Short description of the benchmarking set-up (BPF ).......................... 36 5.2.3. Measures...............................................................................................36 5.2.4. Workload..............................................................................................37 5.2.5. Faultload................................................................................................37 5.2.6. Fault injection method (implementability)............................................ 38 6. Conclusion................................................................................................................... 38 References ........................................................................................................................... 41 2 Dependability Benchmark Definition: DBench prototypes Authored by: H. Madeira++, J. Arlat*, K. Buchacker , D. Costa+, Y. Crouzet*, M. Dal Cin , J. ++ Durães , P. Gil , T. Jarboui*, A. Johansson**, K. Kanoun*, L. Lemus , R. ++ Lindström**, J.-J. Serrano , N. Suri**, M. Vieira ++ * LAAS ** Chalmers FCTUC FAU UPVLC +Critical June 2002 Abstract A dependability benchmark is a specification of a procedure to assess measures related to the behaviour of a computer system or computer component in the presence of faults. The main components of a dependability benchmark are measures, workload, faultload, procedures & rules, and the experimental benchmark setup. Thus, the definition of dependability benchmark prototypes consists of the description of each benchmark component. This deliverable presents the dependability benchmark prototypes that are being developed in the project, which cover two major application areas (embedded and transactional applications) and include dependability benchmarks for both key components (operating systems) and complete systems (systems for embedded and transactional applications). We start by proposing a set of guidelines for the definition of dependability benchmarks that have resulted from previous research in the project. The first step consists of defining the dimensions that characterise the dependability benchmark under specification in order to define the specific context addressed by the benchmark (i.e., a well defined application area, a given type of target system, etc). The second step is the identification of the dependability benchmark measures. The final step consists of the definition of the remaining dependability benchmark components, which are largely determined by the elements defined in the first two steps. We propose two complementary views for dependability benchmarking that will be explored in the prototypes: external and internal dependability benchmarks. The first ones compare, in a standard way, the dependability of alternative or competitive systems according to one or more dependability attributes, while the primary scope of internal dependability benchmarks is to characterize the dependability of a system or a system component in order to identify weak parts. External benchmarks are more demanding concerning benchmark portability and representativeness, while internal benchmarks allow a more complete characterization of the system/component under benchmark. The dependability benchmarks defined include four prototypes for the application areas addressed in the project (embedded and transactional) and one prototype for operating systems, which is a key component for both areas. This way we cover the most relevant segments for both areas (OLTP + web-based transactions and automotive + space embedded systems) and provide the consortium with means for a comprehensive cross-exploitation of results. DBench: Dependability Benchmark Definition 1 Introduction This deliverable describes the dependability benchmark prototypes that are being developed in DBench. As planned, these prototypes cover two major application areas (embedded and transactional applications) and are being developed for two different families of COTS operating systems (Windows and Linux). Additionally, a real-time operating system will be also used in at least one of the prototypes for embedded applications. The starting point for the definition of the dependability benchmark prototypes is the framework initially defined in the deliverable CF2 [CF2 2001]. This framework identifies the various dimensions of the problem and organizes these dimensions in three groups: categorisation, measure and experimentation dimensions. The categorisation dimensions organize the dependability benchmark space and define a set of different benchmark categories. The measure dimensions specify the dependability benchmarking measure(s) to be assessed depending on the categorization dimensions. The experimentation dimensions include all aspects related to the experimentation steps of benchmarking required to obtain the benchmark measures. Additionally, dependability benchmarks have to fulfil a set of properties (identified in CF2) such as portability, representativeness, and cost. In this context, the definition of a concrete dependability benchmark (such as the prototypes presented in this deliverable) consists of the instantiation of the framework to a specific application dom
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