AAA based Infrastructure for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks Authors: Thomas Bartzsch University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de Dirk Burggraf University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de Laura Cristina Gheorghe University Politehnica of Bucharest laura pub ro Alexis Olivereau Commissariat l'Energie Atomique France alexis fr Nouha Oualha Commissariat l'Energie Atomique France nouha fr Emil Slusanschi University Politehnica of Bucharest emil pub ro Dan Tudose University Politehnica of Bucharest dan pub ro Markus Wehner University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de Sven Zeisberg University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de
Thomas Bartzsch
Rapports de stage
AAA based Infrastructure for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks Authors: Thomas Bartzsch University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de Dirk Burggraf University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de Laura Cristina Gheorghe University Politehnica of Bucharest laura pub ro Alexis Olivereau Commissariat l'Energie Atomique France alexis fr Nouha Oualha Commissariat l'Energie Atomique France nouha fr Emil Slusanschi University Politehnica of Bucharest emil pub ro Dan Tudose University Politehnica of Bucharest dan pub ro Markus Wehner University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de Sven Zeisberg University of Applied Sciences Dresden dresden de
Thomas Bartzsch
3 pages
IP Smart Object networks also referred to as LLN Low power and Lossy Networks have unique characteristics and requirements Indeed by contrast with “typical” IP networks where powerful routers are interconnected by highly stable links LLNs are usually interconnected by low power low bandwidth links offering between a few Kbits s and a few hundreds of Kbits s In addition to providing limited bandwidth such links especially wireless are usually extremely unstable with high BER Bit Error Rate It is not unusual to see the PDR Packet Delivery Rate oscillating between and with large bursts of unpredictable errors and even loss of connectivity for some period of time Note that such behavior can be observed both for RF links such as IEEE and PLC links that exhibit similar behaviors Another characteristic of IP smart objects is that node failures for example due to energy depletion are significantly more frequent than in traditional IP networks where nodes are main powered highly redundant multi processors supporting non stop forwarding Another key characteristic is that LLNs do need to scale Some LLNs can be made of dozens and even hundreds of thousands of nodes This explains why specifying protocols for very large scale constrained and unstable environments bring its own sets of challenges For the sake of illustration other topics are discussed later one of the golden rules was to under react to failure by contrast with routing protocols such as OSPF or ISIS where the network needs to re converge within a few dozens of milliseconds This required a real paradigm shift since over reaction would lead to network collapse very rapidly Furthermore control plane overhead had to be minimized while supporting dynamic link node metrics MTR and so forth With these physical constraints and requirements this paper provides a rough first draft at describing the challenges in securing both LLNs and IP smart objects
Monique Jeanne Morrow
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IP Smart Object networks also referred to as LLN Low power and Lossy Networks have unique characteristics and requirements Indeed by contrast with “typical” IP networks where powerful routers are interconnected by highly stable links LLNs are usually interconnected by low power low bandwidth links offering between a few Kbits s and a few hundreds of Kbits s In addition to providing limited bandwidth such links especially wireless are usually extremely unstable with high BER Bit Error Rate It is not unusual to see the PDR Packet Delivery Rate oscillating between and with large bursts of unpredictable errors and even loss of connectivity for some period of time Note that such behavior can be observed both for RF links such as IEEE and PLC links that exhibit similar behaviors Another characteristic of IP smart objects is that node failures for example due to energy depletion are significantly more frequent than in traditional IP networks where nodes are main powered highly redundant multi processors supporting non stop forwarding Another key characteristic is that LLNs do need to scale Some LLNs can be made of dozens and even hundreds of thousands of nodes This explains why specifying protocols for very large scale constrained and unstable environments bring its own sets of challenges For the sake of illustration other topics are discussed later one of the golden rules was to under react to failure by contrast with routing protocols such as OSPF or ISIS where the network needs to re converge within a few dozens of milliseconds This required a real paradigm shift since over reaction would lead to network collapse very rapidly Furthermore control plane overhead had to be minimized while supporting dynamic link node metrics MTR and so forth With these physical constraints and requirements this paper provides a rough first draft at describing the challenges in securing both LLNs and IP smart objects
Monique Jeanne Morrow
4 pages
Université Louis PASTEUR THESE Présentée l'UFR de Chimie pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l'Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg Par Manuel LEJEUNE CALIX ARÈNES P III FONCTIONNALISÉS: COMPLEXATION PROPRIÈTÉS DYNAMIQUES ET CATALYSE Soutenue le jeudi février devant la commission d'examen: Pascal LE FLOCH Directeur de recherche au CNRS Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Roger SPITZ Directeur de recherche au CNRS LCPP Villeurbanne Alain DEDIEU Professeur l'Université Louis PASTEUR Strasbourg Catherine JEUNESSE* Maître de conférences l'Université Robert Schuman Strasbourg Pierre LUTZ Directeur de recherche au CNRS ICS Strasbourg Directeur de thèse Dominique MATT Directeur de recherche au CNRS ULP Strasbourg Directeur de thèse Institut Charles SADRON UPR CNRS Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire LC CNRS
Manuel Lejeune
Rapports de stage
Université Louis PASTEUR THESE Présentée l'UFR de Chimie pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l'Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg Par Manuel LEJEUNE CALIX ARÈNES P III FONCTIONNALISÉS: COMPLEXATION PROPRIÈTÉS DYNAMIQUES ET CATALYSE Soutenue le jeudi février devant la commission d'examen: Pascal LE FLOCH Directeur de recherche au CNRS Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Roger SPITZ Directeur de recherche au CNRS LCPP Villeurbanne Alain DEDIEU Professeur l'Université Louis PASTEUR Strasbourg Catherine JEUNESSE* Maître de conférences l'Université Robert Schuman Strasbourg Pierre LUTZ Directeur de recherche au CNRS ICS Strasbourg Directeur de thèse Dominique MATT Directeur de recherche au CNRS ULP Strasbourg Directeur de thèse Institut Charles SADRON UPR CNRS Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire LC CNRS
Manuel Lejeune
207 pages
Full scale impact test station Risk of rock movements and LCPC's response The rockfall risk is a major concern for public authorities assigned to protect people and property against natural hazards This hazard can stem from isolated blocks or massive rockslides reaching buildings or transport infrastructure Such phenomena are frequently encountered in mountainous zones and near cliff formations where rockfall protection systems have become more prevalent in the form of either flexible facilities e g rock sheds rockfall protection nets energy dissipation structures or more rigid elements galleries and protective shields reinforced concrete slabs infrastructure components etc
Rapports de stage
Full scale impact test station Risk of rock movements and LCPC's response The rockfall risk is a major concern for public authorities assigned to protect people and property against natural hazards This hazard can stem from isolated blocks or massive rockslides reaching buildings or transport infrastructure Such phenomena are frequently encountered in mountainous zones and near cliff formations where rockfall protection systems have become more prevalent in the form of either flexible facilities e g rock sheds rockfall protection nets energy dissipation structures or more rigid elements galleries and protective shields reinforced concrete slabs infrastructure components etc
4 pages